
[Hero Wars Guide]Weekly Report 2024.Week37

  1. Report
  2. Main Updates and Game trends
  3. Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week37


Upcoming Events

* Announcements only
**Dates may be subject to change

Event Calendar Format: 14 days

Event Calendar Format: September


Event Calendar Format: October

September Events

Official Message

Also, here is what events await you in September: Nature and Silver Seasons, Strongford Quiz, Guardians of Outland, Emerald Coins Titan Event, Foundations of Power, Elemental Synergy, Weaving Patterns, updated Area of Conquest, Autumn Festival, Emerald Coins Hero Event, Great Storm, Ascension to Asgard, Titan Brawls, Time of the Fearless, Legacy of the Great Ones, and even more new things to come, which we will tell you about later!

Regarding the August Events!, the specific dates for the following have not been officially announced yet.

Autumn Festival

New Guild Raid Bosses Unleashed

Originally a human conductor, transformed by God

Alternates every other week with the Battle of Osh

Two modes, as in Osh

There is a mode switch for bosses with the W key

Minions are also unique

Pure damage and Magic damage become more important?

Avatars added

Armor penetration patterns unlocked

  • Can be selected in combat training
  • Status boost effect multiplied up to 12

Update on Demonic Skins for Mobile

  • Soleil, Ishmael, and Fafnir seem to be the targeted heroes.
  • It is unknown if the web version will be updated as well, since the skin specifications for the web and mobile versions are different these days.

Official Community Manager FAQ

Titles are tailored to the content.

1. Explanation of the Plan to Replace CoW with AoC

Hello, Guardians! Recently, we announced our plans to replace Clash of Worlds mode with the Area of Conquest mode. Thank you for the spirited discussions and the flood of feedback. 

  • Right now we are in a stage of processing your feedback, and we will make sure to take in the community input and think it over. We will come back with more details on the future of CoW and AoC next week! 
  • But right now we want to address the most pressing concerns of our community regarding the Area of Conques mode. Just so you know that we are aware of them and that they are already taken into consideration!
  • First, let’s talk about the reasoning behind this decision. We regularly analyze various statistics and collect community feedback on game mechanics. Over the past six months, this data has shown that a large number of players are dissatisfied with the CoW, are not engaged with it, and spend little time participating, preferring other activities. 
  • On the other hand, Area of Conquest has caught their attention and is seen as having great potential for further development – there’ve been numerous requests to bring the event back as soon as possible, and also some suggestions to use it to replace the Clash of Worlds or Guild War. These two factors were key incentives for this change.
  • Many of you have mentioned that AoC is a more time-consuming event. Rest assured, the developers are taking these concerns seriously. One of the key areas that will be adjusted in future iterations of the event is the time commitment required.
  • The mode will have cycles that will last for a few days (definitely less than a week), and there will be planned pauses of several days between cycles, giving players time to rest. We are also aware of the game mode intensity in terms of the login requirements, this one is trickier to handle, but we might iterate on that in the future too
  • There have also been concerns raised about the matchmaking system in AoC. This is another critical aspect. The developers are currently dedicating a lot of effort to improving the system so that in future runs, players will face opponents with more balanced power. They’re also working on addressing potential exploit issues that you’ve been reporting to our support team. Thank you for your vigilance.
  • And now, let’s address the ’Elephant in the room’ – the Titans. The developers are aware that many players have invested significant time in upgrading them, and Titan battles were a major part of CoW. With that in mind, we do plan to incorporate Titans into AoC in some form in future iterations.
  • Additionally, the resources for upgrading Totems, which you earned by participating in CoW, will also find their place in the AoC mode, providing with a sustainable way to upgrade your Light and Dark Totems.

Once again, thank you all for actively and passionately discussing this news. Your feedback is very important to the developers to make AoC a fun and exciting event for all players! Stay tuned for the news on AoC and CoW next week!

2. AoC Matchmaking System

  • Q. Nexters, when running matchmaking in events like AoC, please consider the following to provide a better experience for the community. We believe that keeping it simple – basing the matchmaking on total guild power alone and including no other protections against exploits – is not best in this scenario since your simple method is both so easy to exploit to the community’s detriment and also has a tendency to produce unfair match ups due to factors outside of its limited understanding.

    1. Whitelist Day0 Members: Only allow those who are members at the event launch to participate in the event. Please design it to where someone who is expelled for inactvity on day 1 can participate if they join back on day 3, since they were a member when the event launched.
    2. Cache Guild Power Prior to Event: Cache each guild’s total power for a significant amount of time leading up to the event and run the matchmaking on the cached values. This way, members who leave the guild prior to the event in order to ambush the opponents during the event are exposed in the cache and counted in the matchmaking, blocking the exploit. This is redundant if you are willing to implement method #1, so only consider this if you decide against method #1. This also doesn’t block the exploit of guilds jumping to weak dummy guilds that were created prior to the event, since said guilds never had much power, and so is inferior to method #1 in this regard.
    3. Utilize Additional Formulas: Instead of basing the matchmaking on total guild power alone, make it a composite score built from multiple formulas, to actually detect and handle quirks in power since, for instance, a guild of six 1m teams can steamroll a guild of 30 200k teams, even though the total power ratings are identical. Examples: Avg pwr, avg pwr of top 5 heroes, top 5 members avg pwr, max pwr, avg activity, max activity. This method would not be redundant next to method #1 but would instead enhance it further.
  • A. Hey! We’ve heard you loud and clear that there are certain issues with matchmaking, for future iterations we will be looking into ways to make the matchmaking more fair, and also into ways to make the Area of Conquest less demanding in terms of time. Thank you for the feedback!

    We also have shared your feedback regarding other important aspects, like adding more clear map tile names, etc. Thank you for all the feedback, it’s much appreciated!

3. AoC Matching Adjustments

  • Q. So is there any punishment for guilds who do this? The guild we’re fighting in arena of conquest has nearly double our hero power as they kicked half their guild before the event started and then readded them once the event started. Complete rubbish.
  • A. Nope, but we will bare this practice in mind for future iterations. Devs already thinking on ways to prevent that (there are different possible solutions, some of which we’ve seen mentioned in the community already!)

4. AoC Matches Against Unbeatable Power Differences

  • Q. Big problem with AoC is that there’s always a Big Fatso sitting in the 32/min spot that noone can attack due to the power balancing issues
  • A. Matchmaking is one of the key things planned for a rework.

5. How to Earn a Large Number of Chests in AoC

  • Q. CMs, please take this post to Nexters and advise if this exploit is their desired reward behavior from the recent Area of Conquest event. We don’t want a game full of exploits; it’s not what we pay for. We want a well moderated playing field.

    To test the exploit, I saved four Your team stood its ground! event mails and collected them after the event ended. Opening each of these mails caused a new mail of 2 Hero Upgrade Chests to appear in my inbox after reloading my tab. The event’s ([event points]/1,000)x2 formula would have dictated that each of my 100 points should have only been 0.2 chests, but I got 2 chests instead, or 1,000% more than I should have.

    Two players could team up to exploit this greatly. They can sit next to each other with teams comprised solely of Martha and attack each other all day, and only collect the victory mails after the event. If they do this for 8 hours every day, they get 1,120 chests (10battlesPerHour x 2chests x 8h x 7d) or if they do it for 16 hours every day with speed boosters, they could get 2,352 chests (10.5battlesPerHour x 2chests x 16h x 7d). An entire room’s 4 guilds teaming up to do the 8h/day method would be 134,400 chests (4x30x10x2x8x7) per room.

    Also, beware that this exploit is inherent in many events with currencies, but AoC gives far more opportunities than others. If you want suggestions, either disable it for AoC or before end-of-event conversions first loop through all mail with the event’s currencies in them and consume only the event’s currencies, discarding the mail if no contents remain.

    Please don’t reply along the lines of “*That’s great, congratulations on the bonus chests! [end of post]*”, though I’m sure you won’t do that. Instead, please bring this to Nexters and relay their feedback to the community. Also, if this is an exploit but is beloved by the community, please don’t let that unduly sway you in your responsibility, as we’d like exploits properly handled. Thank you for your time!
  • A. We received information from the developers that in the upcoming runs of the AoC event, the reward system will be changed, and the situation you described will not be possible.

6. AoC Cycle Schedule Uncertain

  • Q. AOC replace CoW? time to quit
  • A. At the moment, there is no exact information about the timing yet; it will most likely be cyclical, with short cycles (less than a week), and there will be noticeable breaks for rest between them

7. Player Sentiments on AoC

  • Q. i wont say we r CoW fans. But we definitely hate AOC
  • A. See! You yourselves say you’re not fans of CoW. And there are many people like that, as our surveys have shown. AoC is also just at the beginning of its journey and is actively being developed and improved. I think experienced players will remember how Asgard was launched As they say ” Rome was not built in a day”

8. Health Issues Due to Osh Battle Animations

  • Q. About the Guild Raid Boss (Osh): Cutscenes with flashy lights have been added… without warning. This is not good, not good at all.
    Please think about the problems you might cause for someone with epileptic problems.
    Please introduce an option to disable them as soon as possible. I also opened a ticket with support, but it is an urgent and important matter. This is a health issue, so please be aware of the urgency of the issue when reporting this to the developers.
  • A. Hey! We’ve used a detecting software to determine the safety of this video in regards to epileptic issues, and it was cleared, but thank you for highlighting that potential danger! We took this very seriously and we will make sure to double-check that next time or add the warning, thank you for voicing your concerns!

9. Osh is Not Being Discontinued

  • Q. just a word from one player with multiple accounts if they cancel Osh me and many other will leave the game once for all “, silencing the past and starting from scratch.” we take no hints mark that
    this game take too much already maybe it is the time to stop
  • A. Hello! Osh will not be canceled, and players will be able to continue fighting against him.

10. Woods Are Not Needed on Mystery Island

  • Q. Star this message if you’re not spending a single explorer move on this month’s mystery island map because of Nexters’ shenanigans of bleeding more moves from us via logs, bridges, and unprecedented item distances from the start.
  • A. Hey! We’ve share the feedback on the current map to the team, and it is a very clear picture. I am pretty sure we will have some tweaks for October map

11. Guild Prestige Update Concluded

  • Q. Hello CMs. I hope that you can see from the reactions that your communication is not sufficient and does not address all the questions asked. In your latest reply starboard⁠ I still didn’t get all my questions answered, so I’m writing again, hopefully this time I will finally get an answer after 3 weeks (+some months).

    Please note that I don’t care about a “public bug or suggestion tracker” anymore, I know now that it will never be implemented, so please leave this topic and don’t address it anymore. Thank you.

    My actual questions:

    1. Can you please update us on the following starboard post/suggestion from 3.5 months ago?⁠
    According to this reply: cm has passed this request on (to the design team?). Were there any further discussions about this topic? Can you please ask them for an update? Are any changes/updates planned?

    2. Can you please update us on the following starboard post/bug report from 1.5 months ago?
    According to this reply:  cm has passed this request on to the Prestige team. Were there any further discussions about this topic? Can you please ask them for an update? Are any changes/updates planned? I still think think this is a bug, and that purchases made at the Airship Merchant should count towards the “Make x purchases from the shop” daily Guild/Prestige quest.
  • A. Hey!

    Regarding the Prestige question: yep, that still does look like it would be more consistent if Artifact count, but to my knowledge, we’ve fairly recently added the last batch of Prestige fixes and changes, and right now there is no work being done on Prestige features as we shift focus to other areas

    If/when we get back to evolving the Prestige system (the team has a lot of cool ideas), we will fix that minor issue too. But for now we are leaving it as it is, there are plenty other ways to complete this quest

    Regarding the VIP-question, can’t share any specific details on that – if we will have any updates, we will share them

12. Request for a x100 Summon Button

  • Q. For this Quest we need to click 40x an the summon button really ??
    Please give us a x100 Butten !
  • A. Hey! Not planning to add this kind of functionality in the near future, but maybe later. Thank you for bringing this up!

13. Request for Sliders in Loot Boxes

  • Q. Can you please ask the devs to add this slider to all the chests (e.g. Ancient Titan Artifact Chest), boxes (e.g. Titan Brawl Box) and dolls (e.g. Demon Doll), so that we can specify how many of them we want to open? I’ve provided a reference image from the choose-your-reward type chests, but this new slider UI would of course need to be modified to not offer a reward selection. Thank you.
  • A. Hi! Yes, for sure will relay that request to the devs!

14. Search Function by Hero Name

  • Q. This search function is very useful but where you need it its not there, COW, Arena, GW etc. Please add this to all Hero selections
  • A. Hey! Agreed, I would love to have the search field in all other modes too. And the dev team would love it too, but that takes time and resources, so we plan to add them slowly to different places as part of our methodical renewal/overhaul of the game’s interfaces and windows. You might have noticed that we have “refreshed” some of the UI-elements already, like the Hero Menu itself, and we will be continuing this effort, but it is a long proccess

15. Requests for In-Game Chat Improvements

  • Q. Today many people cannot be bothered to communicate.
    i wish the game enhanced the in-game chats and made auto translation and sharing screenshots easily possible for everyone.
    Enhancing communication and thereby organization could significantly change what we do and how we do it. And would make everyone less frustrated by each other and the game. And maybe my very international guild would even have a chance to become better than place 4 in AoC. 
  • A. Noted and agreed. We are not working on the chat overhaul/upgrade at the moment, but these definitely would be very useful additions to the game, especially coupled with chat tab being accessible from all the game menus and modes

16. Account Recovery Procedures

  • Q. Can people lose their accounts just by losing their email address and cookies?
    Will Support change the email address on accounts if contacted?
    I’m not looking to do that now, but wanted to know in general.
    Since I might not have that address forever, knowing if it can be changed would be a factor
    in deciding if I should continue to pay to play this game in future. Less inclined to do so if
    I might lose the account just because I lose my email address and cookies.
  • A. Hi! We can not guarantee that we will restore your control over account in all cases, but we will definitely do our best to determine if that account is indeed yours, and in that case we will help. If you have an issue with logging into your account – contact our support team and be prepared to share as much information about your account as you can, it’s vital to verify the ownership of the said account. If you pass the verification process – support team will do their best to help to restore the access to the accoint

17. Update Check on Previous QA

  • Q. Can we have an update on this post? It has been around a month since it was last addressed, and I hope the developers will be able to make a prompt reply. Thanks!
  • A. Hey! Don’t have any final updates there, we might bring them back later, but don’t have 100% guarantee for that right now

18. Advertising Contest Proposal

  • Q. I propose that Hero Wars makes a contest (similar to the ones done in the past) to make an advertisement for Hero Wars. I think many of us find it amusing how inaccurate most of the HW ads are when compared to almost all aspects of the game. Instead of these misleading advertisements, we could have players send in their own “potential advertisements” that highlight aspects of gameplay that they enjoy. Furthermore, I think it would be good to see the winner of the advertisement competition decided by player vote, similar to how most polls are done on youtube. If you support the idea of current players creating accurate depictions of what really makes us enjoy the game,  thank you.
  • A. Hi! I think this is a hilarious and brilliant idea, but

    1. For some reason I suspect that many of our players might not agree that this is funny;
    2. And I have a very strong feeling that our lawyers will not find this idea funny too – we won’t be able to use anything even remotely similar to your contest ideas in our ads ever again without a risk of being sued into oblivion. Good luck, marketing team! 

19. UGC Likely Free of Legal Issues

  • Q. CM, You wrote: ” I have a very strong feeling that our lawyers will not find [user submitted ad ideas] funny too – we won’t be able to use anything even remotely similar to your contest ideas in our ads ever again without a risk of being sued into oblivion. Good luck, marketing team! “

    In the US companies have solictied idea from the public for decades.
    It is mere an issue of having to sign off on an agreement that in exchange for being eligiable for winning the contest,
    they agree to allow the company use the submitted material in any way that company wants.

    I have done a lot of litigation of my own and although I’m not a lawyer, I’m pretty sure your lawyers will find that the idea is
    pretty robust and could be done if you wanted to.  (And certainly better than the many illegal things Nexters is already doing with the game.)

    Not saying that you should or should have such a contest, but I’m pretty sure you could  get people to waive the rights to submitted
    idea if they and you want them to.
  • A. Look, all I know is that plenty of companies we have worked with and have contacts with, including Crystal Dynamics (owners of Lara Croft IP) are very much not fans of UGC-contests of such sorts.

    Just like you, I am not a lawyer, so it’s funny that we are debating about that, and I will let our legal team to decide what is a cool idea, and what is not in that case

Main Updates and Game trends


Area of Conquest


Area of Conquest 2 All Quests

Best Heroes in the Area of Conquest 2

What I Said to the Guild After Area of Conquest event 2

Hero Upgrade Chest

Brawl Shop (Tenebris Solaris)


The latest trends, Best heroes, Best teams

Tier List 2024 (on PvP)

Best Heroes 2024

Which DPS to Upgrade in 2024

Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024

Which Healer to Upgrade in 2024

Which Support to Upgrade in 2024

Which Control to Upgrade in 2024

Meta Teams

Best Teams

The Best Titans Tier List

Titan’s Meta Teams

Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week37

Guild War:Web31-Gold league, Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 14

CoW: Season 8 Temporary Place 5


  1. Paulmito says:

    None this week ? :-))))))))

  2. StereoTyp says:

    emerald waterfalls event is 1 day short in the 14 day calendar!

  3. ginger ale says:

    many copy-past errors in “Upcoming Events” similar:
    Tue. Oct. 15 – Fri. Aug. 18 : Ascension to Asgard

    The end day is incorrect.


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