
[Hero Wars Guide]Mysterious Island

Event Guide

  • Maze format.
  • Each Explorer’s Moves opens a one “?” can be opened for each explorer move.
  • Map data and rewards same for all players.

Map Data

Image Views

Worth Emeralds



  • No.1: 1 Physical Attack Pattern
  • No.2: 50 Choice of Radiant Crystal
  • No.3: 5 Chaos Core
  • No.4: 1,000 Tower coin
  • No.5: 2,000 Titan Skin Stone
  • No.6: 20,000 Emerald, 1 Magic Attack Pattern
  • No.7: 1 Physical Attack Pattern
  • No.8: 4,000 Essence of the Elements
  • No.9: 1 Wood
  • No.10: 10 Chest of Supertitans
  • No.11: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.12: 40 Gleaming Seal Chest
  • No.13: 3 Chaos Core
  • No.14: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.15: 1 Armor Pattern
  • No.16: 12,000 Essence of the Elements
  • No.17: 1 Epic Chest
  • No.18: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.19: 300 Agility Skin Stone
  • No.20: 100 Absolute Artifact Chest, 1 Magic Defense Pattern
  • No.21: 2 Magic Attack Pattern, 1 Armor Pattern
  • No.22: 2 Chaos Core
  • No.23: 75 Choice of Vibrant Crystal
  • No.24: 800 Strength Skin Stone
  • No.25: 2 Magic Defense Pattern, 1 Physical Attack Pattern
  • No.26: 3,000 Outland Coin
  • No.27: 3 Summoning Sphere
  • No.28: 2,000 Outland Coin
  • No.29: 1 Epic Chest
  • No.30: 50 Choice of Vibrant Crystal
  • No.31: 50 Choice of Radiant Crystal
  • No.32: 1 Magic Attack Pattern
  • No.33: 5 Cosmic Artifact Chest
  • No.34: 1 Bottled Energy
  • No.35: 3 Ancient Titan Artifact Chest
  • No.36: 1 Magic Attack Pattern
  • No.37: 4,000 Titan Potion
  • No.38: 20 Gleaming Seal Chest
  • No.39: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.40: 25 Choice of Radiant Crystal
  • No.41: 3 Summoning Sphere
  • No.42: 2,000 Elemental Tournament Coin
  • No.43: 15 Primarch’s Grasp (Flagment)
  • No.44: 8 Cosmic Artifact Chest
  • No.45: 10 Chest of Supertitans
  • No.46: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.47: 3,000,000 Gold
  • No.48: 24 Titan Artifact Sphere
  • No.49: 1 Epic Chest
  • No.50: 1 Wood
  • No.51: 1,500 Choice of Radiant Crystal, 1 Accuracy Pattern
  • No.52: 6,000 Titan Potion
  • No.53: 25 Absolute Artifact Scroll
  • No.54: 800 Agility Skin Stone
  • No.55: 1 Wood
  • No.56: 1 Magic Attack Pattern, 2 Magic Defense Pattern
  • No.57: 500 Strength Skin Stone
  • No.58: 40 Huge EXP potion
  • No.59: 1 Accuracy Pattern
  • No.60: 200 Choice of Crystal
  • No.61: 25 Absolute Artifact Metal
  • No.62: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.63: 1 Armor Pattern
  • No.64: 8 Great enchantment rune
  • No.65: 800 Intelligence Skin Stone
  • No.66: 300 Strength Skin Stone
  • No.67: 4 Bottled Energy
  • No.68: 40 Choice of Greater Insignia
  • No.69: 25 Absolute Artifact Essence
  • No.70: 1 Epic Chest
  • No.71: 1 Wood
  • No.72: 5 Great enchantment rune
  • No.73: 40 Choice of Greater Insignia
  • No.74: 4,500 Titan Skin Stone
  • No.75: 20 Artifact Seal Chest
  • No.76: 4,000 Essence of the Elements
  • No.77: 1 Epic Chest
  • No.78: 1 Physical Attack Pattern
  • No.79: 3,000 Tower coin
  • No.80: 300 Strength Skin Stone
  • No.81: 1 Wood
  • No.82: 4,000 Artifact Coin
  • No.83: 800 Intelligence Skin Stone
  • No.84: 1 Epic Chest
  • No.85: 25 Absolute Artifact Scroll
  • No.86: 50 Primarch’s Grasp (Flagment)
  • No.87: 30 Artifact Seal Chest
  • No.88: 1,000,000 Gold
  • No.89: 8 Titan Artifact Sphere
  • No.90: 1 Physical Attack Pattern, 2 Armor Pattern
  • No.91: 30 Huge EXP potion
  • No.92: 500 Agility Skin Stone
  • No.93: 500 Emerald
  • No.94: 1 Epic Chest
  • No.95: 15 Absolute Artifact Scroll
  • No.96: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.97: 2 Bottled Energy
  • No.98: 40 Absolute Artifact Metal
  • No.99: 3 Ancient Titan Artifact Chest
  • No.100: 8,000 Essence of the Elements
  • No.101: 25 Choice of Radiant Crystal
  • No.102: 2 Magic Defense Pattern, 1 Accuracy Pattern
  • No.103: 500 Emerald
  • No.104: 1,000 Elemental Tournament Coin
  • No.105: 1 Accuracy Pattern
  • No.106: 4,000 Essence of the Elements
  • No.107: 1 Physical Attack Pattern, 2 Accuracy Pattern
  • No.108: 30 Chalice of the Primordials (Flagment)
  • No.109: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.110: 2 Bottled Energy
  • No.111: 500 Emerald
  • No.112: 8 Titan Artifact Sphere
  • No.113: 8 Cosmic Artifact Chest
  • No.114: 50 Chalice of the Primordials (Flagment)
  • No.115: 500 Emerald
  • No.116: 25 Absolute Artifact Scroll
  • No.117: 800 Agility Skin Stone
  • No.118: 500 Emerald
  • No.119: 500 Strength Skin Stone
  • No.120: 40 Huge EXP potion
  • No.121: 1,500 Skin Stone Chest, 1 Physical Attack Pattern
  • No.122: 9 Summoning Sphere
  • No.123: 500 Emerald
  • No.124: 200 Choice of Crystal
  • No.125: 1 Magic Attack Pattern
  • No.126: 300 Strength Skin Stone
  • No.127: 50 Chalice of the Primordials (Flagment)
  • No.128: 25 Absolute Artifact Metal
  • No.129: 1 Magic Attack Pattern, 2 Accuracy Pattern
  • No.130: 8 Great enchantment rune
  • No.131: 800 Intelligence Skin Stone
  • No.132: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.133: 300 Strength Skin Stone
  • No.134: 4 Bottled Energy
  • No.135: 25 Absolute Artifact Essence
  • No.136: 100 Choice of Vibrant Crystal
  • No.137: 1 War Flag of Swift Warriors, 500 Golden Thread
  • No.138: 1 Magic Defense Pattern
  • No.139: 8 Cosmic Artifact Chest
  • No.140: 5 Great enchantment rune
  • No.141: 40 Choice of Greater Insignia
  • No.142: 4,500 Titan Skin Stone
  • No.143: 1 War Flag Chest, 1 Armor Pattern
  • No.144: 15 Absolute Artifact Essence
  • No.145: 20 Artifact Seal Chest
  • No.146: 4,000 Essence of the Elements
  • No.147: 1 Legendary Chest
  • No.148: 1 Epic Chest
  • No.149: 3,000 Tower coin
  • No.150: 25 Absolute Artifact Scroll
  • No.151: 1 Epic Chest
  • No.152: 1 Magic Attack Pattern, 2 Armor Pattern
  • No.153: 50 Primarch’s Grasp (Flagment)
  • No.154: 30 Artifact Seal Chest
  • No.155: 1 Physical Attack Pattern
  • No.156: 2,000 Titan Skin Stone
  • No.157: 10 Chest of Supertitans
  • No.158: 12,000 Essence of the Elements
  • No.159: 40 Gleaming Seal Chest
  • No.160: 500 Intelligence Skin Stone
  • No.161: 3 Chaos Core
  • No.162: 1 Magic Defense Pattern
  • No.163: 300 Agility Skin Stone
  • No.164: 1 Wood
  • No.165: 50 Primarch’s Grasp (Flagment)
  • No.166: 30 Artifact Seal Chest

Explorer’s Move (Consumable and Non-Consumable Squares)

  • A Explorer’s Move” is consumed when opening a new square to obtain a reward. Some squares can be opened without using a “Explorer’s Move”.
  • Explorer’s Move” consumption is not rule-based; for example, treasure chests do not consume “Explorer’s Move”.
  • Unused Explorer’s Moves can be carried over, so it is also a good decision to intentionally not use them and save them.

Explorer’s Move More Info


  • A gimmick item used on the mysterious island.
  • By collecting the required number of these items on the map, you can build a bridge.

War Flag of Swift Warriors

  • Complete two bridges and reach the upper right corner of the September map to get it at No.137
  • On the way, you need to collect 6 pieces of wood
  • No.137: 1 War Flag of Swift Warriors, 500 Golden Thread

Official FAQ Content

Winter Island Q&A

We have noticed that the seasonal adventure on Winter Island has raised several questions, and we would like to provide some clarification on them.

Titles are tailored to the content.

When Will the Remaining Parts of the Map Be Opened?

  • Q: When the rest of the map will be opened? Will it start from the central point?
  • A: The next part of the map opening is planned for the early-november. The starting point remains a mystery

Can I Obtain All Current Map Rewards?

  • Q: If I have a Gold Ticket and Subscription purchased will it produce enough “Explorer’s Moves” to open the whole current map?
  • A: Nope. But you will be able to use moves that could be acquired during the November adventure and gold ticket, plus there will be other ways to get more “Explorer’s Moves”. However, you may get valuable rewards from chests and towers if plan your moves carefully and discuss the possible routes with other players or your guildmates.

If I Purchase a Subscription Later

  • Q: Will I miss previous daily bonuses if I buy a subscription later?
  • A: No. Unlike The Gold Ticket, the subscription provides bonuses from the day of purchase and during the stated duration. So if you buy a subscription late into the current adventure you will be able to use your unspent moves in the next seasonal adventure which is planned for December.

If I Don’t Use Explorer’s Moves

  • Q: What will happen to the Explorer’s Moves if I do not spend all of them during the current adventure?
  • A: You will still be able to use them when the next Seasonal Adventure will be available. (planned for December).

Unable to Play on Smartphone

  • Q: The adventure does not work correctly when playing on mobile devices.
  • A: This issue has been fixed.


  • 93 days
  • Start: Mon, Sep. 2, 2024 (UTC 02:00)
  • End: Wed, Dec. 4, 2024 (UTC 02:00)

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  1. Alan says:

    How many woods to build a bridge? I see some opportunities for shortcuts.

  2. Alan says:

    It looks like you need to build the bridges in particular spots and will need all the wood to get the new flag.


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