
[Hero Wars Guide]Weekly Report 2024.Week40

  1. Report
  2. Main Updates and Game trends
  3. Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week40


Upcoming Events

* Announcements only
**Dates may be subject to change

Event Calendar Format: 14 days

Event Calendar Format: October

October Events

Official Message

Also, here is what events await you in October: Champion Season, Silver Season, Great Storm, Spooky Festival, Weaving Patterns, Emerald Coins Hero Event, Hero Brawls, Ascension to Asgard, Cosmic Battle, Time of the Fearless, Emerald Coins Titan Event, Legacy of the Great Ones, and even more new things to come, which we will tell you about later!

Regarding the August Events!, the specific dates for the following have not been officially announced yet.

Spooky Festival

Weaving Patterns

  • There are two types of this event.
  • It will likely follow a seasonal pattern.

Emerald Coins Hero Event

Cheat Analyzer Implementation

  • A tool appears to have been introduced to detect cheating, such as the use of external tools within the game.
  • When cheaters are detected, they are notified through a batch process, meaning that notifications are sent after the fact, not in real time.
  • This tool likely targets cheats used in ToE defense, guild raid reset exploits, or methods that manipulate the success rate of evasion in versus battles.
  • It does not appear to be designed to detect cheats that allow for guild raid practice or analytics-based exploits.
  • Players who have relied on cheats are now faced with two choices: continue cheating and risk being banned, or stop cheating and potentially lose their rank. If they choose the latter, the sudden change in performance may lead other players to suspect that they have been cheating all along.

Official Message: Important Notice!

  • Hello, Guardians! To ensure fairness in competitive modes and rankings, we are introducing a new system for detecting unfair gameplay activity.
  • If suspicious behavior involving the use of third-party programs is detected on players’ accounts, they will receive a notification with a warning. In case of repeated violations or failure to comply with the warning, sanctions will be applied, including a suspension of such accounts.
  • Note: the warning may be delayed and not issued immediately at the time of the violation, as the system processes multiple parameters before drawing conclusions about a detected infraction.
  • We wish everyone an exciting and fair gaming experience! Play fair, be safe!  

Official Community Manager FAQ

Titles are tailored to the content.

1. Issue of Fame Decrease When Weaker Players Join Guild

  • Q. Nexters, you seriously need to fix the guild join system and prestige loss for leaving guilds.

    Right now the issues are:
    – If you have a free spot in your guild, and it is a top guild, you get random weak players joining constantly and have to boot them.
    – Even if someone joins after asking you, you have no way of seeing their power levels before they join.
    – Every time you boot a random joiner you lose prestige. Not just prestige they have earned since joining but more than that. If you get a lot of randoms joining, this can lead to a lot of prestige loss over the course of a few days. See the screenshot, which our guild has got multiple times this week. This is not fair as you never agreed to let them join in the first place and had no way of preventing them joining as the only restriction you can set in guild settings is that they must be level 130. Why should you lose prestige for that situation?

    What we actually want:
    – Proper Request to Join / Accept function where the person that wants to join has to make a Request to Join the guild, the guild master (or general depending on guild settings) has to click Accept before they join the guild.
    – Ability to configure in guild settings whether the guild is open to randoms joining or locked where the above request to join / accept system is enforced. Also ability to configure who can accept an invite (guild master, guild master + generals, guild master + generals + officers, or everyone)
    – Ability to see the power levels of the players heroes, pets, titans, totems, and flags/patterns before you accept the request

    – Get rid of the prestige loss when player leaves so that points earned in a guild remain in a guild whether a player leaves or stays. If you are not willing to do this then at a minimum make it so there is No prestige loss if the person joining is booted or leaves within 24 hours of joining.
  • A. Thank you for the detailed and comprehensive ideas and suggestions for improvement! (And my personal respect for the structure! It really helps a lot.)

2. Future of the Beach Skins

  • Q. Will the Beach Skins (the ones in the current Brawls Event Shop) be available for 5,000 Skin-Stones after the current Brawls-Event?
  • A. The beach skins remain as ‘temporary exclusives’ for now, but it’s possible that they may be obtainable through other means in the future

3. Is There a Strategy for Defeating Maestro?

  • Q. Dear CMs. I can remember you once saying that new stuff is throughoutly tested by your team. So now then please tell me: Has your team tested against lvl 160 Maestro to see if there are teams capeable of high damage against him? And if they have, did they find such a team? Let me explain, why i’m asking…. Against Osh, we already know teams that can kill the lvl 160 boss once, or even twice. This way, guilds can kill him many times and get decent rewards each weak for their efforts (See below the example of Arcane, killing him 21 times if my maths are correct). On the other hand their damage against Maestro was “only” 1,83 billion (i know, we all started from lvl 65). But my point is that if there in no such team who can kill Maestro at least once / battle (i dont care what heroes, RNG or manual or whatever), then this is again a brilliant dayligth robery from N€xt€r$, taking away several lvl 160 rewards from us every second week
    … So please prove me wrong and say if there is at least one team that can reach similar results as Cornelius team against Osh. 5-6 lvl 160 kills / every 2 weeks do matter a lot for us, non-whale mortals, you know….
  • A. What can I say here? Our game has a strong competitive element, and some aspects require time to figure out. If Hero Wars were a single-player game, maybe we could release a ‘solution’ with all the effective team compositions and buffs listed. Would that approach be exciting? I doubt it. Part of the fun is in experimenting, sharing experiences, and sometimes losing, but then, when you succeed, basking in the glory.

    It might be a distant memory by now, but Osh was not always such a pushover, and it took quite a while for players to “figure him out”. It’s the same with Maestro, we have no doubts you will find ways to beat him, and, with time, completely roll over him just like some players now do with Osh.

4. Unfair to Test Guild Raids Only Through Cheating

  • Q. CMs thanks for the response on adding Osh and Maestro to Combat Training⁠⁠. I would like to add that you can make an argument for these battles to be special and therefore non trainable. However, since script users are already virtually training these battles and using simulations to find out the best team comps and timings for manual play (or well, the switch to auto), those who not cheat are left on a huge disadvantage. Adding Osh/Maestro to CT would allow to catch up and create at least a little more even playing ground for those who do not cheat. Please consider this too. Thank you
  • A. Right now, all I can do is repeat what I’ve said – the developers are aware of this and understand its importance. All I can say about this right now is to stay tuned for updates. I hope they will make you happy.

5. Request to Reduce Clicks in Season Events

  • Q. Can we please combine the 2 concurrent seasons into 1? Combine somehow the rewards for each level of the 2 seasons together, but please reduce the amount of clicks we have to do every day!

    The quests for both are the same anyway! Makes no sense to have to click through them twice!
  • A. I agree that there are indeed too many clicks in the game, and the developers are considering ways to optimize this.

    However, I don’t agree that the seasons should be combined.

6. Gift of the Dominion Not Needed on Mystery Island

  • Q. Many players of 4+ years no longer have use for Orange GotD, which significantly lowers the value they got from the mysterious island (and the monthly cost is not cheap, by no means). To adjust to the needs of all players, I would suggest creating a new reward chest, where you select from Orange GotD, and other items of similar value. Like 150 large skin stone chests, 150.000 titan skin stones, 400 purple runes, etc. I think this would suit all players, regardless of the stage of development of heroes they’ve reached.
  • A. That sounds good! I’ll definitely bring it up in our meeting with the developers.

7. Gift of the Dominion Are Needed on Mystery Island

  • Q. That Orange gift of dominion to bring up a hero one Orange level completely was the most interesting reward in a mysterious island. Why did they remove it these months?
  • A. As mentioned in the question below, some people didn’t find it all that valuable. So I really think it’s worth discussing with the developers how to modify this reward so that it can better satisfy the majority of players

8. Is Wood a Carry-Over Item?

  • Q. Can we save some wood from the mysterious Island for the next one?
  • A. The current map will be available for almost two more months. The developers haven’t provided an answer on this matter yet.

9. Over-Buffing in Boss Battle Events

  • Q. Nexters,

    If your upcoming Augustus event has multiple levels of a boss and buff points, like Lara’s “Temple Guardians” fight, then please add a small update to the buff system to remove the surely-inadvertent threat of allowing players to get stuck over-buffed for any given fight, if you have not already done so.

    In the Lara event, otherwise successful and proper teams could end up practically unable to beat a boss due to getting trapped into an “overbuffed” state, or collecting too many more buffs than the amount the team first begins to win with. This caused the boss to become more difficult rather than more simple by a bizarre turn of events and left players in a situation where they deserved to beat the boss, since they bought more than the required buffs, but were instead punished for their mistake by having to purchase even more (potentially far more) buffs to hit the next obscure sweet spot.

    Please take appropriate action to prevent this overbuffed scenario, such as perhaps updating the UI to include a personal buff bank that we can freely deposit and withdraw buffs from, allowing players to evade this uncommonly-contracted but serious plague of Lara’s original event. Thanks!
  • A. I have passed your concerns on to the development team.

10. Will Augustus Be Unlocked in the Future?

  • Q. CMs since Augustus is not a collaborate hero, can you confirm that we will be able to get his ss from soul atrium and ss chests in the future like all other heroes?
  • A. At some point in the future – yes, definitely

11. Is Augustus’s Event One or Two Weeks Long?

  • Q. Will Augustus event will be a two part event as it was for Lara Croft lasting 2 weeks or it will only be one week?
  • A. One week

12. Tie Prevention System in CoW

  • Q. CoW ties to give teams +5 points (or similar number) for any unused attacks to help curb constant ties.
  • A. The idea is interesting, but I see both pros and cons in it. I’ve passed it on to our designers, as they surely have a more expert view on the situation.

13. Request for Sorting Feature in Hero List

  • Q. Just do a simple “Sort by” toggle, default could be “Power”, but you would quickly be able to switch to “Name” and “Main role”.

    Finding heroes when max testing is the bane of my existence, especially when they add heroes or skins so the power ranking changes.
  • A. Neat idea! I’ve added it to the list.

14. Player Name Search

  • Q. Could you add a function to search for people and guilds by name in the server? Also by server number for all servers if possible.
    One of the targets of recruitment in the server are people who have left the guild completely or have created a small guild and are active in a small way. We cannot find such people through rankings or anything like that.
    The other day, a function to recruit members was added to the guild, but it can only be searched by ID and minimum power. I don’t think anyone writes down the ID of someone they’ve seen before. I wonder why you didn’t make it possible to search by name.
  • A. This is a great wish list, I’ve added it to the improvement list.

15. Want to Know What the Avatar Is For

  • Q. Would be nice if in game Avatars had some sort of message on scroll over that said where they were from.
  • A. It would be a nice little detail, but I think right now the team is focused on more important and higher-priority tasks that impact the gaming experience for all players.

16. Don’t Want to Great This Kind of Result

  • Q. I really need that button ..
  • A. Although this made me laugh too, let’s still stick to the rules of decency and not break the server’s established guidelines. We’ve already been quite lenient with them, so let’s not abuse that

17. Game Lag on iPad

  • Q. I am also getting more and more annoyed over the increasing demand in memory. I play a lot on my ipad during the day because I dont have my private macbook available. And its getting less and less playable with memory related crashs every few minutes. I believe the new loading screen added a lot to that, because today was the worst day ever playing on my ipad
  • A. Thank you for sharing your experience. I understand how frustrating these technical issues can be. Unfortunately, it’s possible that some devices may struggle to keep up with progress and increasing technical requirements. Nevertheless, I will pass your feedback on to the developers. They might consider additional ways to optimize the game for such devices.

Tip: Hero Wars is incompatible with iOS and is better suited for Android OS

18. Unable to Make Payments on Facebook Version

  • Q. Hello, We jumped from server 38 to server 18 yesterday and today. One of my members, He is not allowed to make payments. (No possibility to click on the payment button) So he cannot make the server jump.
    We have asked the support if he can have a free ticket, and if not, we would pay him one so he can jump with us. We are talking about a ridiculous 14 USD. The answer from Nexters was that they don’t give him a free ticket and we should ask facebook, but facebook refers us back to NExters. And that leaves my mate, who is not being helped. We would pay for it, but we don’t know how. I find it very, very disappointing of the developers to let their customers down like this. Can you help me here how we can get our mate to us?
  • A. I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve encountered this issue. However, any matters related to account transfers and payments fall under the responsibility of the support team, and I won’t be able to assist directly here. The only thing I can try to do is investigate further—please send me the support ticket number and/or the game ID through Drommbot, and I will see if I can find out why the support team made this decision and if there’s a possibility to have it reconsidered.

Main Updates and Game trends


Hero’s Order Rank


Fall of the Avissians’ City

How to Augustus event

Augustus’s Shop

Summertime Nostalgia

Summertime Nostalgia Tasks and Rewards

Brawl Shop (Summertime Nostalgia)

The Sun of This World Tasks and Rewards

The latest trends, Best heroes, Best teams

Tier List 2024 (on PvP)

Best Heroes 2024

Which DPS to Upgrade in 2024

Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024

Which Healer to Upgrade in 2024

Which Support to Upgrade in 2024

Which Control to Upgrade in 2024

Meta Teams

Best Teams

The Best Titans Tier List

Titan’s Meta Teams

Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week40

Guild War:Web31-Gold league, Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 32

CoW: Season 9 Temporary Place 10


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