
[Hero Wars Guide]Gift of the Elements

Hero Guide

  • Enhancement Items Linking Heroes and Titans
  • These items can improve a Hero’s basic stats: Intelligence, Agility, and Strength.
  • In 2024, a new effect was added that increases the maximum level of Titans and Totems.

How the Gift of the Elements works

  • When a Titan is buffed, a Spark of Power is granted (along with other gifts described below).
  • This Spark of Power, combined with gold, can be used to give a Hero a Gift of the Elements.
  • When a hero’s Gift of the Elements reaches level 30, the maximum level of all Titans, Titan artifacts, and totems increases by 1.
  • The more Titans you breed, the more your hero’s Gift of the Elements will grow, allowing the Titan level cap to increase further. 
  • Note: The Gift of the Elements cannot be enhanced with Emeralds.

How to obtain the Spark of Power

  • Obtained by empowering Titans.
  • Available for purchase in the Titan Soulstone Shop once a Titan’s Soulstone reaches Absolute Star.
  • Found in some loot boxes.
[Hero Wars Guide] Titan Soul Shop

Dungeon Use

  • Gift of the Elements cannot be obtained directly through purchase, so some players acquire them by exploring Guild dungeons with Water Totems.
  • Titan Soulstones can’t be found directly in dungeons, but can be traded in the shop once collected.

Titan Level Cap Increase

  • The Titan level cap is currently set at 193. This cap will increase as new heroes are introduced.
  • Temporary collaborations with other IPs (e.g. Lara Croft) do not allow for a level cap increase.
[Hero Wars Guide] Araji

Status Reset

  • Previously, Gift of the Elements could reset stats, which was helpful in certain battles, such as against Osh, when overtraining was an issue. However, it was not widely used as a strategy.
  • New players sometimes used it to reallocate resources for optimized team compositions.
  • A reset did not convert gold back, which created an additional resource burden for beginners, often leading them to purchase additional gold. While gold is a scarce resource in the early stages, it becomes abundant later in the game.
  • An update in 2024 announced that the status reset feature would be removed.

Stat increases: with Table

  • The amount of the increase depends on the Main hero stat.
  • Only the primary stat will be doubled
  • Secondary stats will not be directly increased, although growth in the primary stat will indirectly contribute to these other stats.


Cost and Main Stat

LevelSparks of Power (Total)Gold (Total)Intelligence (Total)Agility (Total)Strength (Total)
1250 (250)7,000 (7,000)2 (2)2 (2)4 (4)
2260 (510)7,500 (14,500)2 (4)2 (4)4 (8)
3270 (780)8,000 (22,500)2 (6)2 (6)4 (12)
4280 (1,060)8,000 (30,500)2 (8)2 (8)4 (16)
5290 (1,350)8,500 (39,000)2 (10)2 (10)4 (20)
6800 (2,150)44,000 (83,000)6 (16)6 (16)12 (32)
7840 (2,990)47,500 (130,500)6 (22)6 (22)12 (44)
8880 (3,870)51,500 (182,000)6 (28)6 (28)12 (56)
9920 (4,790)55,000 (237,000)6 (34)6 (34)12 (68)
10960 (5,750)59,000 (296,000)6 (40)6 (40)12 (80)
111,500 (7,250)120,500 (416,500)10 (50)10 (50)20 (100)
121,560 (8,810)128,500 (545,000)10 (60)10 (60)20 (120)
131,620 (10,430)136,500 (681,500)10 (70)10 (70)20 (140)
141,680 (12,110)144,500 (826,000)10 (80)10 (80)20 (160)
151,740 (13,850)153,000 (979,000)10 (90)10 (90)20 (180)
162,300 (16,150)239,000 (1,218,000)14 (104)14 (104)28 (208)
172,380 (18,530)252,500 (1,470,500)14 (118)14 (118)28 (236)
182,460 (20,990)266,500 (1,737,000)14 (132)14 (132)28 (264)
192,540 (23,530)280,500 (2,017,500)14 (146)14 (146)28 (292)
202,620 (26,150)294,500 (2,312,000)14 (160)14 (160)28 (320)
213,200 (29,350)405,500 (2,717,500)18 (178)18 (178)36 (356)
223,300 (32,650)426,000 (3,143,500)18 (196)18 (196)36 (392)
233,400 (36,050)447,000 (3,590,500)18 (214)18 (214)36 (428)
243,500 (39,550)468,500 (4,059,000)18 (232)18 (232)36 (464)
253,600 (43,150)490,000 (4,549,000)18 (250)18 (250)36 (500)
264,200 (47,350)627,000 (5,176,000)22 (272)22 (272)44 (544)
274,300 (51,650)650,000 (5,826,000)22 (294)22 (294)44 (588)
284,400 (56,050)675,500 (6,501,500)22 (316)22 (316)44 (632)
294,500 (60,550)700,000 (7,201,500)22 (338)22 (338)44 (676)
304,600 (65,150)725,000 (7,926,500)22 (360)22 (360)44 (720)

Sub Stat

LevelHealth (Total)Physical attack (Total)Magic attack (Total)Armor (Total)Magic defense (Total)
1160 (160)8 (8)6 (6)2 (2)2 (2)
2160 (320)8 (16)6 (12)4 (6)2 (4)
3160 (480)8 (24)6 (18)4 (10)2 (6)
4160 (640)8 (32)6 (24)4 (14)2 (8)
5160 (800)8 (40)6 (30)4 (18)2 (10)
6480 (1,280)24 (64)18 (48)12 (30)6 (16)
7480 (1,760)24 (88)18 (66)12 (42)6 (22)
8480 (2,240)24 (112)18 (84)12 (54)6 (28)
9480 (2,720)24 (136)18 (102)12 (66)6 (34)
10480 (3,200)24 (160)18 (120)12 (78)6 (40)
11800 (4,000)40 (200)30 (150)20 (98)10 (50)
12800 (4,800)40 (240)30 (180)20 (118)10 (60)
13800 (5,600)40 (280)30 (210)20 (138)10 (70)
14800 (6,400)40 (320)30 (240)20 (158)10 (80)
15800 (7,200)40 (360)30 (270)20 (178)10 (90)
161,120 (8,320)56 (416)42 (312)28 (206)14 (104)
171,120 (9,440)56 (472)42 (354)28 (234)14 (118)
181,120 (10,560)56 (528)42 (396)28 (262)14 (132)
191,120 (11,680)56 (584)42 (438)28 (290)14 (146)
201,120 (12,800)56 (640)42 (480)28 (318)14 (160)
211,440 (14,240)72 (712)54 (534)36 (354)18 (178)
221,440 (15,680)72 (784)54 (588)36 (390)18 (196)
231,440 (17,120)72 (856)54 (642)36 (426)18 (214)
241,440 (18,560)72 (928)54 (696)36 (462)18 (232)
251,440 (20,000)72 (1,000)54 (750)36 (498)18 (250)
261,760 (21,760)88 (1,088)66 (816)44 (542)22 (272)
271,760 (23,520)88 (1,176)66 (882)44 (586)22 (294)
281,760 (25,280)88 (1,264)66 (948)44 (630)22 (316)
291,760 (27,040)88 (1,352)66 (1,014)44 (674)22 (338)
301,760 (28,800)88 (1,440)66 (1,080)44 (718)22 (360)


Cost and Main Stat

LevelSparks of Power (Total)Gold (Total)Intelligence (Total)Agility (Total)Strength (Total)
1250 (250)7,000 (7,000)4 (4)2 (2)2 (2)
2260 (510)7,500 (14,500)4 (8)2 (4)2 (4)
3270 (780)8,000 (22,500)4 (12)2 (6)2 (6)
4280 (1,060)8,000 (30,500)4 (16)2 (8)2 (8)
5290 (1,350)8,500 (39,000)4 (20)2 (10)2 (10)
6800 (2,150)44,000 (83,000)12 (32)6 (16)6 (16)
7840 (2,990)47,500 (130,500)12 (44)6 (22)6 (22)
8880 (3,870)51,500 (182,000)12 (56)6 (28)6 (28)
9920 (4,790)55,000 (237,000)12 (68)6 (34)6 (34)
10960 (5,750)59,000 (296,000)12 (80)6 (40)6 (40)
111,500 (7,250)120,500 (416,500)20 (100)10 (50)10 (50)
121,560 (8,810)128,500 (545,000)20 (120)10 (60)10 (60)
131,620 (10,430)136,500 (681,500)20 (140)10 (70)10 (70)
141,680 (12,110)144,500 (826,000)20 (160)10 (80)10 (80)
151,740 (13,850)153,000 (979,000)20 (180)10 (90)10 (90)
162,300 (16,150)239,000 (1,218,000)28 (208)14 (104)14 (104)
172,380 (18,530)252,500 (1,470,500)28 (236)14 (118)14 (118)
182,460 (20,990)266,500 (1,737,000)28 (264)14 (132)14 (132)
192,540 (23,530)280,500 (2,017,500)28 (292)14 (146)14 (146)
202,620 (26,150)294,500 (2,312,000)28 (320)14 (160)14 (160)
213,200 (29,350)405,500 (2,717,500)36 (356)18 (178)18 (178)
223,300 (32,650)426,000 (3,143,500)36 (392)18 (196)18 (196)
233,400 (36,050)447,000 (3,590,500)36 (428)18 (214)18 (214)
243,500 (39,550)468,500 (4,059,000)36 (464)18 (232)18 (232)
253,600 (43,150)490,000 (4,549,000)36 (500)18 (250)18 (250)
264,200 (47,350)627,000 (5,176,000)44 (544)22 (272)22 (272)
274,300 (51,650)650,000 (5,826,000)44 (588)22 (294)22 (294)
284,400 (56,050)675,500 (6,501,500)44 (632)22 (316)22 (316)
294,500 (60,550)700,000 (7,201,500)44 (676)22 (338)22 (338)
304,600 (65,150)725,000 (7,926,500)44 (720)22 (360)22 (360)

Sub Stat

LevelHealth (Total)Physical attack (Total)Magic attack (Total)Armor (Total)Magic defense (Total)
180 (80)8 (8)12 (12)2 (2)4 (4)
280 (160)8 (16)12 (24)4 (6)4 (8)
380 (240)8 (24)12 (36)4 (10)4 (12)
480 (320)8 (32)12 (48)4 (14)4 (16)
580 (400)8 (40)12 (60)4 (18)4 (20)
6240 (640)24 (64)36 (96)12 (30)12 (32)
7240 (880)24 (88)36 (132)12 (42)12 (44)
8240 (1,120)24 (112)36 (168)12 (54)12 (56)
9240 (1,360)24 (136)36 (204)12 (66)12 (68)
10240 (1,600)24 (160)36 (240)12 (78)12 (80)
11400 (2,000)40 (200)60 (300)20 (98)20 (100)
12400 (2,400)40 (240)60 (360)20 (118)20 (120)
13400 (2,800)40 (280)60 (420)20 (138)20 (140)
14400 (3,200)40 (320)60 (480)20 (158)20 (160)
15400 (3,600)40 (360)60 (540)20 (178)20 (180)
16560 (4,160)56 (416)84 (624)28 (206)28 (208)
17560 (4,720)56 (472)84 (708)28 (234)28 (236)
18560 (5,280)56 (528)84 (792)28 (262)28 (264)
19560 (5,840)56 (584)84 (876)28 (290)28 (292)
20560 (6,400)56 (640)84 (960)28 (318)28 (320)
21720 (7,120)72 (712)108 (1,068)36 (354)36 (356)
22720 (7,840)72 (784)108 (1,176)36 (390)36 (392)
23720 (8,560)72 (856)108 (1,284)36 (426)36 (428)
24720 (9,280)72 (928)108 (1,392)36 (462)36 (464)
25720 (10,000)72 (1,000)108 (1,500)36 (498)36 (500)
26880 (10,880)88 (1,088)132 (1,632)44 (542)44 (544)
27880 (11,760)88 (1,176)132 (1,764)44 (586)44 (588)
28880 (12,640)88 (1,264)132 (1,896)44 (630)44 (632)
29880 (13,520)88 (1,352)132 (2,028)44 (674)44 (676)
30880 (14,400)88 (1,440)132 (2,160)44 (718)44 (720)


Cost and Main Stat

LevelSparks of Power (Total)Gold (Total)Intelligence (Total)Agility (Total)Strength (Total)
1250 (250)7,000 (7,000)2 (2)4 (4)2 (2)
2260 (510)7,500 (14,500)2 (4)4 (8)2 (4)
3270 (780)8,000 (22,500)2 (6)4 (12)2 (6)
4280 (1,060)8,000 (30,500)2 (8)4 (16)2 (8)
5290 (1,350)8,500 (39,000)2 (10)4 (20)2 (10)
6800 (2,150)44,000 (83,000)6 (16)12 (32)6 (16)
7840 (2,990)47,500 (130,500)6 (22)12 (44)6 (22)
8880 (3,870)51,500 (182,000)6 (28)12 (56)6 (28)
9920 (4,790)55,000 (237,000)6 (34)12 (68)6 (34)
10960 (5,750)59,000 (296,000)6 (40)12 (80)6 (40)
111,500 (7,250)120,500 (416,500)10 (50)20 (100)10 (50)
121,560 (8,810)128,500 (545,000)10 (60)20 (120)10 (60)
131,620 (10,430)136,500 (681,500)10 (70)20 (140)10 (70)
141,680 (12,110)144,500 (826,000)10 (80)20 (160)10 (80)
151,740 (13,850)153,000 (979,000)10 (90)20 (180)10 (90)
162,300 (16,150)239,000 (1,218,000)14 (104)28 (208)14 (104)
172,380 (18,530)252,500 (1,470,500)14 (118)28 (236)14 (118)
182,460 (20,990)266,500 (1,737,000)14 (132)28 (264)14 (132)
192,540 (23,530)280,500 (2,017,500)14 (146)28 (292)14 (146)
202,620 (26,150)294,500 (2,312,000)14 (160)28 (320)14 (160)
213,200 (29,350)405,500 (2,717,500)18 (178)36 (356)18 (178)
223,300 (32,650)426,000 (3,143,500)18 (196)36 (392)18 (196)
233,400 (36,050)447,000 (3,590,500)18 (214)36 (428)18 (214)
243,500 (39,550)468,500 (4,059,000)18 (232)36 (464)18 (232)
253,600 (43,150)490,000 (4,549,000)18 (250)36 (500)18 (250)
264,200 (47,350)627,000 (5,176,000)22 (272)44 (544)22 (272)
274,300 (51,650)650,000 (5,826,000)22 (294)44 (588)22 (294)
284,400 (56,050)675,500 (6,501,500)22 (316)44 (632)22 (316)
294,500 (60,550)700,000 (7,201,500)22 (338)44 (676)22 (338)
304,600 (65,150)725,000 (7,926,500)22 (360)44 (720)22 (360)

Sub Stat

LevelHealth (Total)Physical attack (Total)Magic attack (Total)Armor (Total)Magic defense (Total)
180 (80)12 (12)6 (6)4 (4)2 (2)
280 (160)12 (24)6 (12)8 (12)2 (4)
380 (240)12 (36)6 (18)8 (20)2 (6)
480 (320)12 (48)6 (24)8 (28)2 (8)
580 (400)12 (60)6 (30)8 (36)2 (10)
6240 (640)36 (96)18 (48)24 (60)6 (16)
7240 (880)36 (132)18 (66)24 (84)6 (22)
8240 (1,120)36 (168)18 (84)24 (108)6 (28)
9240 (1,360)36 (204)18 (102)24 (132)6 (34)
10240 (1,600)36 (240)18 (120)24 (156)6 (40)
11400 (2,000)60 (300)30 (150)40 (196)10 (50)
12400 (2,400)60 (360)30 (180)40 (236)10 (60)
13400 (2,800)60 (420)30 (210)40 (276)10 (70)
14400 (3,200)60 (480)30 (240)40 (316)10 (80)
15400 (3,600)60 (540)30 (270)40 (356)10 (90)
16560 (4,160)84 (624)42 (312)56 (412)14 (104)
17560 (4,720)84 (708)42 (354)56 (468)14 (118)
18560 (5,280)84 (792)42 (396)56 (524)14 (132)
19560 (5,840)84 (876)42 (438)56 (580)14 (146)
20560 (6,400)84 (960)42 (480)56 (636)14 (160)
21720 (7,120)108 (1,068)54 (534)72 (708)18 (178)
22720 (7,840)108 (1,176)54 (588)72 (780)18 (196)
23720 (8,560)108 (1,284)54 (642)72 (852)18 (214)
24720 (9,280)108 (1,392)54 (696)72 (924)18 (232)
25720 (10,000)108 (1,500)54 (750)72 (996)18 (250)
26880 (10,880)132 (1,632)66 (816)88 (1,084)22 (272)
27880 (11,760)132 (1,764)66 (882)88 (1,172)22 (294)
28880 (12,640)132 (1,896)66 (948)88 (1,260)22 (316)
29880 (13,520)132 (2,028)66 (1,014)88 (1,348)22 (338)
30880 (14,400)132 (2,160)66 (1,080)88 (1,436)22 (360)

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