[Hero Wars Guide]Julius’s Cybertech

Event Store Guide

  • Limited Time Shop for the Hero Wars “Interplanetary Travel” Special Event.
  • You can use the event prize “Julius Coins” to make purchases.


[Hero Wars Guide]Julius's Cybertech

Pricing List

Items exceeding 100% offer better value than standard method (ex. Rarity Fair).
Items falling below 100% offer low value than standard method (ex. Rarity Fair).
Double value conversion of blue materials under certain conditions in Rarefair is not applied.

  • 1 Stellar Sebastian Skin : 18,750 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 106.7%)
  • 1 Stellar Iris Skin : 18,750 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 106.7%)
  • 1 Stellar Fafnir Skin : 18,750 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 106.7%)
  • 1 Julius Doll : 750 coin (Worth 374 Emerald / 155.8%)
  • 1 Chaos Core : 750 coin (Worth 192 Emerald / 80%)
  • 1 Large Skin Stone Chest : 600 coin (Worth 192 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 Great enchantment rune : 250 coin (Worth 100 Emerald / 125%)
  • 1 Cosmic Artifact Chest : 250 coin (Worth 111 Emerald / 138.8%)
  • 1,500 Titan Skin Stone : 1,000 coin (Worth 400 Emerald / 125%)
  • 1 Lesser Hero Soul Stone Chest : 5,000 coin (Worth 2,000 Emerald / 125%)
  • 1 Dragon Shield : 1,250 coin (Worth 480 Emerald / 120%)
  • 1 Hand of Glory : 1,200 coin (Worth 400 Emerald / 104.2%)
  • 1 Minotaur’s Head : 1,250 coin (Worth 400 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 Diviner’s Orb : 6,250 coin (Worth 2,000 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 Book of Prophecies : 8,250 coin (Worth 2,800 Emerald / 106.1%)
  • 1 Asklepius’ Staff : 13,500 coin (Worth 4,160 Emerald / 96.3%)
  • 1 Alucard’s Amulet : 17,500 coin (Worth 5,600 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 Trickster’s Cane : 18,500 coin (Worth 5,760 Emerald / 97.3%)
  • 1 Aquant’s Trident : 18,500 coin (Worth 5,760 Emerald / 97.3%)
  • 1 Dwarven Hardbane : 22,500 coin (Worth 7,200 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 All-Seeing Eye : 22,500 coin (Worth 7,200 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 Drommer’s Fancy – Recipe : 12,500 coin (Worth 4,000 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 Brazier of the Bloody Lotus : 72,500 coin (Worth 23,200 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 Enslaved Demon : 72,500 coin (Worth 23,200 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 Creator of Worlds : 82,500 coin (Worth 26,400 Emerald / 100%)
  • 1 The Vanquished Absolute : 82,500 coin (Worth 26,400 Emerald / 100%)

Cost Performance Ranking

  • 1 Julius Doll : 750 coin (Worth 374 Emerald / 155.8%)
  • 1 Cosmic Artifact Chest : 250 coin (Worth 111 Emerald / 138.8%)
  • 1,500 Titan Skin Stone : 1,000 coin (Worth 400 Emerald / 125%)
  • 1 Great enchantment rune : 250 coin (Worth 100 Emerald / 125%)
  • 1 Lesser Hero Soul Stone Chest : 5,000 coin (Worth 2,000 Emerald / 125%)
  • 1 Dragon Shield : 1,250 coin (Worth 480 Emerald / 120%)
  • 1 Stellar Sebastian Skin : 18,750 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 106.7%)
  • 1 Stellar Iris Skin : 18,750 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 106.7%)
  • 1 Stellar Fafnir Skin : 18,750 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 106.7%)
  • 1 Book of Prophecies : 8,250 coin (Worth 2,800 Emerald / 106.1%)
  • 1 Hand of Glory : 1,200 coin (Worth 400 Emerald / 104.2%)

Worst Ranking

  • 1 Chaos Core : 750 coin (Worth 192 Emerald / 80%)
  • 1 Asklepius’ Staff : 13,500 coin (Worth 4,160 Emerald / 96.3%)
  • 1 Trickster’s Cane : 18,500 coin (Worth 5,760 Emerald / 97.3%)
  • 1 Aquant’s Trident : 18,500 coin (Worth 5,760 Emerald / 97.3%)

Stellar Skins

Stellar Sebastian Skin

Stellar Iris Skin

Stellar Fafnir Skin

Play Guide

Event Guide

Event Quests

Julius Doll

Event Bundle

Stellar Skin List


9 thoughts on “[Hero Wars Guide]Julius’s Cybertech”

    1. Estimate based on spending 90 emeralds in Outland.
      Previously, the estimate was based on spending 4,500 emeralds in Outland.
      However, for those seeking cost-effectiveness, there is a method of spending 90 emeralds in Outland every day and gradually accumulating skinstones.
      This approach proved to be more practical for many players compared to the limited number who could afford to spend 4,500 emeralds!
      Therefore, there was a request for this to become the standard.

      Frankly, I am not sure which is more appropriate when even the quest is taken into account. More intuitive for someone with some Emeralds is the 4,500.
      I may revisit this method.

  1. Actually how you calculate “Hero soul stone” values? Some hero soul stones are cheaper. For example, Keira, you can reliably get on average of 4 daily through campaign, use 120 energy. So her soul stone cost is effectively <= 20 emerald. Some are more expensive, say Celeste, average 240 energy per 6 soul stone which is <= 25 emeralds. Soul stones available at most shops are available 100 coin per soul, which is 25 emeralds. taking average 25 emeralds per soul stone, a lesser hero box should be 1250 emeralds, giving a 20% premium, as you can choose most hero, it would be 1500 emeralds, 2000 emeralds is just too high of a value in my opinion.

    1. I am calculating the value of Hero Soul Stones as 40 Emeralds. This estimation was derived from various sources, including several shops and content such as the VIP10 bundles, where it seemed reasonable.

  2. Do you have an article talking about Iris and Sebastian’s Stellar skin? How important they are and whether it is a must-have for them? Thanks so much!

  3. Thank you so much! I purchased both through the shop! This website is absolutely great, it is my go-to place for the game.

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