[Hero Wars Guide]The Mystery of Ancient Knowledge

Event Overview Map and Bosses Guide How to proceed with the dedicated map event Rule Heroes and Pets for Boss Battles Heroes Pets All pets can be chosen. Bosses Boss/Minions Rewards Worth Emeralds The Beginning of the Journey 1 Archaeologist’s Tool500 Wisdom Scroll1 Pyrite 1,060 Caravan 1 Archaeologist’s Tool500 Wisdom Scroll1 Skylite 1,060 Sandstorm 1 Archaeologist’s Tool500 Wisdom Scroll1 Asterium 1,060 Desert Deception 1 Archaeologist’s Tool500 Wisdom Scroll1 Heliocrystal 1,060 Djinn’s Sanctuary 1 Archaeologist’s Tool500 Wisdom Scroll1 Chrometal 1,060 The Final Push 1 Archaeologist’s Tool500 Wisdom Scroll1 Floralite 1,060 Keeper of Knowledge 1 Archaeologist’s Tool500 Wisdom Scroll1 Aetheria 1,060 Triumph of the Mind 3,000 Wisdom Scroll 1,920 Triumph of the

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[Hero Wars Guide]Folio

Hero Guide Folio’s Strengths and Team Composition Theory Folio’s Weaknesses Flavor Text Visual guide Equipment White Green Green +1 Blue Blue +1 Blue +2 Violet Violet +1 Violet +2 Violet +3 Orange Orange +1 Orange +2 Orange +3 Orange +4 Red Red +1 Red +2 Official interview http://herowars.me/4i0tYzw We’ve prepared an exclusive interview with the project producer, Michael, who supervised Folio’s development. He will share his vision for the hero and answer questions about his mechanics and role in the game. Why is the new hero a mage? Is the hero difficult to master? Core concept What kind of team Folio’s patrons He could perform well against Maestro Fun fact

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