Events [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #2 Voting Results zero 28/07/2024 Contents Voting ResultsVote TallysTankSupportMarksmanMageControlHealerWarriorAll Voting ResultsCosmic Battle #1 Voting ResultsCosmic Battle #2 Voting ResultsCosmic Battle #3 Voting ResultsCosmic Battle #4 Voting ResultsCosmic Battle #5 Voting ResultsCosmic Battle #6 Voting ResultsCosmic Battle #7 Voting ResultsCosmic Battle #8 Voting ResultsCosmic Battle #9 Voting ResultsPlay GuideCosmic BattleCosmic Battle Shop GuideThe First Place: Cosmic BattleHeroes That Could Possibly Save the Day in Cosmic BattleThe Pass of a WarriorCosmic Battle ChestEvent BundlesChampion’s TreasurePowerful OfferCosmic Battle #3 FeaturesRelated ArticlesCounter PickVoting Results Vote Tallys Tank Support Marksman Mage Control Healer Warrior All Voting Results Cosmic Battle #1 Voting Results [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #1 Voting ResultsHero Wars PVP Event.... Cosmic Battle #2 Voting Results [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #2 Voting Results Voting Results Vote Tallys Tank Support Mar... Cosmic Battle #3 Voting Results [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #3 Voting Results Voting Results Vote Tallys Tank Support Mar... Cosmic Battle #4 Voting Results [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #4 Voting ResultsHero Wars PVP Event.... Cosmic Battle #5 Voting Results [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #5 Voting Results Voting Results Vote Tallys Tank Support Ma... Cosmic Battle #6 Voting Results [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #6 Voting ResultsHero Wars PVP Event.... Cosmic Battle #7 Voting Results [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #7 Voting ResultsHero Wars PVP Event.... Cosmic Battle #8 Voting Results [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #8 Voting ResultsHero Wars PVP Event.... Cosmic Battle #9 Voting Results [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #9 Voting ResultsHero Wars PVP Event.... Play Guide Cosmic Battle [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic BattleHero Wars PVP Event.... Cosmic Battle Shop Guide [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle ShopLimited time shop for the Hero Wars "Cosmic Battle" special event. What should you buy? Let's consider it in terms of emeralds.... The First Place: Cosmic Battle [Hero Wars Guide]The First Place: Cosmic BattleReport from Hayabusa.... Heroes That Could Possibly Save the Day in Cosmic Battle [Hero Wars Guide]Heroes That Could Possibly Save the Day in Cosmic BattleHero Wars PVP Event.... The Pass of a Warrior [Hero Wars Guide]The Path of a WarriorHero Wars' PvP event. How can you get the most out of it? Explains the concept and techniques.... Cosmic Battle Chest [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle ChestEvent item for the Hero Wars event, Cosmic Battle. Here's an explanation of its value in terms of Emerald.... Event Bundles Champion’s Treasure [Hero Wars Guide]Champion’s TreasureOne of the bundles being sold in conjunction with the Hero Wars Cosmic Battle. Here is the list and cost performance.... Powerful Offer [Hero Wars Guide]Powerful OfferOne of the bundles with the Hero Wars. Here is the list and cost performance.... Cosmic Battle #3 Features [Hero Wars Guide]Cosmic Battle #3 FeaturesHero Wars PVP Event.... Related Articles Counter Pick [Hero Wars Guide]Counter Pick perhaps..Official Counter List Overview These are the design... Cosmic Battle PvP Events The Pass of a Warrior