Item Guide
- Titanites are primarily found in dungeons and are used for quests and daily guild progress.
- They are not stored in your inventory.
- Titanites are only used for guild titanite rewards and quest progression. There is no direct way to use them.
- Amounts are reset daily.
- Some guilds set daily quotas for the acquisition of titanite, and titanite may be a goal of event quests.

How to earn titanite
- Dungeon Rewards earned by completing dungeons.
- Valkyrie Favor Provides 150 Titanites per day.
- Individual Guild Quests rewards Provides 75 titan per day.

Dungeon Rewards
- The amount of titan depends on the type of room.
- Check the dungeon details for specific information.
- Titanites are awarded automatically upon battle victory.
Valkyrie Favor
- Titanites are awarded when you use a divination card in a dungeon.
- If you forget to use it, you will not receive Titanites for that day.

Individual Guild Quests Rewards
- Titanites are awarded when you click on the treasure chest icon.
- If you do not claim them immediately, they will be sent to your in-game Mail, where you can keep them for up to 3 days and claim them at any time.