Explanation of the Benefits of Making a Small Payment
When you start playing Hero Wars, you may come across advice suggesting that you should at least charge for VIP1.
Let me explain the reason behind this advice!
The reason lies in the VIP1 benefit: “Raid in Campaign“
Hero Wars offers permanent privileges, known as VIP, based on the amount of money charged to your account.
The most significant advantage of VIP1 is the ability to Raid in the game mode called “Campaign.”
What is Raid in Campaign?
Campaign mode is where beginners spend most of their time playing.
It is a mode where you can collect equipment, which is essential for hero training.
Raiding allows you to instantly clear a stage that you have already completed with a 3-star rating, with just a single click.
Many players who don’t have access to raiding are unable to complete the campaign due to time constraints and are unable to efficiently utilize their energy.
Points to Consider
Campaigns are enjoyable to play actively, so for those who prefer making progress while actively engaging with the game, not having raiding privileges may be acceptable.
However, for those who are unable to unstoppable spending money once they start, it is better to exercise patience.
Alternative Methods of Obtaining Raid Tickets
Once a year, at the end of the year, there is an opportunity to obtain items that grant raiding privileges without payment, serving as a remedy for those who choose not to purchase them.
Please refer below for information on how to obtain raid tickets.