Events [Hero Wars Guide]Riotous Growth 1DAY All Quests zero 11/09/2022 Contents QuestCelestial HallStairs of MightControl of the ElementsIncredible TenacityShock PowerCombat SupportElemental FusionPlay GuideSeries of eventsRiotous GrowthQuest Celestial Hall Stairs of Might Control of the Elements Incredible Tenacity Shock Power Combat Support Elemental Fusion Play Guide Series of events [Hero Wars Guide]Series of eventsThis is one of the event styles of Hero Wars. A series of 1-day events will be held.... Riotous Growth [Hero Wars Guide]Titan EventHero Wars has events for collecting Titan Soul Stone for each of the three attributes. Here are the details of those events, as well as the specifications of the rewards, emission rates, and estimated value of the bundles.... 1day-event Event Riotous Growth Titan event