
[Hero Wars Guide]Heroic Bundle (Intelligence Skin Stone)

Bundle Guide

  • Previous Heroic Bundles get Soul Stones, but this bundle gets Skin Stones.
  • Equipment fragments are provided in sets of 5.
  • Since there are numerous types of equipment fragments, it can be challenging to obtain the ones you desire.
  • Not particularly important content, and the rate is very sensitive. Not recommended.
  • Not eligible for Emerald Waterfalls.
  • Eligible for VIPs.
  • There are quests to get VIP points in the event. If there is a concurrent event, the quests for that event will also be completed at the same time.


Bundle 1

Bundle 2

Bundle 3

Bundle 4

Bundle 5

Emerald equivalent for each bundle

Estimated amount

  • Bundle 1 = 11,304 Emeralds(x1.9)
  • Bundle 2 = 24,272 Emeralds(x2)
  • Bundle 3 = 52,280 Emeralds(x2.2)
  • Bundle 4 = 97,520 Emeralds(x2.3)
  • Bundle 5 = 157,920 Emeralds(x2.2)

Estimated amount(in Guild will get)

  • Bundle 1 = 19,842 Emeralds(x3.3)
  • Bundle 2 = 42,090 Emeralds(x3.5)
  • Bundle 3 = 88,472 Emeralds(x3.7)
  • Bundle 4 = 154,592 Emeralds(x3.6)
  • Bundle 5 = 226,592 Emeralds(x3.1)

Quests: Get VIP points

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