Augustus was active in the third AoC
- In the third conquest area, held in October 2024, the organization that combined Augustus with Dodge Buff achieved high results!
- In particular, there were many formations that were combined with Dante tanks to counteract the Qing Mao tanks!
- Although many of them are combined with magic DPS, there are limited ways to counter with Isaac, so I think some people had a hard time countering.
- Each defense pattern has already been attacked, but they are good enough to kill the first time.
- You may see more opportunities to see them in guild battles in the future!
Points to note about this team formation
- The more you focus on magic, the more vulnerable you are to Isaac.
- The more physical the team is, the less sense it makes to use Augustus, and the more likely it is to lose to a general-purpose teams.
- Against Heidi, it can be a game of luck.
- When employing Dante tanks, you want a Pattern of Armor penetration.
- It can counter a variety of meta-teams in both offense and defense, though it’s rare for it to guarantee a 100% win rate in any situation.