Upcoming Events
- 4/21 (Fri.) – 4/24 (Mon.) : The Negator of All Creation Returns
- 4/24 (Mon.) – 5/01 (Mon.) : Interplanetary Travel
- 5/01 (Mon.) – 5/04 (Thu.) : Guardians of Outland
- 5/01 (Mon.) – : Champions Season 3
Screen Size News
- The ability to turn off automatic screen size enlargement, which was pre-released to some players, is now available!
- This does not apply to all players, only those who have received the prior release, and players who have not received the prior release will not be affected.
- The prior release was unpopular because of its blurriness, and therefore, those who were eligible were given the option to turn it off.
Official Messages
Hey everyone! We have a little update to share!
- A couple of weeks ago, the game screen size changed for some players and became bigger! Not everyone liked that, so now the players affected can set the game screen size back to the way it was before.
- To do that, go to the Menu tab, find the personal account settings at the very bottom of the tab, and there you will find the “Game Screen Size” toggle. And don’t forget to click the “Refresh the page” button!
- Also, there was a typo in Tenebris’ Touch of the Abyss skill – now it’s fixed, but don’t worry, the skill itself wasn’t changed, and Tenebris is still as strong as she was!
Small Update of Team Level and Combat Training
- EXP required to improve team level has been revised.
- However, please note that the experience required to train heroes has not been revised!
- If there is a disconnect between team level and hero level, it is often difficult to fight well.
- In addition, what appears to be a bug in combat training has been fixed.
- However, there is still a problem that the logs of the arena disappear as it seems to share the digestion of the number of logs internally.

Official Messages
Hey everyone, we have some news to share!
- We changed the amount of experience required to increase your Team Level! Starting from Team Level 30 you will need significantly fewer EXP points to advance the Team Level. This will allow you to access late-game modes sooner and upgrade your Heroes and Titans quicker.
- Due to popular demand, we removed Combat Training logs publications from the Arena chat tab.
Official Community Manager FAQ
Titles are tailored to the content.
New Guild Raid Boss
- Q. do we have any information about an upcoming new asgard boss (especally when it comes) for now?
- A. Hello! We don’t have any info about it atm, but we will share the news as we get something.
Training battles : a mark for the used heroes
- Q. New Clash of Worlds upgrade is great with training battles, I would only add one feature: a mark for the used heroes, to make it easier to pick the attack team. Not a block, so I can still test them “for a friend”, but a mark to know I can’t use that hero for my next attack. Thank you!
- A. Hello! Thanks! Right now we are gathering lots of feedback and ideas regarding the CT feature and passing it on to the devs.
Sort chat tabs
- Q. Hi thanks for introducing good features
can you please sort the tabs like this? - A. That’s a valid point. We’ve already addressed it to the devs and they are considering adding it to the future development plan.

Combat Training and HWS
- Q. I’m honestly shocked how few features the CT includes after 3 months of dev work. the only thing they added to the regular Guild battle was the buffs. that’s it.
where’s the clean up option? (in case the 1st hit failed)
what about the pets on defense?
it doesn’t even tell you which heroes/titans you have already used in previous hits.
how do you expect people to stop using the simulator, when CT is no way near to be a worthy substitute? - A. The dev team has been working not only on the CT feature. There are a lot of tech tasks, stability improvements, event maintaining e.t.c Lots of work goes, so to say, under the hood. Well, we have never intended to fully replicate the simulator, as it would trivialize the battles and undermine all of your experience and knowledge. What we wanted is to give an option to stay competitive without feeling forced to use the software you don’t actually want to use. And, looking through the comments and replies, it feels like we succeeded in that, at least partially.
Mushy’s armor buff
- Q. Improve the fact that Mushy’s Skill 1 cannot be used when there are three copies of Mushy’s shrooms on the battlefield.
We don’t need more copies of Shrooms, but we need to improve the inability to use the armour buffs. - A. Hi. I’ll discuss it with the game designers. That change might seriously affect Mushy’s combat behaviour, so we must study it carefully.
3x energy recovery needs to be a permanent
- Q. I really feel like this 3x energy recovery needs to be a permanent, or at least semi-permanent, part of the game… perhaps attached to Valkarie’s Favor, or unlocked at whatever VIP level?? You can play a bit during the day and come back to the game in the evening knowing there is something to do.
- A. Hello! This addition will greatly increase the value of Valkyrie’s buff. We will discuss it with the devs.
Picture on the loading screen
- Q. Hi! I always see this picture on the loading screen these days except during special events. There have been many nice pictures in this game, so I wish you would change it to them instead of this same picture…
- A. Hello! Yeah, even I got a little tired staring at the Titans. I’ll bring this up with the devs. It would be nice to see different art on every game load.
Main Updates
Hero’s Order Rank
Interplanetary Travel
Peppy Got Stronger!
What strong player do and weak player don’t do
What you need to know when you start Hero Wars
What you need to know before starting Hero Wars
Meta Teams
CoW Season 3
Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2023.Week15
Guild War:Web31-Gold league,Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 11

CoW: Season 2 Temporary Place 6