Pet Guide
- A black shadow with a fearless smile, armed with a Kunai.
- Specializes in supporting Dodge heroes. Especially if you are raising Aurora and Dante, it is a must-have!
- The bonus energy (gauge gain) for successful Dodges is powerful. A pet specialized in anti-physical combat.

Cain’s Advantages and Teaming Theory
- When a patronized hero successfully evades, they gain the same gauge as if they had taken damage.
- Heroes whose primary artifact is evasion can trigger an evasion buff with this bonus energy upon successful evasion. This results in a higher evasion success rate, leading to a further barrage of skills. Thus, Cain and the dodge buff have strong synergy. Aurora, Dante, and Heidi fit this condition.
- Aurora and Dante can almost always patronize Cain to fire a barrage of skills. Especially when the opposing team has physical DPS, the high firepower of the opponent is directly converted into gauge gain by Cain. Thus, it is not an exaggeration to say that against any physical DPS, Aurora and Dante can function as a counter.
- As of 2024, Aurora and Heidi are well-known as countermeasures against Dante, but Aurora is a countermeasure against Dante based on Cain’s patronage effect.
- As of 2024, Nebula is the only pet that can be patronized.
- Gaining a gauge when evading is a skill effect of Cain’s, although some people mistakenly believe it is a Dodge hero trait. For this reason, when Aurora and Dante are organized at the same time, they face the problem that Cain can only patronize one of them. As a result, simultaneous organization of these two is wasteful and often not strong enough.
- When defending with Aurora or Dante, the opponent often assumes Cain is patronized. Using Biscuit or Fenris instead can induce an attack failure. Even if Cain is not raised, he can demonstrate his defensive ability by simply flickering his presence.
- As a team pet, it will raise the evasion rate of the entire team with a passive skill. Because it is unconditionally triggered, it is very compatible with the Dante tank’s opening fast attack. Mainly used in attack teams and beginner teams.
- The patron effect is effective in formations that place Ching Mao or Elmir at the top. Armor piercing buffs can be deployed at a faster pace than the opponent’s armor buffs. This may be used in healer-less physical attack teams, etc.
- Can patronize Jet. This can accelerate the activation timing of armor buffs, which Jet has. This is especially useful for teams attacking Rufus Ishmael. There is a pattern in which the win rate changes depending on whether or not Cain is patronized by Jet.
Disadvantages of Cain
- Dodge is not triggered against magic damage or pure damage. For this reason, Cain is often not very useful, except in anti-physical DPS fights. This is true for both obi and patron skills.
- Heroes with Dodge stats are not that numerous. For this reason, the operation is not widely applicable. Especially for heroes whose primary artifact is Dodge, there are very few.
- The 1st skill is a barrage of physical attacks against a single target. This skill is incompatible with heroes with Dodge buffs on the opposing team. If the opponent has Aurora or Dante, they can be efficiently used as energy presenters. For this reason, it is often less suitable as a pet for the defense team.
- Cain is a special pet for Aurora and Dante, but it is not always the best choice. Aurora is a good match for Oliver when fighting against magic teams, and Dante sometimes benefits more from Fenris’ armor penetration.
- Heidi’s base firepower is too low, making it more efficient to fight with Albus. For Heidi, Cain is only the next best option when Albus is not effective.
- While Cain is the only pet that can be patronized by Nebula, Nebula’s strength is minimally impacted by not having Cain. The contribution to strength is not commensurate with the cost of training, so it is often an afterthought.
- Bonus stats when patronized are Dodge and physical attack. While very useful for Dante, for Aurora and Heidi, physical attack is a stat they would rather do without.
- Due to the Dodge characteristic, Cain can easily become ineffective unless very powerful. If not prioritized and raised all at once, the resource management waste will be significant. Continuing development in a halfway state for a long time results in resources that do not contribute to the win rate, leading to more losses. For this reason, it is incompatible with unpaid play, where the training period tends to be long.
Heroes Particularly Benefiting from Cain’s Patronage