Event Guide
- Titan Event for Solaris.
- Same format as the Emerald Coin Hero event.
- Various titan enhancement materials can be obtained.

Flavor Text
According to scientists and mages, there’s a starless space that lies somewhere beyond the whole of creation. Absolute darkness, where not a single sun shines. But if perfect darkness exists, then Solaris is its counterpart-the perfect light. Her radiance banishes all shadows, and it has now reached the Dominion!
It was voted to hold the event

- 1. Score points (MAX 15,000)
- 2. Log in (MAX 3)
- 3. Get VIP points (MAX 4,500)
- 4. Spend Emerald (MAX 60,000)
- 5. Open the Titan Artifact Sphere (MAX 400)
- 6. Summoning spheres (MAX 200)
- 7. Upgrade any titan’s skin (MAX 40)
- 8. Upgrade any titan by levels (MAX 80)

Task Details and Rewards
Event Shop Guide

Shop Start, End
- Start: Mon, Oct. 7, 2024 (UTC 02:00)
- End: Fri, Oct. 11, 2024 (UTC 02:00)
- 5 Solaris Soul Stone : 150 coin (Worth 40 Emerald / 83.3%)
- 1 Light Fragment : 600 coin (Worth 223 Emerald / 116.1%)
- 100 Titan Potion : 60 coin (Worth 20 Emerald / 104.2%)
- 100 Titan Skin Stone : 70 coin (Worth 27 Emerald / 119%)
- 500 Essence of the Elements : 125 coin (Worth 50 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Belav’s Greatness : 10 coin (Worth 4 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Crown of Light : 10 coin (Worth 4 Emerald / 125%)
- 1 Gleaming Balance Seal : 15 coin (Worth 4 Emerald / 83.3%)
The event ends
- Shortly after the Shop disappears, your remaining Emerald Coins (but not your extra Event Points) will be exchanged for Element Summoning Dolls: 800 Emerald Coins = 1 Element Summoning Doll.
Event History
- Mon, Oct. 7, 2024 (3 days)