About Valkyrie’s Artifacts Bundle
- One of Artifacts Bundle
- Mostly sold before the Emerald x4 sale.
- Limited 24-hour sale.
- Sometimes sold in parallel with other bundles.
- Easy, but not a bargain.
- You can grow more by procuring emeralds from the Emerald x4 sale and using them in Artifact Chest.
- This bundle also has a certain advantage in that you can choose the type of Artifact.
Estimated Emerald equivalent for each bundle
- 1,167JPY bundle = 4,800 Emeralds(x1.4)
- 1,946JPY bundle = 8,400 Emeralds(x1.4)
- 7,783JPY bundle = 33,600 Emeralds(x1.4)
- 13,620JPY bundle = 60,000 Emeralds(x1.5)
List of Valkyrie’s Artifacts Bundle

Bundle History
- Thu, 20 Jan 2022 (24 hour)
- Thu, 27 Jan 2022 (24 hour)
- There may have been others
Event Page
[Hero Wars Guide]Lilith’s Obsession(Brawl)
[Hero Wars Guide]The Negator of All Creation Returns
[Hero Wars Guide]Wrath of the Earth
[Hero Wars Guide]Stellar Radiance
[Hero Wars Guide]Spring Leprecats
[Hero Wars Guide]Anniversary!
[Hero Wars Guide]A New Bounty
[Hero Wars Guide]The Righteous Light
[Hero Wars Guide]The Dark Mage
[Hero Wars Guide]Mother of Scorpions
[Hero Wars Guide]Snake Charmer
Recommended ways to obtain artifacts
[Hero Wars Guide]Sale Events (Sale!, Treasure Island, Black Friday, Anniversary!)
Related Bundles
This bundle has the same name as the following bundles sold at the Legacy of the Great Ones event, but the contents are different.
Valkyrie’s Artifacts Bundle(Legacy of the Great Ones Ver.)
[Hero Wars Guide]Valkyrie’s Artifacts Bundle
About the Legacy of the Great Ones
[Hero Wars Guide]Legacy of the Great Ones