Event Guide
- Titan Event for Tenebris.
- Same format as the Emerald Coin Hero event.
- Various titan enhancement materials can be obtained.

Flavor Text
Strongford residents’ eyes are transfixed by the mighty giants marching across the city roadways, each step echoing loudly. As the citizens watch in awe, a new hope rises: hope of defeating the Darkness. The Titans! The Titans are coming!
Tenebris is a darkness titan…
It was voted to hold the event

- 1. Score points (MAX 15,000)
- 2. Log in (MAX 3)
- 3. Get VIP points (MAX 4,500)
- 4. Spend Emerald (MAX 60,000)
- 5. Open the Titan Artifact Sphere (MAX 400)
- 6. Summoning spheres (MAX 200)
- 7. Upgrade any titan’s skin (MAX 40)
- 8. Upgrade any titan by levels (MAX 80)

Task Details and Rewards
Event Shop Guide

Shop Start, End
- Start: Sun, Aug. 18, 2024 (UTC 02:00)
- End: Thu, Aug. 22, 2024 (UTC 02:00)
- 5 Tenebris Soul Stone : 150 coin (Worth 40 Emerald / 83.3%)
- 1 Element Summoning Doll : 800 coin (Worth 239 Emerald / 93.4%)
- 100 Titan Potion : 60 coin (Worth 20 Emerald / 104.2%)
- 100 Titan Skin Stone : 70 coin (Worth 27 Emerald / 119%)
- 500 Essence of the Elements : 125 coin (Worth 50 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Nephtis’s Reaper : 10 coin (Worth 4 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Crown of Darkness : 10 coin (Worth 4 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Gleaming Attack Seal : 15 coin (Worth 4 Emerald / 83.3%)
The event ends
- The event ends on August 21, 2 AM UTC, and the Shop stays till August 22, 2 AM UTC.
- Shortly after the Shop disappears, your remaining Emerald Coins (but not your extra Event Points) will be exchanged for Element Summoning Dolls: 800 Emerald Coins = 1 Element Summoning Doll.
Event History
- Sunday, August 18, 2024 (3 days)