Upcoming Events
- 12/30 (Fri.) – : Frozen Treasure Season
- 12/30 (Fri.) – 1/2 (Mon.) : Time of the Fearless
- 1/3 (Tue.) – 1/6 (Fri.) : Legacy of the Great Ones
- 1/6 (Fri.) – 1/9 (Mon.) : Shining Ascension
- 1/10 (Tue.) – 1/13 (Fri.) : Ascension to Asgard
- 1/16 (Mon.) – : Clash of Worlds’ second season
Fafnir is Hero of the Month for January 2023
Fafnir will make his first appearance in the Hero of the Month.
Worthy of consideration to open the Honorable Guardian Box.
Hero of the Month
Honorable Guardian Box
Dungeon Update
- Pattern of titan teams in mix elements rooms changed.
- May change periodically in the any time.
- Possible countermeasure against dungeon auto play tools.

Frozen Treasure Season
- The 10th seasonal event will be held from 12/30.
- Main prizes are spheres that can be redeemed for Light and Dark Totems.
Official Livestream
Official Community Manager FAQ
Titles are tailored to the content.
The totem drop rate from Santa
- Q. What is with the totem drop rate from Santa???? Last year it was ridiculusly low already, but this time so far its ZERO out of 15 oeople in our guild i know about. ZERO. Literally. There must be sth wrong here. It mathematically should be 1/3. Can you please provide a reason for this?
- A. Obtaining a certain reward from Winter Claus is a matter of chance, so different players will have different luck in this regard. The algorithm and drop rates weren’t changed, but I will let the developers know about your thoughts on that.
Artifact Chests
- Q. Why is Nexter’s purposely penalizing new players in Winterfest?
The Winterfest presents give Artifact Essence/Scroll/Metal Chests. When you redeem 1 Chest the Nexter’s rewards are:
2 Flawless or 3 Superior or 4 Rare or 7 Uncommon or 12 White Artifact Essences/Scrolls/Metals
However, if you are downgrading when leveling an artifact:
2 Flawless = 4 Superior = 8 Rare = 16 Uncommon = 32 White Artifact Essences/Scrolls/Metals.
A newbie may not realize this and instead take a Superior or Rare or Uncommon or White prize from the Winterfest box thereby penalizing themselves for just not knowing that the best value is the Flawless Artifact Essence/Scroll/Metal. This seems particularly mean spirited in what should be a season of giving – Nexter’s must have consciously chose to screw the newbs. - A. We are not trying to penalize new players and spoil the festive mood in the game for them. Thanks for the feedback, we can think of how to make it clearer for the new players.
About bot users
- Q. As you completely ignored my question about bot users punishment, I’ll add this little comprasion between those who paid for winterfest coins and those, who used 200+ bots. I guess its ok for Nexters to disrespect those who paid real money in event, because as we all can see, there is no punishment for bot users. I dont think anyone will pay for this event next year, coz you can get 8-10 times more winterfest coins by using fake accounts with no restriction.
- A. Our team is standing against any form of unreasonable advantage and monitoring the behaviour and rankings of players in order to guarantee fair play.
Using multiple accounts to exchange Winterfest Presents with the main account, to receive more of them or climb a higher position in the Winterfest Rankings, entails the ranking reset at the end of the Winterfest event because of unreasonable advantage.
If some players try to abuse the system in any way – they will be penalized.
Leaking memory like crazy
- Q. Hello. For some reason the game has been leaking memory like crazy for me for about 3-4 days now and lags about 10 times more than usually. And several players i have talked to, have shared the same opinion. Can you please look into it ?
- A. Hi! Our devs are aware of it and currently looking into the cause of these lags, whether it was the latest updates or not. There are no exact dates for a fix at the moment, but the developers will do their best to fix it ASAP.
Facebook friend notifications
- Q. Can we please get rid of these super-annoying tries to send notifications to your facebook friends EVERY SINGLE TIME you try to send friendship coins or other stuff? They don’t work, no messages are being sent anyway, and noone in their sane mind would spam this crap over facebook anyway. Make an option to get rid of them, or drop them entirely, please!
- A. Thanks for your feedback, I will share it with our devs, but it seems this option is too intertwined with the platform so it’s not easy just to drop the notifications.
Main Updates
How to choose Winterfest gifts
Hero Upgrade Gift Box
Pet Gift
Titan Upgrade Gift Box
Ascension Resource Gift
Winterfest Skin Gift
CoW Second Season
Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2022.Week51
Guild War:Web31-Gold league,Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 13

CoW: Season1 Place 17

Total rewards for CoW Season1: 6,227 total coins