[Hero Wars Guide]Area of Conquest

Event Overview

  • Cross-server event with 4 guilds competing on one map
  • Seven consecutive days
  • “Road to the Top” season will be held as an event-only season.

Flavor Text

Battle your equals and become the very best!

Official Message

  • The new “Area of Conquest” cross-server PvP event kicks off this Friday — for 7 days, all Guilds will storm the action-packed battlefield! Groups of 4 Guilds from different servers will explore the event map, fight for resources, capture settlements, and compete with each other, using their heroes at their current power!
  • The main goal of the event is to earn as many Superior Coins as possible by completing quests, capturing settlements, and winning battles. Use them to level up your event Guild Castle — the higher your Guild Castle level is, the better rewards you and your guild members will receive for each level!  
  • The “Area of Conquest” event combines features of several popular modes, combining the Guild War strategy and depth with the Season Maps feel of discovery while adding shared Guild progression, Guild ranking rewards, and much more!

Event Guide

Task List

  • 1. Log in (MAX 7)
  • 2. Get VIP points (MAX 9,000)
  • 3. Spend Emerald (MAX 100,000)
  • 4. Spend Energy (MAX 15,000)
  • 5. Open Outland Chest (MAX 120)
  • 6. Start or join Adventure (MAX 7)
  • 7. Open Artifact Chest (MAX 120)
  • 8. Open chests in Tower (MAX 200)

All Quests

Task Details and Rewards


Road to the Top


Gold Ticket


Gold Ticket
11 Speed Booster2 Speed Booster0
22 Hero Upgrade Chest4 Hero Upgrade Chest1,000
31 Health Potion2 Health Potion1,000
42 Hero Upgrade Chest4 Hero Upgrade Chest1,000
52 Hero Upgrade Chest10 Large Skin Stone Chest1,000
61 Speed Booster2 Speed Booster1,000
72 Hero Upgrade Chest4 Hero Upgrade Chest1,000
82 Hero Upgrade Chest4 Hero Upgrade Chest1,000
91 Health Potion2 Health Potion1,000
102 Uncommon Gift of the Dominion20 Absolute Artifact Chest1,000
112 Hero Upgrade Chest4 Hero Upgrade Chest1,000
121 Health Potion2 Health Potion1,000
132 Hero Upgrade Chest4 Hero Upgrade Chest1,000
142 Hero Upgrade Chest1 Epic Gift of the Dominion1,000
151 Health Potion2 Health Potion1,000
162 Hero Upgrade Chest4 Hero Upgrade Chest1,000
172 Hero Upgrade Chest4 Hero Upgrade Chest1,000
182 Rare Gift of the Dominion1 Legendary Gift of the Dominion1,000
19 –2 Hero Upgrade Chest10 Hero Upgrade Chest1,000

Hero Upgrade Chest

Map Guide

  • Each guild starts in one of the four corners.
  • Opposing guilds can be located by hovering over the castle icons or expanding the rank display.
  • The map layout remains consistent across events and is not randomized.
  • Foggy areas on the map obscure the locations of rocks and villages, but not treasure chests.
  • Movement is individual-based.
  • Movement has a limit of 12 units, and using a speed booster doubles healing speed for one hour.
  • Defending a settlement yields Superior Coins based on the duration of defense.
  • Attacking and defeating an occupied settlement allows its capture.
  • Pausing at a treasure chest instantly grants 50 Superior Coins to all guild members; chests disappear once looted.
  • Heroes’ health lost in battle regenerates over time or with Health potions or by adjacent tiles in the castle.
  • This is not a castle defense game. If a player loses the battle, he/she is sent to a tile adjacent to the castle and the game restarts.
  • The same team is used for both offense and defense and cannot be freely changed. It can only be changed on the tile adjacent to the castle.


  • Arrange your team in the square adjacent to the castle and commence the battle.
  • Focus on securing settlements and capturing treasure chests.
  • If you cannot log in frequently, occupy settlements near your castle and wait.
  • When you are able to log in, target high-reward settlements in the central zone. If the settlement you’re occupying is under threat, standby in an adjacent square.
  • The defender’s team composition is only visible to attackers adjacent to the defender. Sharing information within the guild helps members form effective lineups.
  • If defeated, recover Health at the adjacent castle square and regroup. Adjust your team composition as needed.
  • Rank rewards are significant, but coins bought with emeralds don’t count. Coins purchased in event bundles could be added to the ranking.

Team Composition

  • Once deployed, maintain separate offensive and defensive teams. Gauges and Health statuses carry over; Health replenishes over time and with items.
  • Rufus is effective due to his strength against opponents lacking countermeasures.
  • Including a control element is standard; Khorus is user-friendly as a Team pet.
  • Achieving a successful attack or defense shifts the gauge, giving an advantage. Heroes like Amira excel when their gauge is charged.
  • Monitor trends and adapt countermeasures; for instance, use Morrigan or Jet against Rufus users, or Phobos or Jorgan against Khorus users.



Ranking Rewards

Received Ranking Rewards

  • Received via in-game Mail after the event.
  • In-game mail is a type of mail that has no expiration date.
  • Unlike individual rewards, there is a delay before you receive them.

Event History

  • Friday, June 21, 2024 (7 days)

Event Bundle


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