Item Guide
- The primary currency in the game.
- Unlike gold and coins, it can be used for most enhancement items.
- The strategy is to use emeralds when there is a quest to digest them.
- The main method to obtain emeralds is through purchases, but there is also a way to acquire them for free.

What You Can’t Do with Emeralds
Certain elements are not compatible with emeralds:
- Pet equipments (requires Chaos particles)
- Portals of Adventure
- Soulstones for heroes and pets that have been available for less than a year (timing varies, but after the implementation event is over, you will have to wait to unlock them)
- Beach skins (only available for direct purchase)
- Limit on the number of attacks in Guild Wars, CoW, and Guild raids (you must win within the specified number of attacks)
How to Purchase
- Emeralds can be acquired by making purchases in the upper right corner of the screen.
- There are x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 options for the same amount, with the maximum multiplier being 5 times. Different coefficients are available for various VIP levels.
- x3 is a bonus for the first purchase and is reset annually, although x3 sales have occurred in the past.
- x4 and x5 are offered during the Emerald Sale.
- Sometimes included in bundles, but generally, the cost-effectiveness is about x2, and many bundles are not as efficient in charging as sale events.
Emerald x3 Sale
[Hero Wars Guide]Emerald x3 Sale
Emerald x4 Sale
[Hero Wars Guide]Emerald x4 Sale
Emerald x5 Sale
[Hero Wars Guide]Emerald x5 Sale
Emerald Dolls!
[Hero Wars Guide]Emerald Dolls!
Emerald Chests!
[Hero Wars Guide]Emerald Chests! Bundle
How to Obtain Them for Free
- Free emeralds can be obtained through in-game activities, emerald items, out-of-game tasks (free emeralds), or by watching videos.
- Video viewing is currently in beta and only available to some users.
Collect Emeralds
[Hero Wars Guide]Collect Emeralds
Free Emeralds
[Hero Wars Guide]Free Emeralds
Priority Ordering
- Priority should be given to items that are cost-effective or challenging to enhance.
- For cost-effectiveness, consider 50 emeralds for energy recovery, available up to 2 times daily.
- For challenging enhancements, focus on red artifacts, ascension enhancements, skin stones, totems, pet equipment, etc.
How to use emeralds to get stronger
[Hero Wars Guide]How to use emeralds to get stronger
Cost-Effective Usage
There are emerald-related quests during each event, along with several other opportune times to use them.
Emerald Waterfalls
[Hero Wars Guide]Emerald Waterfalls
Piggy Bank
[Hero Wars Guide]Piggy Bank
Sale Event
[Hero Wars Guide]Sale Events (Sale!, Treasure Island, Black Friday, Anniversary!)
Discount Day!
[Hero Wars Guide]Discount Day!