[Hero Wars Guide]Weekly Report 2024.Week35

  1. Report
  2. Main Updates and Game trends
  3. Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week35


Upcoming Events

* Announcements only
**Dates may be subject to change

Event Calendar Format: 14 days

Event Calendar Format: September


Event Calendar Format: October

September Events

Official Message

Also, here is what events await you in September: Nature and Silver Seasons, Strongford Quiz, Guardians of Outland, Emerald Coins Titan Event, Foundations of Power, Elemental Synergy, Weaving Patterns, updated Area of Conquest, Autumn Festival, Emerald Coins Hero Event, Great Storm, Ascension to Asgard, Titan Brawls, Time of the Fearless, Legacy of the Great Ones, and even more new things to come, which we will tell you about later!

Regarding the August Events!, the specific dates for the following have not been officially announced yet.

Weaving Patterns

Autumn Festival

Emerald Coins Hero Event

The Great Storm

Titan Brawls

Official Community Manager FAQ

Titles are tailored to the content.

1. Hoping for a x6 Sale on This Year’s Black Friday

  • Q. Dear CM: I hope to see a special sale for X6 Emerald this year’s Black Friday deals in November. We all hope that Nexters listens to the players’ voices instead of deceiving us.
    I hope the developers will take this matter seriously, thank you.
  • A. But why stop at x6?

2. Quiz Questions Are Incorrect

  • Q. This is also stupid as it even says “Dominion Era” in the top left corner. So i didnt pick “Era of Dominion” because its obv wrong …
  • A. As for inaccuracies in quiz questions, please open a support ticket right away. Questions are corrected almost in real-time. And as far as I know, the examples you mentioned have already been fixed

3. Request for Announcement on Quiz Question Corrections

  • Q. CMs as stated in a recent starboard post, there is a quiz question regarding the rank at which a pet acquires its patronage skill.
    I was not sure whether the question had been amended yet, and wrongly assumed it was so.
    As a result, the game determined that my answer was incorrect, and I lost a number of lore seekers bags as a result.
    I’m sure this incident was not an outlier, and I hope that action can be taken to compensate those who were incorrectly penalised.
    It would also be greatly appreciated if Community Managers could notify players both on social media platforms and in-game if a quiz error is discovered, as well as when the issue is amended. Thanks!
  • A. Hi! As I mentioned earlier, if you encounter incorrect questions, please contact support. The questions will be corrected, and support agents will decide on any possible compensation.

4. Improvements to Asgard Material Rewards

  • Q. Suggestion to improve mysterious island – the subscription would offer better value to players of 3-4 years if the 1500 purple asgard crystals of choice tower reward was replaced with a treasure chest that has 3 options of choice:
    – 1500 purple crystals of choice
    – 1200 greater insignia of choice
    – 25.000 emeralds
  • A. Passed

5. Thoughts on the New Mystery Island Map

  • Q. NEXTERS: The new map is by far the greediest sh!t I have ever seen in my entire time playing this game. If you continue to make these greedy moves, pretty soon there will be nobody left playing your game and you will go out of business. I have never seen a game company become more successful after making a move such as that. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are players currently planning to make it their life goal to see Nexters Global crumble to the ground. There is no point in playing a game that has developers as greedy as you have proven to be. I am absolutely disgusted.
  • A. I’m sorry that you didn’t like the current version of the map. The developers were guided by good intentions to introduce a new challenge and variety to the map. I will pass on your feedback and the feedback from other players about the new map to the developers so that the next map can be better and more interesting

6. New Mystery Island Map Not Playable F2P

  • Q. Hmm the new silver season is fine (as an advancement of the nature season due to getting progress by completing the same missions which is a good feature) but what is the purpose of this new mysterious island? Players need between 33 (south route) and 35 explorers moves (north route) to get the 20k emeralds. How should f2p players be able to get that, even if you have saved 3 to 8 moves from previous weeks you will not get enough moves in the next 2 to 3 months to get those emeralds. Is this some kind of punishment if you don’t buy something? In the past all players could save some moves and either choose more war flags and patterns or less and go for the free emeralds instead which was a great choice for f2p participants. Is this gone now and instead of 120k to 160k free emeralds we only get 40k to 60k emeralds if we don’t pay money? Or will Nexter grand all players 3 times as many explorer moves in future events so all the 20k emeralds can still be obtained?
  • A. Hi! All feedback and comments about the new map have been forwarded to the developers for review.

7. How to Obtain War Flag Chests and Update Confirmation

  • Q. The flag chest on the current island can only be opened for a tank flag (or golden thread). Are we still going to see the old flag chest that has all the previous flags? When will the new warrior flag be added to that chest?
  • A. Like with many entities and resources in Hero Wars, they eventually end up in chests after some time. However, I don’t have any dates to share at the moment.

8. Was the War Flag Design Change Necessary?

  • Q. The old war flag designs already had different shapes, patterns, ornaments, colors and textures and the perspective drawing made it easier to even recognize the icons were meant to be flags. Now they’re very abstract and could be read as pins, buttons, patches and probably more. There wasn’t a need for a design change and it wasn’t a change for the better.
  • A. I will pass your suggestion to the designers, so they can consider making the flags more visually appealing and ensuring that their appearance clearly indicates their function.

9. Request a New Titan Team

  • Q. What are about a new titan team, a 5th titan for our teams or new skins … My faforite are titans and I miss something like that in the future history. Are you able to promise me, that there are coming something new the next months? If not, what about 2025?
  • A. Seeing the number of skull reactions under this message is concerning. But I assure you, there are no plans to develop new Titans in the near future, at least based on the information I have.

10. Request for a 100-Unit Button for Titan Artifact Merchant

  • Q. May i please kindly ask for a [+100] or [get 100] button in this dialog? sliding the slider jumps too far when you have some coins. holding [+] does also not work. need it for daily prestige quest with max artifacts. thanks
  • A. Hi! I’ve passed your request to the developers.I hope they implement it just like the suggestion to fix the guild gift window.

11. Auto-Remove Orders When Position is Captured in Guild War

  • Q. Nexters, please automatically remove a command if position is captured.
    In image, Bridge – Position 3 was assigned, but captured by a different member.
    The member still has 2 attacks.
    When I try to assign a new position, I was given an option of cancelling Bastion of Fire – Position 4 only.
    And cannot cancel the Bridge – Position 3 assignment.
  • A. I’ve already passed your suggestion on to the developers during our regular meeting. We’ll wait for its implementation. Personally, I like your idea. It would be much more convenient that way.

12. Request for Same Button as CoW in Guild War

  • Q. We NEED a button like this also in GW, please ASAP…. Oh, and also, we need the chat and CT to be available from GW platform like it is available on the CoW platform. Thank you.
  • A. Reported to the devs!

13. Unable to Log In

  • A. Hi. The developers are working on solving this issue. As a temporary solution, I suggest using a different browser. It seems that only certain browsers are affected by this problem. The developers are continuing their investigation.

14. Request for Earlier Event Start Announcements

  • Q. Can we please have news announcements ⁠news right at when an event starts? Or even before?
    But please not like 5 or 10 hours later as it is right now.
    Will really help me with my daily routine. thank you.
  • A. Hi, we usually remind players about the start of events for the upcoming week in news posts a week in advance. The posts published on the day the event starts are timed for that period because players from all over the world play the game, and statistically, the highest number of online views occur during those hours

15. Update on QA Results Progress

  • Q. Thanks for the answer: starboard, but it didn’t really address any of the issues I have raised. I think you have also misunderstood a part of it. I never asked for an “estimated fix date”. If you mistook the “Resolved date” I have mentioned for an “estimated fix date”, by “Resolved date” I only meant to update the list of issues with a date once an issue was already resolved.

    Do you see what my issue is? Even though I got a reply, I still didn’t get any updates on the 2 topics I have mentioned…One of them is from a month ago, the other is from 3 months ago. This feels to me like the CMs don’t care much, regardless if they pass the topic to the developers or not. So I feel if there won’t be any initiative for more transparency, my only option is to ask again specifically like this: Can I/we please get an update regarding the 2 starboard messages that I have mentioned in my latest post?
  • A. You may disagree with me, but when it comes to transparency and communication, I believe that in Hero Wars, we’re doing better in this regard than many others in the market. The daily stream of news seems to meet players’ needs. Yes, of course, it’s not all-encompassing, but that’s why we conduct regular in-game surveys to analyze what we should add and what to let go of.

    But getting back to your question: at the moment, a public bug or suggestion tracker won’t be implemented. We do pass all the feedback to the developers, and as you’ve probably noticed, many of these suggestions are acted upon. Unfortunately, the timelines can be quite uncertain.

16. Request for a Discord Channel for Facebook Users

  • Q. Can we get a channel exclusively for Facebook users? The game itself might be nearly identical, but they have different servers and have their own problems which typical web players will have no ability to help resolve.
  • A. I don’t think there’s anything preventing this. I’ll consider the suggestion.

17. Cheat Prevention Is Taking Too Long

  • Q. Dear GM,
    I have SAME response 04/03/2024??!
    so how long do you plan on taking to sort this out? or rather, do you actually plan on doing something or is the fact that the game is literally going to collapse one of your goals?

    “Thank you for reaching out. This request will be reviewed by the support team. However, the decisions made by the support team are internal matters, and we do not have the right to publish personal data or correspondence related to support tickets. As I mentioned before, the developers are aware of this situation and will work on resolving it.”

    Now we ask you to act, more to identify if there is a problem when players have youtube channels where they literally break your game in 2 … do you still have some merit for yourself? Namely, do you intend to defend yourself? Because the community is really starting to think that the script is one of YOUR creations, and that is why you are not doing anything
  • A. Let’s revisit this issue once more. As I mentioned earlier, the developers are aware of this situation. The discussion of these malicious third-party solutions hasn’t gone unnoticed. They see the support tickets, the discussions in the comments, and the videos from content creators.

    The developers are committed to ensuring fair play for all players. Technical solutions require thorough preparation and careful implementation. Yes, unfortunately, this process is not fast. But work in this direction is ongoing and will be implemented. I’m confident that those players who have always upheld the spirit of fair play and noble competition will definitely benefit, unlike those who have stepped onto the ‘dark side’ and hope it will go unnoticed.

18. Cheaters Should Be Banned

  • Q. this is a sad time for Hero wars..
    many are playing this game for few years in the goal to do better and claim higher ranking rewards.
    to be able to do that we grow our titans, heroes and pets, we work on our manual skills on our knowledge about the mechanics of the game and also with that one needs to have some luck with dodge \ Eden pulls \ Crit hits and etc.. for it to work as planned.

    checking the top scorers of Asgard will show irrepetible scores from a bug exploit\abuse..
    current top ToE player(s) is a script user that was reported by me months ago to support and also here by someone else when he was cheating on Winterfest but no action was taken since..

    CMs why are you ignoring this toxic script that is ruining the game?
    should all start to use that cheaters script to “perform” better? or just quit cuz this is not a game to play anymore? we cant compete with bots that never fail, personally i dont want to either.
    take an action.. fix the bugs, punish the cheaters!
    the time is now..
  • A. Hello! Incorrect Asgard tournament tables will be fixed with the upcoming Asgard update. As for the second part of your question, the developers are aware and will take action.

Main Updates and Game trends


Lore Festival

Silver Season rewards

Mysterious Island

Evolve Your Lara Croft!


Lore Seeker’s Bag

The latest trends, Best heroes, Best teams

Tier List 2024 (on PvP)

Best Heroes 2024

Which DPS to Upgrade in 2024

Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024

Which Healer to Upgrade in 2024

Which Support to Upgrade in 2024

Which Control to Upgrade in 2024

Meta Teams

Best Teams

The Best Titans Tier List

Titan’s Meta Teams

Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week35

Guild War:Web31-Gold league, Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 22

CoW: Season 8 Temporary Place 11

3 thoughts on “[Hero Wars Guide]Weekly Report 2024.Week35”

  1. Dear H-W.fun team,
    I tried to report this also to the support but got no answer. I’m currenlty in a silver league guild fighting for promotion every Saturday. The gold league team can allocate 20 players (vs our 15) to defense and of those 20 15 can attck. However, not only that allows specialized teams-accounts but also our oppenent has 3 inactive players 2 of which are assigned to defense due to their high level heroes and titans teams, making it vary hard and crucially unfair to fight for promotion with them. I believe that promotion wars should be fought in equal terms in any case.
    I’d love you to bring this issue to th devs and thank you in advance.

    1. I once walked the same path as you. The starting point for DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO was to defeat the Silver and Gold guilds and reach the Gold League.
      For the stability of the game, I believe it’s better to avoid a situation where the Gold and Silver guilds frequently swap places.
      This is a challenge posed by the vested interests of the Gold League guilds, and it’s something you’ll need to overcome.

  2. in case you wanna incorporate some predictions, there is 2 events missing from schedule right now compared to the ones announced for september:
    -Emerald Coin Hero Event for Martha
    -Titan Brawls / Clash of Titans Even (I think its that one)

    Personally i predict the former happening from 16th to 18th and the latter from 27th to 29th.

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