Fafnir’s Forge Overview
- Limited Time Shop for the Hero Wars “The Secrets of the Dragon Mountains” Special Event.
- You can use the event prize “Fafnir Coins” to make purchases.
- You can get materials to Upgrade Fafnir. Materials can be used for other Heroes.
Fafnir’s Forge Guide
Estimated value of event items
- 1 Runestones is equivalent to 80 Emeralds
- 100 Fafnir Coins is equivalent to 32 Emeralds
![[Hero Wars Guide]Fafnir's Forge](

The idea of Fafnir’s Forge
As a premise, the following objectives are promising.
- To obtain Fafnir. (for verification of Guild Battles)
- Want to use Fafnir immediately.
- Want to obtain a stellar skin.
- Want to upgrade the heroes you have been raising.
Methods can be organized in the following way.
- If you want to use Fafnir right away, you want to upgrade him up to Absolute Star here. Even if you forgo it here, there is a high possibility that you will have a chance to obtain it in about 6 months.
- The Stellar Skin is largely a matter of luck, but there are few opportunities to obtain it. If you are raising the target heroes, there is a reason to try hard here.
- If you are not interested in either Fafnir or Stellar Skins, it is better to get Fafnir for Guild Battles while getting Equipment that you can divert to the hero you are currently raising.
- Giant Slayer cosmetics are good and you want to secure some of them.
- Although there is an element of luck in summoning Fafnir, relying on Fafnir Dolls is about twice as expected.
Be careful summoning Fafnir!
- If a player who summons Fafnir buys a summon of Fafnir in this store, only Coins will be reduced!
- This may be fixed in the future.
About Runestones
- By purchasing Runestones, it is possible to level bosses and enjoy the game.
- There is no real benefit, and it is only for those who want to enjoy the boss battles.
Fafnir’s Forge Pricing
Those above 100% are better value than regular means.
Those below 100% are better value than regular means.
Stellar Skin lacks a sufficient number of statistics and the estimated value is not yet accurate enough.
- 1 fafnir Star Rank2 : 8,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,200 Emerald / 46.9%)
- 1 fafnir Doll : 750 Fafnir Coins(worth 274 Emerald / 114%)
- 1 Ishmael Doll : 750 Fafnir Coins(worth 240 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Stellar Skin : 3,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,066 Emerald / 95.2%)
- 1 Chaos Core : 750 Fafnir Coins(worth 192 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Giant-Slayer : 1,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 400 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Dragon Shield : 2,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 480 Emerald / 75%)
- 1 Executioner’s Sword : 3,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 880 Emerald / 91.7%)
- 1 Apostle’s Mace : 4,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,280 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 All-Seer : 4,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,280 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Trine : 4,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,200 Emerald / 93.8%)
- 1 La Mort’s Card : 5,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 LycanThrope’s Fang : 5,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Citadel Guardian : 5,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Alchemist’s Set : 5,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,600 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 BLued Plate Armor : 12,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 4,160 Emerald / 104%)
- 1 Devourer of Mages : 12,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 4,000 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Andvari’s Fortitude Support : 12,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 4,000 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Evening Curfew : 12,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 4,000 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Primarch’s Grasp : 12,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 4,000 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Dragon’s Heart : 12,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 4,000 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Aigrette of Nocturnal Cicadas : 12,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 4,000 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Insatiable Wing Aegis : 72,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 23,200 Emerald / 100%)
- 1 Demigod’s Wreath : 82,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 26,400 Emerald / 100%)
- 6 Runestones : 1,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 480 Emerald / 100%)
Cost Performance Ranking
- 1 Giant-Slayer : 1,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 400 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 fafnir Doll : 750 Fafnir Coins(worth 274 Emerald / 114%)
- 1 BLued Plate Armor : 12,500 Fafnir Coins(worth 4,160 Emerald / 104%)
Worst Ranking
- 1 fafnir Star Rank2 : 8,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,200 Emerald / 46.9%)
- 1 Dragon Shield : 2,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 480 Emerald / 75%)
- 1 Chaos Core : 750 Fafnir Coins(worth 192 Emerald / 80%)
- 1 Executioner’s Sword : 3,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 880 Emerald / 91.7%)
- 1 Trine : 4,000 Fafnir Coins(worth 1,200 Emerald / 93.8%)
Is it better to summon Fafnir directly or with a Doll?
- In terms of expected value, they are almost the same 8,000 emeralds, but the Dolls come with 1,600 Emeralds worth of extras.
- You will gain 1,600 Emeralds by betting on the Dolls.
- However, the number of pieces is extremely different for each individual. However, if the number of Dolls is small, there will be a great deal of difference between individuals.
Number of boxes needed for fafnir
(statistical estimate)
Expected value
(half of the people are considered to be able to achieve it)
- fafnir Star1 : fafnir Doll x3.4 ( 3,000coin )
- fafnir Star2 : fafnir Doll x10.3 ( 8,250coin ) *summoning
- fafnir Star3 : fafnir Doll x27.5 ( 21,000coin )
- fafnir Star4 : fafnir Doll x61.8 ( 46,500coin )
- fafnir Star5 : fafnir Doll x113.3 ( 85,500coin )
- fafnir Star6 : fafnir Doll x216.3 ( 162,750coin )
Twice the expected value
(90% of people are considered to be able to achieve this)
- fafnir Star1 : fafnir Doll x6.9 ( 5,250coin )
- fafnir Star2 : fafnir Doll x20.6 ( 15,750coin ) *summoning
- fafnir Star3 : fafnir Doll x54.9 ( 41,250coin )
- fafnir Star4 : fafnir Doll x123.6 ( 93,000coin )
- fafnir Star5 : fafnir Doll x226.6 ( 170,250coin )
- fafnir Star6 : fafnir Doll x432.6 ( 324,750coin )
Play Guide
Event Guide
Event Quests
Fafnir Doll
Stellar Skin Chest
Event Bundle
Event Fafnir Fafnir Coins Fafnir Doll Fafnir's Craft Fafnir's Forge Ishmael Ishmael Doll Runestones Special event Stellar Skin Stellar Skin Chest The Secrets of the Dragon Mountains