[Hero Wars Guide]Weekly Report 2024.Week36


Upcoming Events

* Announcements only
**Dates may be subject to change

Event Calendar Format: 14 days

Event Calendar Format: September


Event Calendar Format: October

September Events

Official Message

Also, here is what events await you in September: Nature and Silver Seasons, Strongford Quiz, Guardians of Outland, Emerald Coins Titan Event, Foundations of Power, Elemental Synergy, Weaving Patterns, updated Area of Conquest, Autumn Festival, Emerald Coins Hero Event, Great Storm, Ascension to Asgard, Titan Brawls, Time of the Fearless, Legacy of the Great Ones, and even more new things to come, which we will tell you about later!

Regarding the August Events!, the specific dates for the following have not been officially announced yet.

Weaving Patterns

Autumn Festival

Emerald Coins Hero Event

Titan Brawl to be held in September 2024

  • The September 2024 Titan Brawl will feature another installment of Tenebris Solaris!
  • No new skins will be added.
  • Last time, the event alternated between Tenebris → Solaris → Tenebris over three days. This time it will be Solaris → Tenebris → Solaris for the same duration.

Clash of the Titans (Tenebris Solaris)

Titans Brawl Recommended Teams: fix Solaris

Titans Brawl Recommended Teams: fix Tenebris

Asgard Update

  • A teaser has been released.
  • It contains concept art and three mysterious illustrations.

Concept Art

Illustration 1

Illustration 2

Illustration 3

Official Community Manager FAQ

Titles are tailored to the content.

1. Participation Requirements for Area of Conquest

  • Q. what’s the minimum requirement to play this event? Have found someone on a very new server who doesn’t have it and would be nice to clarify what that criteria is, and if it will open up later or if they just missed out
  • A. The requirements remain the same. To join the event, your team level must be 30 or higher, you must have been signed up to the game more than 14 days ago, and your guild must be created before the start of the event.

2. Lara Croft Soul Stones Without Using Emeralds

  • Q. Will there ever be a way to get more Lara Croft Soul Stones WITHOUT spending emeralds?
  • A. Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that. Everything related to the event with Lara Croft has been settled with the rights holders, and any new changes require approvals, which is not a quick process (and in some aspects, not possible at all). I have passed your requests on to the developers, nevertheless

3. Display Bug in the Pirate Event

  • Q. A friend of mine in my guild is having trouble with this situation.
    Does anyone else have this condition?
    Nexter needs to fix this.
  • A. Hi. You’re a bit late with this issue. It was already fixed during the pirate event.

4. Request for More Seasons: F2P Players

  • Q. CMs thank to add more season like gold and silver. For example, bronze season, platinum season….etc… As free players, I got lot of free lots. If we can have bronze/silver/gold and platinum season as the same time with the same quests
  • A. More free goodies that are easy to obtain are always great.
    But personally, I think that such an abundance of different ‘seasons’ will only cause confusion.

5. Request for More Uses for Star Mana

  • Q. This might be a bit off topic but: I think the most underused and unnecessary item in the game is: Star Mana. It’s needed very, very rarely. It would be much better if it was used in Secret Wealth at least.
  • A. I completely agree here. I hope the developers will eventually come up with a way to use this resource for exchange in the store or make it useful during some new event, for example.

6. Request to Update VIP Rewards

  • Q. Hello, why don’t we receive rewards up to our VIP level, why limit the rewards? I am VIP 15 and I feel wronged because the purchases no longer bring in anything, do other players like me feel wronged?
  • A. Hi! Yes, the VIP level system hasn’t received upgrades or expansions for a long time. I discussed this with the developers, and they promised to consider adding new features to this system.

7. Server Mergers – When Will They Happen?

  • Q. CMs what about merging some servers? Right now there are more and more servers where there’s no competition at all. For example on my server – 230ish there are only 2 guilds that have 30 players. When someone leaves the game, there’s no chance to recruit anyone who would be on a similar level. The same 10-20 people are fighting for 1-20 places in the arena and grand arena. It’s getting kinda dull. I think it would be a great initiative to merge some deserted servers from time to time, just to let us enjoy some competition in guild war, arena and GA
  • A. Hi! I passed your request on to the developers. However, this won’t happen in the near future, as the release plan for major features until the end of the year is already set. But I don’t rule out that something might change.

8. How Long Until Asgard Ranking Fix?

  • Q. Until the bug is fixed…
    As it is said that…the fix on the “All time Top” caused by “Bug” would be happened with the “upcoming Asgard update”…
    No one knows when the updating would be happening…!!!
  • A. I can’t provide an exact date yet. Stay tuned for updates.

9. Gift Code Configuration Error

  • Q. miserable,link with 500 energy is  disabled (like i got already that energy and i didnt….) this game became more and more unplayable
  • A. The gift link has been fixed, you can pick up the Energy from the post now! Sorry for the inconvenience!

10. Login Bug

  • what is this, I’m trying to login to my account the whole fu/king day and i can’t do that because of the fu/king captcha!!!!!!!!!!! and the screen stay like this and won’t load even tho i solve the capthca right!!! solve this fu/king bug right now!!:
  • The developers are aware of this issue and are working on resolving it as quickly as possible. If you haven’t already opened a support ticket, please do so. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope it will be resolved as soon as possible.

Main Updates and Game trends


Area of Conquest


Winter Blade

Winter Blade Tasks and Rewards

The latest trends, Best heroes, Best teams

Tier List 2024 (on PvP)

Best Heroes 2024

Which DPS to Upgrade in 2024

Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024

Which Healer to Upgrade in 2024

Which Support to Upgrade in 2024

Which Control to Upgrade in 2024

Meta Teams

Best Teams

The Best Titans Tier List

Titan’s Meta Teams

Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week36

Guild War:Web31-Gold league, Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 28

CoW: Season 8 Temporary Place 7

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