Impact of Adding a Titan Skin
- The Clash of the Titans event has introduced Mairi Ignis Avalon’s Champion skin.
- How much impact will this addition have? We conducted tests using maximum power combat training.
Earth 4 + Araji
- It has been the case for some time that there is an extremely rare pattern where Fire 4 + Hyperion auto attacks fail (so it shouldn’t be used originally, but many people outside of the top guilds still use it).
- There is a possibility that the probability of this failure has slightly increased.
- It is not necessary for the attacker to possess a champion skin to defeat a team that has one.

Water 4 + Araji
- Similar to previous cases, Fire 4 + Hyperion can be defeated by auto attacks.
- The attacker does not need a champion skin to defeat a team that has one.

- The impact varies from case to case, but in many instances, the overall effect is not significant.
- When it comes to buffing bases in Clash of the Worlds (CoW), there seems to be an adjustment that affects the effectiveness of patterns reliant on precise timing.
- There are many patterns that are not worth worrying about.
- The impact is not as pronounced as with the Dark Light titans.
- There is a possibility that these skins may prove effective in the future, beyond the current common practice of titan battles.