In Hero Wars, the Hero of the Month is determined.
This will affect the daily bonuses and the Soul Stone available in the Honorable Guardian Box, Heroic Chest, Free Boxes.
Hiring order and number of hires
Chooce Method
The target heroes are designated by the management and the month in which the voting takes place.
Newly implemented heroes tend to appear within three months.
Especially in March of each year, the heroes newly introduced at the end of the year are selected for this contest.
Heroes that have not been selected before tend to be selected.
Heroes that have been used more than once tend not to be chosen.
Related Articles
Daily Bonus
[Hero Wars Guide]Daily bonus
Honorable Guardian Box
[Hero Wars Guide]Honorable Guardian Box
Soul Stones
[Hero Wars Guide]Soul Stones
Free Boxes
[Hero Wars Guide]Free Boxes
Date Heroes joined
[Hero Wars Guide]Date Heroes joined
We want Judge as hero of the month finally
i hete hero wars