Event Guide
- Limited-time discounts on Pets equipment enhancements.
- Primarily held in conjunction with the “A Portal Anomaly” event.
- Offers a one-time enhancement for pet equipment, resembling a pet version of the Rarity Fair.
- Unlike the Rarity Fair, it comes with a discount.
- The discount, unlike a sale events or Discount day!, is presented through Mira appearing on the main menu.
- There’s a limit on the number of times the service can be used, typically 6 times.
- Pet Stones that have not completed the adventures stage release can still be enhanced.

Details of the Discount
- Pet equipment can be done with Chaos Particles or Emeralds, but the Emerald amount only required is calculated by Mira the Pet Master.
- If planning to use emeralds for pet equipment, it’s advisable to wait for the Mira the Pet Master event unless immediate pet strengthening is necessary.
- Most beneficial when none of the pet equipment has been made, as Mira the Pet Master provides base stones for free.
- Using Mila without equipping pet equipment stones allows conservation of stones for other pets. Extra stones can also be exchanged with Pet Master Mila.
- During the Emerald Waterfalls, it is subject to the Emerald Usage Quest, allowing a pattern of using a small amount over multiple days for additional benefits.
![[Hero Wars Guide] Mira the Pet Master](
Treatment of Pet Stones
- Initially, pet stones (equipment) are believed to have had a dedicated emerald unit price.
- It is assumed that they were changed to free during the process.
- This change was not explained, so it is unclear if it will be maintained in the future.

Difference from Gift of Sanctuary
- Both Gift of Sanctuary and Mira the Pet Master offer all of a pet’s equipment.
- Gift of Sanctuary provides all equipment in one item, while Mira the Pet Master provides the missing emerald in a calculated amount.
- Gift of Sanctuary is best used at the highest ranks with no equipment, while Mira the Pet Master can be utilized during the middle of training within a budget range.
Gift of the Sanctuary
Pets Ineligible for Mira the Pet Master
- To equip a pet stone, the target pet must reach a certain level with a pet potion.
- Pets that cannot be equipped due to insufficient level are ineligible for Mira the Pet Master.
- If they raise their level and meet the conditions during the event period, they can then use it. (If the screen display does not change at this time, a browser reload is necessary.)
Pet Potion
Timing When Mira the Pet Master Is Not Suitable
- Not suitable for the highest rank enhancement of rarely used team pets (Accompany, not patron).
- Since equipment for team pets is also charged with emeralds.
- For example, Axel and Horus are good candidates, but Mara and Fenris at purple +3 are better equipped with Chaos Particles. Since team pets have limited utility and need only half of the right-side equipment, prioritize spending emeralds on stats needed for frequently used heroes and pets rather than unnecessary stats!
Examples of pets popular for both Companions and Patrons: Axel

Examples of pets similar to Patron-exclusive pets: Mara

Companion Pet Ranking
Pet Master Mira’s Appearance
- Pet Master Mira will only appear on accounts with incomplete pet equipment.
- Once all pet equipment is complete, Pet Master Mira will no longer appear on the screen, even during event periods.
- In addition, Pet Master Mira will not appear for accounts below level 40, the level required to begin raising pets.
- If Pet Master Mira disappears due to pet training being completed, she will reappear as soon as there is a new pet to train.
- Only Pet Master Mira will disappear when pet upgrade is complete. However, A Portal Anomaly event, which usually runs concurrently with Pet Master Mira, will remain accessible.
Looks like stones of “small” variety are indeed still free, but the higher ones reduce emerald cost on upgrade.
Cant speak to exact ratios, but I observed the last time this event came around its around 4-5 emerald per pet particle the stones cost, making stones still a better purchase from mira compared to stone upgrades ratio-wise. buit this miht be wrong, im not sure. needs more investigating.