- Accessible from the main menu after reaching team level 10.
- Receive rewards by watching promotional videos.
- Rewards are randomly selected from 5 candidates.
- Obtain all items after watching 5 videos.
- Once all items are obtained, they can be used again after 6 hours.

About the Rewards
- The rewards you receive are very small.
- Energy is recharged instantly, so be cautious.
- Gold and Soul Stones are also given directly.

- To use this feature, you must agree to share all personal information with third parties.
- Viewing from a smartphone on the move will generate traffic for the video.
- Currently, the number of sponsors seems to be limited, and the same videos are played repeatedly.

About the Cooldown
- The cooldown is 6 hours, but there is a possibility that the daily process is prioritized.
- There seems to be a bug that allows the cooldown time to be reused under certain conditions without waiting for the cooldown time, and there are many reports of the cooldown time disappearing.

- If the communication environment is not good enough, the screen to open the box stops because the video is loaded from the outside.
- When an error occurs, depending on the condition, it can be considered as watching the video, and only rewards can be received.