[Hero Wars Guide]Weekly Report 2025.Week08


Upcoming Events

* Announcements only
**Dates may be subject to change

Event Calendar Format: 14 days

Event Calendar Format: February

March Events

Official Message

Here is what awaits you in March: Champions and Silver Seasons, Weaving Patterns, Power of the Titans, Tournament of Power, Cosmic Battle, Titan Brawls, Ascension to Asgard, Foundations of Power, Portal Anomaly, Guardians of Outland, Hero Brawls, The Spring Leprecats, Area of Conquest, Dominion Birthday, Time of the Fearless, Legacy of the Great Ones, The Great Storm, Elemental Synergy, and even more new things to come, which we will tell you about later!

Regarding the March Events!, the specific dates for the following have not been officially announced yet.

Hero Tournament of Power

Spring Leprecats

Titan Brawls

Hero Brawls

Happy Birthday, Dominion!

March’s Heroes of the Month are Dorian

  • Dorian is March’s hero and a must if you’re developing Heidi or Orion.
  • As a beginner, equip him with purple gear and focus only on leveling his 4th skill to meet the requirements for use. This will allow you to expand your options while prioritizing the growth of other Heroes. In addition, upgrading his first artifact and armor will make him even more effective.

Hero of the Month


March Titan Event: Iyari theme


Duration of the March Seasons

  • The March Season event lasts 29 days.
    Note that the 7-day quest on the last day is actually only available for one day. However, since the rewards remain the same, there’s no need to rush to complete it.

Mysterious Island – Season 7 begins

  • The new Mysterious Island is limited to 29 days, as opposed to the usual 3 months.
    This schedule may change in future updates, so keep an eye out for adjustments.

New version of the Precious Offer

  • A new Precious Offer is available, offering three different types based on VIP level.
  • The content is very useful, and when an Emerald Usage Quest is active during an event, this sale becomes a great option for spending Emeralds wisely.



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