Event Shop Guide
- Hero Wars “Summertime Nostalgia” Special Event Limited Time Shop.
- You can utilize the event rewards called “Brawl Coins” to make purchases.
- The lifting of the ban on beach skins, which used to be exclusively paid for. Extremely pricey, but no alternative means of acquisition exists.
Shop Open and Close
- Start: Tue, Oct. 8, 2024 (UTC 02:00)
- End: Sat, Oct. 12, 2024 (UTC 02:00)
It is set for a different time period than the event.

Pricing List
Items exceeding 100% offer better value than standard method (ex. Rarity Fair).
Items falling below 100% offer low value than standard method (ex. Rarity Fair).
- 1,000 Brawl Coin : 400 Emerald (Worth 320 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Beach Cleaver Skin : 47,500 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 42.1%)
- 1 Beach Iris Skin : 47,500 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 42.1%)
- 1 Beach Artemis Skin : 47,500 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 42.1%)
- 1 Artifact Essence Chest : 75 coin (Worth 19.2 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Artifact Scroll Chest : 75 coin (Worth 19.2 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Artifact Metal Chest : 75 coin (Worth 19.2 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Great enchantment rune : 250 coin (Worth 100 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Random Crystal : 15 coin (Worth 2.4 Emerald / 50%)
- 1 Random Vibrant Crystal : 30 coin (Worth 4.9 Emerald / 51%)
- 1 Random Radiant Crystal : 50 coin (Worth 9.8 Emerald / 61.3%)
- 1 Random Insignia : 40 coin (Worth 4.9 Emerald / 38.3%)
- 1 Random Greater Insignia : 75 coin (Worth 9.8 Emerald / 40.8%)
- 1 The Vanquished Absolute : 82,500 coin (Worth 26,400 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Drommer’s Fancy : 72,500 coin (Worth 23,200 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Devourer of Mages : 12,500 coin (Worth 4,000 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Unity of Extremes : 67,500 coin (Worth 21,400 Emerald / 99.1%)
- 1 Song of the Valkyries : 55,000 coin (Worth 17,400 Emerald / 98.9%)
- 1 Creator’s Feathering : 22,500 coin (Worth 7,200 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Sphere of Power : 17,500 coin (Worth 5,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Alucard’s Amulet : 17,500 coin (Worth 5,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Asklepius’ Staff : 12,500 coin (Worth 4,160 Emerald / 104%)
- 1 Blade of the Immortals : 12,500 coin (Worth 4,000 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Throwing Knives : 5,000 coin (Worth 1,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 La Mort’s Card : 5,000 coin (Worth 1,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Lycanthrope’s Fang : 5,000 coin (Worth 1,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Alchemist’s Set : 5,000 coin (Worth 1,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Book of Fate : 20,000 coin (Worth 6,600 Emerald / 103.1%)
- 1 Staff of Morana’s Nimbus : 15,000 coin (Worth 5,000 Emerald / 104.2%)
- 1 Angel’s Mace : 10,000 coin (Worth 2,960 Emerald / 92.5%)
- 1 Book of Prophecies : 9,000 coin (Worth 2,800 Emerald / 97.2%)
- 1 Diviner’s Orb : 6,000 coin (Worth 2,000 Emerald / 104.2%)
- 1 Apostle’s Mace : 4,000 coin (Worth 1,280 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Siege Crossbow : 4,000 coin (Worth 1,200 Emerald / 93.8%)
- 1 Governor : 4,000 coin (Worth 1,200 Emerald / 93.8%)
- 1 Executioner’s Sword : 3,000 coin (Worth 880 Emerald / 91.7%)
- 1 Blade Bow : 3,000 coin (Worth 800 Emerald / 83.3%)
- 1 Hand of Glory : 1,000 coin (Worth 400 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Dragonslayer’s Spear : 1,000 coin (Worth 400 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Punishing Hand : 500 coin (Worth 104 Emerald / 65%)
- 1 Sacred Rosary : 250 coin (Worth 80 Emerald / 100%)
- ( 1 Large Skin Stone Chest : 600 coin (Worth 192 Emerald / 100%) )
Large Skin Stone Chest are only automatically exchanged after the event store has closed.
Good Pricing Ranking
- 1 Great enchantment rune : 250 coin (Worth 100 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Hand of Glory : 1,000 coin (Worth 400 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Dragonslayer’s Spear : 1,000 coin (Worth 400 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Staff of Morana’s Nimbus : 15,000 coin (Worth 5,000 Emerald / 104.2%)
- 1 Diviner’s Orb : 6,000 coin (Worth 2,000 Emerald / 104.2%)
- 1 Asklepius’ Staff : 12,500 coin (Worth 4,160 Emerald / 104%)
- 1 Book of Fate : 20,000 coin (Worth 6,600 Emerald / 103.1%)
- ( 1 Large Skin Stone Chest : 600 coin (Worth 192 Emerald / 100%) )
Large Skin Stone Chest are only automatically exchanged after the event store has closed.
Bad Pricing Ranking
- 1 Random Insignia : 40 coin (Worth 4.9 Emerald / 38.3%)
- 1 Random Greater Insignia : 75 coin (Worth 9.8 Emerald / 40.8%)
- 1 Beach Cleaver Skin : 47,500 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 42.1%)
- 1 Beach Iris Skin : 47,500 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 42.1%)
- 1 Beach Artemis Skin : 47,500 coin (Worth 6,400 Emerald / 42.1%)
- 1 Random Crystal : 15 coin (Worth 2.4 Emerald / 50%)
- 1 Random Vibrant Crystal : 30 coin (Worth 4.9 Emerald / 51%)
- 1 Random Radiant Crystal : 50 coin (Worth 9.8 Emerald / 61.3%)
- 1 Punishing Hand : 500 coin (Worth 104 Emerald / 65%)
- 1,000 Brawl Coin : 400 Emerald (Worth 320 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Artifact Essence Chest : 75 coin (Worth 19.2 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Artifact Scroll Chest : 75 coin (Worth 19.2 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Artifact Metal Chest : 75 coin (Worth 19.2 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Blade Bow : 3,000 coin (Worth 800 Emerald / 83.3%)
Beach Skins



Why Hands of Glory not in the Good Pricing Ranking list?
The list was incomplete. Fixed.
Hi.I calculate 1 Random Crystal to be 42%, not 50%. My other calculations match yours.
The decimal point was not shown in the emerald conversion. We have corrected the wording slightly.
Your shop price guides are amazing, thank you so much for these