- The schedule of events for the remainder of October has generally been posted on Leak Information.
- Season 2 of Nature is about to begin. Those with 18 totems should be aware that the rewards are few and far between!
- Complete information is not yet posted for the Spooky Festival, but some data is start on 10.26.
Upcoming Events
- 10/13 (Thu.) – : Nature Season 2
- 10/14 (Fri.) – 10/17 (Mon.) : Brighter Than the Sun(Light Titan Amon Event)
- 10/18 (Tue.) – 10/21 (Fri.) : Mutual Devotion(Astrid mini event)
- 10/21 (Fri.) – 10/24 (Mon.) : Sunbeam(Light Titan Iyari Event)
- 10/26 (Wed.) – : Spooky Festival
Official Announcement of Nature Season 2
- Hi! We want to remind you about the upcoming Nature Season 2: it will start on October 13 for players with team level 95 or higher! Just like in the previous Nature Season, the biggest reward of this Season is a random Titan Totem Fragment — of Water, Earth, or Fire.
- But there is an exception: if you have collected all 18 Titan Totem Fragments already, you will get 1000 Titan Artifact Spheres as the main prize instead. From the Spheres you will be able to get fragments of Titan Artifacts, including Artifacts of Dark and Light TItans, and also fragments of Dark Spirit and Light Spirit Totems.
- Note, that your main reward for Nature Season 2 can change mid-season, if you will collect all 18 fragments of Earth, Fire, and Water Totems during the season, before claiming the Lesser Elemental Spirit Summoning Sphere from the Season rewards menu.
Official FAQ
Titles are tailored to the content.
Mort Dolls drop rate
- Q. Fig. 1 is keros dolls drop rate, and Fig.2 is mort dolls drop rate. It shows that titan souls per doll is reduced from around 8 to below 2, which also means nobody is going to max out the new titan even if they max out the event and buying all the bundles. Could you please let us know if it is intended to not let anyone absolute star mort even for big payers?
- A. Hi! I’ve checked with the developers: the change in the drop rates was intentional – the Keros dolls were extremely generous in terms of his Soul Stones, it was possible not to do almost anything and get him to 5 Stars. I am pretty sure you all know that, many of you were very surprised with the drop rates of his SS — well, that because they were not balanced properly. Of course, it wasn’t just a straight downgrade – the amount of other resources in the Dolls was increased accordingly. But I get the message that you feel like the change in the drop rates was too drastic, I will communicate that with the developers
Dark Titans tooltip’s word
- Q. Does anyone notice this? Keros should be fighting in the middle line and Mort should be on the back line, when you put them together, Mort place in front of Keros.
- A.Oh yeah, that’s a thing. So, originally Mort was supposed to stay farther behind, but he was totally obscured by the Edem model in that position, so his place in the team was changed. But the position tooltip was not, and that’s where all the confusion is coming from. I’ve told the developers about that, the tooltip will be fixed soon!
Double Totems Hot Key
- Q. Currently, the totems’ order (right/left) on the battle screen and the hotkeys’ order are reversed on the left and right.
- A. That will be changed very soon (today/tomorrow). Totem on the left will be always activated with Q, totem on the right will be always activated with W
My take on this is that CoW just isn’t all that enjoyable.
- Q. My take on this is that CoW just isn’t all that enjoyable. It’s overcomplicated, the map’s too big, PITA to plan for generals, the ranking system is weird, and the rewards are just not worth it.
We’ve been asking for an inter-server competition for gold league for quite some time, as a fun thing to do other than battling the same 5 guilds every week. But this is so tedious it competes with our efforts in Guild War.
Reduce the number of fortifications.
Rename fortifications so they have different names from Guild War.
Give generals a better view of which heroes and titans every player has left.
Give us some proper rewards.
Make the ranking system more transparent. Maybe split in a gold league and silver league? - A. Hi! Thank you for sharing your honest feedback. I know that the developers are already designing new/additional rewards for the Shop, and there are some additional tools for War management in plans. I will let the dev team know about your fortifications and the ranking system request. The ranking system (at least specific values of it) can definitely change in the second season, the developers are monitoring the experience with right now and looking for places it can be improved and streamlined
Halloween Cosplay costume challenge
- Q. Will there be a Halloween Cosplay costume challenge this year? In 2020 and 2021 it was announced within the first four days of October, but this year it hasn’t. I’d hate to put in an effort to create a costume, when there is no contest.
- A. Hi! That is a fair question, and here is a fair answer: there won’t be a Cosplay Contest this year. And it’s not “I will share with the devs” situation, because holding this event is completely on us, community managers. We didn’t want to postpone it till the very end and wanted to believe that we will have resources to launch it, but we just don’t.
It might not seem this way, but this event is pretty taxing on us: we need to organize the places to collect the photos, come up with the rules (each year we find different loopholes and shortcomings in the current ones), get an approve from the lawyers, monitor related conversations, so no one is bullying any contestants, go through all the photos trying to filter people impersonating previous contestants and so on, and so on.
But we don’t want to drop it completely, we will try to hold earlier next year, so you won’t have to wait two years to join the favorite contest. But that’s only in plans right now, we will share an update somewhere in January/February.
CoW Ranking Bug
- Q. What’s wrong with so many bugs these days ? The latest one being that you guys added the points obtained for last CoW battle twice for every guild and messed up the rankings completely ! Please solve the issue quick, this is not really desirable.
- A. Hi! Sorry for all the bugs, first two weeks of CoW are quite messy indeed. We’ve fixed the bug and get rankings back to normal.
Main Updates
What is Guaranteed Totem Drop
Season Event
Nature Season All Rewords
Mort Doll
Comparison of Keros and Mort dolls
Dark Spirit Summoning Sphere
Dark Spirit Totem
Hero’s Tier List(on PvP)2022
Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2022.Week41
Guild War:Web31-Gold league,Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 13

CoW: Season1 Temporary Place 11