Platform Specifications
- There are four main platforms.
- The game specifications are the same for platforms 1 to 3 described below, but there are some minor differences, such as Guild War times, etc.
- Server migration between different platforms is not possible.
Web version
- Guild Wars start at UTC 9:00.
- There are many Asian users, including Japanese players.
- There is an American National Day event, but no Russian Day event.
- Easter event dates comply with the West Church.
- Eastern Church compliant days usually start on Thursday, and there are no Sunday events.
- When we refer to the PC version, we often mean this web version.
- Some people play via browser access from smartphones and tablets.
Why Choose the PC Version of Hero Wars?
[Hero Wars Guide]Why Choose the PC Version of Hero Wars?
Facebook version
- Guild Wars start at UTC 12:00.
- Many users are from the U.S.
- There is an American National Day event, but no Russian Day event.
- Easter event dates comply with the West Church.
- Eastern Church compliant days usually start on Thursday, with no Sunday events.
- When referring to the PC version, the Web version and the Facebook version are sometimes collectively referred to.
- System updates are the fastest for this version.
VK/OK/MyMail versions
- VK version is the most popular SNS in Russia, and the OK version is the same.
- There are many Russian users.
- There is no American National Day event, but there is a Russian Day event.
- Easter event dates conform to the Eastern Church.
- Western Church compliant days usually have events starting on Thursday, with no Sunday events.
- All versions are integrated into the web version around 2022.
Mobile phone app version
- The manufacturer’s development team is separate from the various versions mentioned above.
- The specifications are completely different, including hero level up to 120 and a different skill structure for the same hero, etc.
- Emerald is the most expensive currency.
- This version receives the most frequent updates and often involves reworking of heroes.
Related Pages
Beginner’s Guide
[Hero Wars Guide]Beginner’s Guide
Change Server
[Hero Wars Guide]Change Server
Country Servers and Country guilds
[Hero Wars Guide] Country Servers and Guilds
Easter event (Spring Rebirth!)
[Hero Wars Guide]Spring Rebirth!
Game Day
[Hero Wars Guide]Game Day
What you need to know before starting Hero Wars
[Hero Wars Guide]What you need to know before starting HW
What you need to know when you start Hero Wars
[Hero Wars Guide]What you need to know when you start Hero Wars