- Report
- Upcoming Events
- Roadmap for the first half of 2025
- Luna skins update for mobile version
- Official Community Manager FAQ
- 1. CM team was on New Year’s holiday
- 2. Request for items to remove Patterns
- 3. Avoid playing the same opponent in AoC
- 4. Feedback on CoW and AoC status
- 5. Immediate action required for CoW issues
- 6. Is the guild transfer ban ineffective?
- 7. Criticism of Nexters’ Business Operations
- 8. Hero Wars Quality Assurance
- 9. Technical Improvements for Event Management on the Roadmap
- 10. The charm of the 1980s works
- 11. Is the new hero a cat?
- 12. Are Julius, Merlin, and Lian cats?
- 13. Two new heroes are coming
- 14. The new heroes are not part of a collaboration
- 15. Release date for new heroes is undetermined
- 16. When will Titan skins be unlockable?
- 17. Titan Brawl Event Schedule
- Main Updates and Game trends
- Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2025.Week02
Upcoming Events
- Wed. Dec. 04 – Mon. Mar. 03: Mystery Island 5 (89 days)
- Fri. Jan. 03 – Fri. Jan. 31 : Pet Season (28 days)
- Fri. Jan. 03 – Fri. Jan. 31 : Silver Season (28 days)
- Thu. Jan. 16 – Mon. Jan. 20 : Area of Conquest
- Thu. Jan. 16 – Mon. Jan. 20 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Sun. Jan. 19 – Wed. Jan. 22 : Weaving Patterns V1
- Tue. Jan. 21 – Wed. Jan. 22 : Emerald x4 Sale
- Tue. Jan. 21 – Fri. Jan. 24 : Elemental Synergy
- Tue. Jan. 21 – Sat. Jan. 25 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Wed. Jan. 22 – Sat. Jan. 25 : A Portal Anomaly
- Wed. Jan. 22 – Sat. Jan. 25 : Mira the Pet Master
- Thu. Jan. 23 – Sat. Jan. 25 : Piggy Bank
- Fri. Jan. 24 – Sat. Jan. 25 : Cosmic Battle Ban Phase
- Sat. Jan. 25 – Tue. Jan. 28 : Cosmic Battle
- Sat. Jan. 25 – Tue. Jan. 28 : The Path of a Warrior
- Sun. Jan. 26 – Tue. Jan. 28 : Demon Doll
- Tue. Jan. 28 – Fri. Jan. 31 : Time of the Fearless (3 days)
- Tue. Jan. 28 – Wed. Jan. 29 : Emerald x5 Sale
- Tue. Jan. 28 – Sat. Feb. 01 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Tue. Jan. 28 – Sun. Feb. 02 : Tournament of Hero Power
- Wed. Jan. 29 – Sat. Feb. 01 : The winds from the East
- xxx. Jan. xx – xxx. Jan. xx : ? Piggy Bank ?
- Sat. Feb. 01 – Tue. Feb. 04 : Power of the Titans *
* Announcements only
**Dates may be subject to change
Event Calendar Format: 14 days
**Dates may be subject to change

Event Calendar Format: January

Roadmap for the first half of 2025
- The roadmap for January through June 2025 has been revealed.
- Two new Heroes will be introduced, although the exact release dates have not yet been determined. It has been confirmed that these heroes are not part of a collaboration. One is expected to be Folio, appearing in the mobile version.
- Plans to improve the quality of events have also been announced.


Luna skins update for mobile version
- Qing Mao, Lian, and Tempus are expected to be the featured heroes for this update.
- A new stat buff for Crushing (increased damage) will be introduced, with Qing Mao receiving additional updates.
- Lian’s Luna skin will be adapted from the web version.

Official Community Manager FAQ
1. CM team was on New Year’s holiday
- Q. Why have you stopped answering questions from players since December 19th, 2024, almost a month ago, and have only answered questions about the many bugs that are supposed to reassure players? Have you stopped this service??? Or is it just because there have been so many game problems in the last few weeks? The Winterfest alone was the biggest joke!
Answering 10% of the questions is simply not enough! - A. The answers were not published here because the CM team was on New Year holidays. Now, the practice of regular responses here is being resumed. All feedback and comments regarding Winterfest have been forwarded to the developers.
2. Request for items to remove Patterns
- Q. So can we finally have some sort of disassembly tools that allows us to unattach patterns from flags free of charge? It’s totally unreasonable to force us to pay 5000 emeralds if we eant to unattach a red pattern. Make the tool a quest reward or something. I’vebeen stuck with my flag for a year now.
- A. I will pass this suggestion on to the developers. It’s unlikely that the emerald payment will be removed, but perhaps, as you mentioned, the developers might consider some alternative ways to address this.
3. Avoid playing the same opponent in AoC
- Q. CMs it would be VERY NICE, if our guild would NOT get matched with the same opponents as in the last 2 AoC events
It is extremely dissatisfying for Europeans to fight Asian/Australian guilds, that start AoC 6hrs before you wake up and have arranged a cease fire – you can not compensate this, no chance
THAT is one of the biggest problems – get matched with guilds out of your time zone and get matched with them several times in a row
THATS why we HATE this event as we have nearly no chance to score better than 3rd place
NO PvP event with more than 2 guilds involved PLEASE - A. The time zone differences are unlikely to be changed in the near future, as they are based on fundamental technical aspects of the game’s architecture. As for matchmaking and opponents, the developers calibrate the matchmaking system with each AoC launch. We’ve received feedback that it has indeed improved compared to the initial launches.
Regarding the same opponent appearing consecutively—yes, that’s unfortunate. I will highlight this issue to the developers.
4. Feedback on CoW and AoC status
- Q. A global question about CoW. Your team promised to review this mode. Now it is unviable because the scoring system has led to the fact that it is not the strongest or smartest who wins, but the luckiest one – whoever gets the weaker team in the final.
You are persistently promoting AoC, gradually turning it into a championship system.
But for AoC:
1. You need a maximum 10 top heroes
2. You only need 1 flag, usually red or green with three patterns for magical and physical attacks and for armor at the rank of just red
3. Titans are not needed at all
4. You need to be in game 24/4.
Question: if this mode requires so little – why we need new islands and silver tickets. (If before I had an incentive to buy something – now it is gone. I have nowhere to put 5 flags, because I use ONE.)
Even before AoC, your disregard for the CoW championship led to the fact that solvent players began to leave the game. With the introduction of AoC, everything got even worse. Our team alone lost 5 people who left the game forever. And the main reason is that players can’t sit in the game 24/4, but they don’t want to let the team down. And those who remain stop paying.
The paradox is that the main prize in AOS is threads and patterns that are only needed for CoW. But CoW is a dead mode that you stopped supporting.
You didn’t even bother to answer the question of how it became possible to rig the results and have battles with a score of 7500-7700 or 7500-7563. How players began to receive more than 7500 points per battle – and win thanks to this. You ban for changing guilds, but do not ban for obvious violations.
Please share your plans. Do you plan to move AoC to the championship system, as you previously planned? Should we leave the game now? - A.
Hi and thank you for sharing such detailed feedback and raising these important questions. We understand the concerns regarding CoW and AoC and the impact they have on your gaming experience.
At the moment, we cannot provide specific details or timelines, but please rest assured that we are actively analyzing feedback from the community and are reviewing both modes to identify areas for improvement.
We genuinely appreciate your patience and dedication to the game, and we want you to know that your insights are being forwarded to the Devs for consideration as we work on refining these systems.
If there are any updates regarding CoW or AoC, we will make sure to share them with you as soon as possible.
5. Immediate action required for CoW issues
- Q. Why is Nexters doing nothing about the scoring system in the CoW mode: it’s the most entertaining game mode and the constant draws at the top spoil that completely. We are upset now, all the community ask you to do something. I am exasperated you’ve started a new season without any change. Do Something N.O.W
- A. The developers understand the players’ interest in the CoW mode, which is why any changes to it require thorough preparation and study before implementation. Any changes can trigger a chain of consequences that affect all aspects of the game. Therefore, haste is unnecessary in this matter. Nevertheless, the developers are working on it.
6. Is the guild transfer ban ineffective?
- Q. Yes I see this 7 day ban doesn’t affect anyone at all
- A. We have received sufficient feedback on this banning system, both from the community and through customer support. We have forwarded it to the developers for review.
7. Criticism of Nexters’ Business Operations
- Q. What’s going on…
I want to address Guild-switching bans and more. I don’t work for Nexters. Maybe I shouldn’t post, but I think it should be said.
Within gaming, the only real purpose for actual bans is to discourage the type inappropriate behavior that you can’t reliably prevent. For example, when it comes to script cheats, you might not be able to detect the cheaters 100% of the time. So you ban them when you catch them when you slow them down.
7 day Guild bans: Pretty bad. Doubt there’s a good reason. They should at least warn you if you leave a Guild at a time when rejoining one would trigger a ban. In practice, the bans works as a trottle, except for the part where you’re not in any guild at the time.
I doubt there’s much of a reason especially with Winterfest over, but there’s a bigger hint…
In the Tower, you’re supposed to only use Blue Heroes and better. If someone clicks a Green Hero for the team… what happens? Nothing? Why shouldn’t the be banned for trying to click a Green? Answer: Because they can’t add it normally… it just doesn’t work.
But the CLEAR HInT as to WHY they are doing this lies in the “30 day suspension for three bans.”
What is the reason for this? Absolutely positively NOTHING whatsoever. Except for the most unfortinate one…
The 7-day can be a trottle… but the 30 days… ZERO REASON. If someone tries to switch too often, Nexters can just stop prevent the switch. Just like the tower. Probably over.
So, how could that happened?
I don’t know what happened to Nexters, but I don’t think they’re the same actually individuals who made this game. Because the current crew doesn’t really seem to know as much about how to proprerly make a game…
Clarification: “No good reason for the 30 day ban rather than just preventing the action that would otherwise trigger it.”
Maybe put the money grabs with the GOOD content?
Nexters also said that “it is normal for games to [just] raise the max level” [regarding Titans].
Just raising while giving nothing in return show a lack of understanding of good game development.
The company wants to make people work harder and spend more money. The players want to have fun.
A great compromise is good content generating profits.
Just inflicting higher levels without new content in a PvP enviroment is just plain wrong. It’s something a truly good designer would know not to do. Making me think Nexters needs more of them, or, _at least_ putting them in the right place.
Although Turtles was a good _dynamic_ event, I don’t think anyone did enough to really think through how to put that talent to the best use.
Putting a lot of effort into the new content so players can spend money on something fun is more of a win-win rather than a lose-lose. And it’s “done right.”
After all the hard, GOOD work, you sour the event by pushing you luck with a small money grab-attempt on Adventures 4 & 5…
But rather than putting them to work on good long term content, you have them spend their time making two Heroes that
are no longer part of the game for new players!
CM’s: Did someone sit down any try to figure out if all the cool animation and story boards for the Turtles
would really help revenue?
I mean, I loved it. But first you raise revenue from pre-orders that don’t even show that cool content.
Then you sour it with the Adv 4 & 5 money grab, and block TMNT from new players. Yes, if the contract forced the limited-time thing, work harder on stuff you can actually own!
Biggest problem with not having really smart developers is that I’m pretty sure they really can’t properly interpret the statistics from the server to determine if they really are burning enough players to hurt the game long term.
You see short term profits or drops in profits, but don’t know what it will do long term.
Bans for something you can just make not work (changing guilds too often) makes no sense.
Reacting to “This is horrible! Scripters are stealing the top of the Leaderboards” by changing the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for QOL scripting (which, I, personally, don’t do, but was probably good the game and revenue) isn’t an informed decision. Maybe it’s a good thing in the long run… might be good for many players. But I don’t think it will help Nexter’s
bottom line in the lon run which is what the company and stockholder really want.
My point is someone should be hired who really UNDERSTANDS these types of things and doesn’t do knee-jerk and
uninformed decisions.
Update/BTW: This Discords rules, reposted by Zugul, effectively say that Doing anything is violation of the rules of Conduct””.
It says: “Any actions [including but not limited to blah blah blah]”. That means the same thing as “Any actions.”
Really! It’s just another example of not having competant people. (Unless Nexters wanted to making everything banable.)
Did Nexters want everyone to be in violation but didn’t want us to notice? That’s a question, BTW.
Also: Was there any discussion of whether or not all that hard work on the Turtles might be sort suboptimally utilized on a limited-time event ? - A. Thank you so much for such detailed and comprehensive feedback. Allow me to express my respect for how well-structured and thoughtfully written your message is. This Monday, I already forwarded it to senior management and the game developers. At the moment, I cannot provide any comments on the topics raised, but if there are any updates, we will, of course, make sure to inform you.
8. Hero Wars Quality Assurance
- Q. Hey CMs
Given the more and more bugs in the game, what assurance do players have that the game code is reliable and:
– stats work as displayed (heroes, titans, pets, flags)
– inventory items do not vanish or change quantity
– overall, that players’ spending actually gets them what they paid for? - A. Unfortunately, technical issues can sometimes occur, but the developers are doing everything possible to minimize them. Their top priority is ensuring the quality of the game and the enjoyment players get from it.
9. Technical Improvements for Event Management on the Roadmap
- Q. I think what damages the game’s brand is sloppy execution. However, having played this game as long as I have, I’m going to admit: Nexters has ALWAYS been kind of sloppy in executing its events. it was just worse than usual last year.
- A. Technical improvements are included in the roadmap plan published above. So, we can expect technical issues to become less frequent.
- Q. People get fed up and leave. It happens. When it happens enough locally, sometimes people misapprehend this to be a broader symptom
I hope so, but after years of being accustomed to sloppy execution of events, “I will believe it when I see it.” - A. True, true. Understandable
10. The charm of the 1980s works
- Q. Admit it, CMs Gem and the Holograms would have been a hilarious collaboration, considering that both Lara Croft and the Turtles were rather … older titles
- A. Wow, someone still remembers them!
- Q. Hahaha. 80s and 90s animation always has a certain old fondness in my heart.
- A. original turtles > modern turtles!

11. Is the new hero a cat?
- Q. New hero grumpy cat?
- A. We already have one!

12. Are Julius, Merlin, and Lian cats?
- Q. We never have enough CAT in our lives !
- A. Two, if you count Merlin. oh, three if we count Lian
13. Two new heroes are coming
- Q. 1 or 2 new heros??? or is the 1st pic a pet?
2 heros at 6 months are more as the last years! - A. 2 heroes at least
14. The new heroes are not part of a collaboration
- Q. CMs is any of them collaboration ?
- A. no, they will be original
15. Release date for new heroes is undetermined
- Q. is any of this event planed for January ?
- A. Don’t have dates ATM
16. When will Titan skins be unlockable?
- Q. Hi, it’s been 7 months since we had access to locked titan skins. They are needed to play TOE now with recent changes. It’s a real pain. I spent $ on this game and it’s currently worth 0 since I can’t compete anymore without these skins. When will they be release again?
- A. Yes, these skins have always been in high demand. I hope the developers make them obtainable in the near future, but for now, I don’t have any exact information on when that might happen.
17. Titan Brawl Event Schedule
- Q. how about schedule a titan brawl event soon?
- A. As soon as we have an approved schedule in hand, we’ll be sure to share an announcement, just as we’ve always done.
Main Updates and Game trends
Meta Teams
Key Insights from the 2025 Tier List
CoW Season 10
Emerald Waterfalls (4days)
Emerald Waterfalls Tasks and Rewards (4 days)
The latest trends, Best heroes, Best teams
Tier List 2025 on PvP
Tier List 2025 on PvP Role View
Which DPS to Upgrade in 2024
Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024
Which Healer to Upgrade in 2024
Which Support to Upgrade in 2024
Which Control to Upgrade in 2024
Meta Teams
Best Teams
The Best Titans Tier List
Titan’s Meta Teams
Companion Pet Ranking
Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2025.Week02
Guild War:Web31-Gold league, Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 58

CoW: Season 10 Temporary Place 8

shouldnt this be week 3 and there should be week 4 by now?
I understand what you mean, I originally numbered them according to the guild war logs. And I’m a little late in writing it.