- Report
- Upcoming Events
- Soul Atrium Update
- Differential distribution was implemented for the Orion’s Brawl event
- Japanese-language Twitter is now available!
- Official Community Manager FAQ
- Lara Croft’s Soul Stones
- Masquerade Skins for Julius?
- Champion Skin for Super Titan
- Complaints about Orion’s Brawl Shop
- Upcoming Improvements to the Brawl Shop
- Reasons for No Ascension Season and Alternative Plans
- New Guild Frame in CoW
- Issues with Simultaneous Attacks in Osh Battles
- Feasibility of Item Exchange Between Guild Members
- Requests for Server Transfer Easing
- Main Updates and Game trends
- Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week28
Upcoming Events

- Mon. Jun. 03 – Mon. Sep. 02 : Mysterious Island (91 days)
- Mon. Jly. 01 – Sun. Jly. 28 : Guild Prestige Cycle 2 (27 days)
- Mon. Jly. 01 – Sun. Jly. 28 : Guild Quests Cycle 2 (27 days)
- Wed. Jly. 03 – Wed. Jly. 31 : Pet Season ( > Rewards)
- Fri. Jly. 19 – Fri. Jly. 26 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Mon. Jly. 22 – Tue. Jly. 23 : Secret Wealth
- Mon. Jly. 22 – Sat. Jly. 27 : Summer Festival ( > Mini Game, Shop)
- Fri. Jly. 26 – Mon. Jly. 29 : Polar Equilibrium ( > Event Shop)
- Sat. Jly. 27 – Sun. Jly. 28 : Cosmic Battle BAN Phase
- Sun. Jly. 28 – Wed. Jly. 31 : Cosmic Battle ( > Event Shop)
- Sun. Jly. 28 – Wed. Jly. 31 : The Pass of a Warrior
- Thu. Jly. 11 – Sun. Jly. 14 : Legacy of the Great Ones *
- Fri. Jly. 12 – Mon. Jly. 15 : Guardians of Outland *
- Sun. Jly. 14 – Wed. Jly. 17 : Power of the Titans *
* Announcements only
Event Calendar Format (14 days)

Event Calendar Format (30 days)

Soul Atrium Update
- Emerald use can now be selected by toggle switch
- Lara Croft limited time event added
Toggle Switch

Evolve Your Lara Croft!
Differential distribution was implemented for the Orion’s Brawl event
- After the event, 600 unused store coins should have been exchanged for a Large Skin Stone Chest.
- Due to a configuration error, 750 coins were exchanged for a Large Skin Stone Chest.
- When users logged back in, the correct amount was also distributed.

Hero Brawls (Orion)
Skin Stone Chest
Japanese-language Twitter is now available!
Official Community Manager FAQ
Titles are tailored to the content.
Lara Croft’s Soul Stones
- Q. hello, during the Lara Croft event, you told us that we could continue to have her soul stones in the game after the end of the event, only if we had summoned her previously. I chose to ride her and when I wanted to see where I could get her soul stones, I couldn’t find them. Can you please tell me when/where I can get them. THANKS.
- A. Hello! Yes, in the future, there will be an opportunity to get Lara Croft’s soul stones (but only if you already received her during the event). I can’t say exactly when this will happen at the moment. Stay tuned for the announcement.
Masquerade Skins for Julius?
- Q. Masquerade Skins for Julius?
It has been more than 1 year, when will it be unlock them with my Skin Stones? - A. Hey! That is weird, we will urge the team to release the cat out of the box already! But no promises just yet, we will share more info when we will get more details on the matter ourselves
Champion Skin for Super Titan
- Q. Will champion skins for Eden, Hyperion and Araji be available for event coins in the titan brawls shop?
- A. Yes, they will be! Along with some of the other previous Champion Skins for Elemental Titans
Complaints about Orion’s Brawl Shop
- Q. Brawl shop with nothing other than items. No artifacts. No runes for glyphs. No skin stone chests (unless you read the news announcement and realise unspent coins get converted to skin stone chests). Nothing to incentivise spending time or money unless you happen to be missing that winter skin.
- A. Hello! Yes, the developers have received a lot of feedback that the selection in the Orion store was not as interesting as it could have been. The developers will try to diversify the store in future brawls.
Upcoming Improvements to the Brawl Shop
- Q. Why are you giving us always the same brawl shop? It’s about Orion, it should contain items for him. If you wanna level him, you don’t need Unity of Extremes.
- A. Hey! One of the reason this is happening is we also want to provide the most useful and popular Items, not just “thematically appropriate” items.
That’s one of the reasons why during Titan Brawls you can usually buy Hero stuff. Same goes for Items – yes, Orion does not need Unity of Extremes, but many other popular Heroes do, and that’s why it is here.
That said, your feedback is totally valid, and we already passed it to the team! I hope next time we will balance the shop a bit more to make it both universally useful and Hero specific
Reasons for No Ascension Season and Alternative Plans
- Q. Seeing as how the CM’s ignored me and didn’t post my request to starboard and also didn’t even respond to me about bring back Ascension Season and now there is even less chance of getting the resources you need from Season Pass Adventure Map. I’m am asking everyone to PLEASE help to bring back Ascension Season and also ask to provide more ways to get Ascension resources. Especially now that they require us to use these resources on a day basis for Guild Quest and also during Emerald Coin events and other events. Please this message so this over look of shortness of provided resources can be brought to light!
- A. Hey! We do not post anyone requests into Starboard, it is an automatic process – if you get enough Stars from other players, your message will end up here. So, about the Ascension Season – as you can see by the reactions under your message, this Season is very tricky.
Some players do like them, while others have absolutely no interest in it – and from our side we see that the popularity of that Season is pretty low comparatively to others.
That’s why this Season is so rare – there is just not enough interest in it. With that in mind, we will definitely pass on to the devs that we have a certain group of players, who are actually really interested in ways to get more Ascension resources, we will see what we will be able to do about that
New Guild Frame in CoW
- Q. Hey, so like, is there any update about when a new COW frame for Season 7 will be coming for those of us that placed in the top 50 and got the Season 1 frame we already had? Seems like a wasted effort if we are just going to recycle frames with no real goal. I did messagee support and they said they are working on it, I’m just wondering when it will actually happen. Please star this.
- A. Hi Lord Raven! I am clarifying that case right now, please send me your ticket ID through the @Dromm Bot (Mod Mail) , so I can quickly follow it up with the support specialists! Once I will have the answer for your question – I will post it here
Issues with Simultaneous Attacks in Osh Battles
- Q. Challenging the Osh battle with a Cornelius formation.
→If you are operating manually, a guild member who doesn’t know what’s going on will auto-skip the battle and finish it immediately.
→The person who challenged first beat Osh 160, but had to start over with an error message.
This is strange no matter how you think about it, isn’t it?
If it’s not a bug, there are three solutions I can think of.
(1) Make it impossible for other guild members to attack while someone else is attacking.
(ii) While someone is attacking, if another guild member kills Osh, there is no problem. Simply subtract the damage inflicted by each other from Osh’s HP. Only simple subtraction addition is required.
(3) If really wants to harass by making him stop the fight and attack one more time, then do the one who took a lot of damage. This is still better than the current situation.
I’m sure there are other ways to deal with this, but why not do this? Are you crazy? No, I know that.
If you don’t think it’s a problem if we don’t deal with it, I’ll explain it to you, but it’s difficult to thoroughly inform all guild members that they shouldn’t attack while others are attacking.
In this kind of situation, the more people who are doing their best, like using Kone against Osh, the more they will be asked to do one combo kill or something and start over. - A. Hey! Thank you for pointing that out, I am not sure atm if that’s considered a bug or not, but we shared this case with the team so they make sure to look at it and investigate if there is an issue and what we can do about that
Feasibility of Item Exchange Between Guild Members
- Q. Dear Nexters :
As a player of Hero Wars, I have witnessed quite a bit of upgrades to the game, since I began playing in February of 2019. Although some of them were quite challenging, and others changed the aspect of the game entirely, they were an integral portion for the game’s evolution.
In the past 6 months or so, there has been a “Season” every 30 days, giving the opportunity to upgrade the various resources we use daily… Heroes, Pets, Titans, and (Now) War Flags). In conjunction with these seasons, the events that were once weekly, are now run concurrent… having multiple events in one week…. each catering to a different aspect.
All of theses things have proved useful, and allow one to upgrade their resources, and even have an event for “Hero Wars”…. which is why I am proposing yet another event… but this one is specifically for the individual Guilds…
I propose a “Guild Member Appreciation Event”, but unlike the others, where you need to complete quests for rewards… it could one where each guild member, could share “excess/surplus” resources in their inventory with their guildmates, allowing one to share what they feel is no longer useful (to them). A shop could be created, much like the “Secret Wealth”, where you can obtain resources not typically available…. only it could be set by the players, resources chose for “sale”, as well as the price for it… limiting to gold, or extremely-low gem amounts, allowing the guild to help one-another in ways not typically possible…. or simply “Gift/Send” resources directly to a team-mate in need (GREAT IDEA Bo Bradley). - A. Hey! We also want to reinforce the Guild-related aspects of the game (hence, the Prestige system), and I know that the team is looking into some guild-centric events right now, but not exactly in that form.
That said, we know that trading/exchanging resources between Guild Members is something some of you would really love to see, and we keeping that in mind.
There are a lot of hidden obstacles with that concept, but we might introduce some limited form of this kind of exchange at some point in the future. So no further comments at the moment, but thank you for sharing your idea!
Requests for Server Transfer Easing
- Q. Hero wars, has been an active game on the Facebook platform, for the past 7 years+. In that time, a total of 75 servers have been crated, with movement available to servers below yours… and not above.
The idea here, was to prevent powerful players (that have been playing longer), from dominating the newer servers… which is an outstanding idea, to make the game fair, and prevent an unfair advantage to older players.
However, the movement from most of the original servers (1-9), is heavily restricted… due to the point in time, at which they were created.
I would like to suggest, that movement for servers 1-9, be extended to a Maximum of Server 25… as the amount of time that has passed, will have allowed Servers 13-25 to adequately increase their account(s), making them close (if not exceeding) the same level(s) of power associated with Servers 1-9.
As a result, there would be more movement available, giving older players more opportunity to seek out new adventures… as well as remove some of the monotony from their daily game, making it more enjoyable, and renewing the excitement for daily gameplay.
Please take this into consideration, as we are all looking to keep this game as enjoyable as possible, with new adventures… as well as opportunities… around every turn.
In closing, I thank you for taking the time to read my request, and look forward to the possibility of these changes happening in the future.
Doug Adam Jr
“DuG” - A. Thank you very much for your detailed and, most importantly, constructive feedback. It is highly valuable to us, and we will definitely pass it on to the developers
Main Updates and Game trends
Mysterious Island
Changes for Summer Festival 2024
Brawl Shop (Orion Brawls)
Brawl Shop (Clash of the Titans 7)
What is the recent buzz about 1-turn seba?
Evolve Your Lara Croft!
The latest trends, Best heroes, Best teams
Tier List 2024 (on PvP)
Best Heroes 2024
Which DPS to Upgrade in 2024
Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024
Which Healer to Upgrade in 2024
Which Support to Upgrade in 2024
Which Control to Upgrade in 2024
Meta Teams
Best Teams
The Best Titans Tier List
Titan’s Meta Teams
Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week28
Guild War:Web31-Gold league, Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 22

CoW: Season 8 Temporary Place 12