About Hero Wars’ Best Teams
- Hero Wars is a rock-paper-scissors type of game.
- Therefore, there is no single team that guarantees victory.
- You must assemble a winning team based on your opponent’s defense.
- However, there are advantages and disadvantages among different teams.
- So, which team should you choose?
The best team depends on the game mode
- Hero Wars offers a wide variety of game modes.
- Each game mode has its own set of teams that perform best.
- For example, the following teams are most popular in Guild Raid, against Osh.

The best teams in PvP
- The best teams for versus battles are quite intricate. It’s important to understand that you should use different teams for attacking and defending!
- As of 2023, teams utilizing Dante are currently the most popular. For example, Dante Tank for attack and Rufus Dante for defense, and Ishmael is popular in top players.
- You can refer to the meta teams list, which is commonly used by top players.
Dante Tank Example
Standard Heroes : Dante, Nebula, Iris, Jet
Rufus Dante Example
Standard Heroes : Rufus, Dante, Sebastian, Iris, Dorian or Martha
Meta Teams
[Hero Wars Guide] Meta Teams
Which heroes should you upgrade for the best team?
- In Hero Wars, even weaker heroes have their roles!
- However, teams incorporating the best heroes naturally have an advantage.
- We have compiled a tier list that top players prioritize each year.
Tier List (on PvP)2023
[Hero Wars Guide]Tier List 2023(on PvP)
Tier List (on PvP)2022
[Hero Wars Guide]Tier List 2022(on PvP)
Tier List (on PvP)2021
[Hero Wars Guide]Tier List 2021(on PvP)
The Best Heroes for Non-PvP Gameplay
- Non-adversarial competition has different trends compared to PvP.
- It is more efficient to begin with heroes that can be utilized in both types of matches.
Famous Teams for Osh Battle
[Hero Wars Guide]Famous Teams for Osh Battle
Tier List Non-PvP
[Hero Wars Guide]Tier List vs BOSS
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