About Dorian
- Most cost-effective hero to operate among all heroes.
- All skills except the 3rd skill work only at the skill level. Also, the 3rd skill is almost meaningless. For this reason, the status is almost meaningless.
- If you equip up to purple color and raise the skill level of the 4th skill, you can put him into actual battle. Even against a team of five Kansto-trained players, the purple color can be used.
- Dorian’s role is to give bloodsucking to allies in the middle and rear guard with his 4th skill. It provides Iris and Orion with an amount of HP recovery that no other healer can achieve. On the other hand, Dorian is less effective for vanguard-oriented heroes such as Kirk and Dante, and Martha and Aidan are often more effective.
- The blood sucking buff will still work even if Dorian dies, but the likelihood that the DPS to be supported will be out of range increases over the course of the battle. If this is a noticeable losing pattern, it is a good idea to upgrade Dorian’s armor.
- If you are employing Kayla, Ginger, Iris, Heidi, Orion, or Lian, summoning Dorian is even a top priority!
- Counter to counter damage skills. It can offset counterattack damage by Corvus and Helios. However, it is limited to heroes who can provide bloodsucking support. This makes it almost impossible to save Yasmin Kaira and others.
- Counter to debuffs that crowd the ranks. Players who are not aware of this can attack with Cleaver Galahad, Maya, Dante, Lars, Faceless, etc. and lose the game in unexpected ways.
- Soul Stone cannot be obtained from campaigns or stores. A hero whose availability is somewhat limited. Can be obtained at irregularly held Demon Dolls. Candidate for Hero Soul Stone Chest replacement.
Flavor Text
As a young man Dorian stole a red stone amulet to gift it to his beloved. But he didn’t give it to her and became the amulet’s slave. Dorian did what it wanted and committed terrible acts. How difficult was it for him to overcome this burden! The reward for freedom was a special gift the blood magic. Since than, the forever-young mage has been the amulet’s master. But who knows for how long?
Fountain of Blood
- Casts a blood mark on the nearest rival for 7 seconds. Allies recover health whenever they attack a marked enemy.
- Recovered health: 155 (Level x 1 + 25)% of damage dealt
Ancestors’ Amulet
- Dorian sacrifices 20% of his current health and heals an ally with lowest health.
- Ally healing: 165 (Level x 0.5 + 100)% of sacrificed health
Wings of Night
- Releases a flock of bats which hit the opponents twice. When returned to the owner, they replenish his health at the 100% amount of the damage done.
- Damage: 17,309 (11% Magic attack + Level x 30 + 1,100)
- Increases Vampirism of nearby allies
- Vampirism Aura: 115 (Level x 1 + 25)%
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