- Report
- Upcoming Events
- November Events
- Area of Conquest #4 This Week
- Official Community Manager FAQ
- 1. Should AoC Be a 1-Hour Limited Event?
- 2. Request to Pause AoC for a While
- 3. Stop Banning in Cosmic Battles
- 4. CoW Update Expected Within a Few Months
- 5. Request to Improve Guild Raid Scheduling (Survey)
- 6. Guild Quest QoL Improvements Not Yet Started
- 7. Status of the Stat Reset Consideration
- 8. Implement the Game as Advertised
- 9. Responses Without Timelines May Lack Value
- 10. Recent Releases Seem Intentional for Hero Wars’ End
- Main Updates and Game trends
- Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week44
Upcoming Events
- Mon. Sep. 02 – Wed, Dec. 04 : Mysterious Island 4
- Mon. Oct. 21 – Sun. Nov. 17 : Prestige Cycle 6
- Mon. Oct. 21 – Sun. Nov. 17 : Guild Quests Cycle 6
- Sun. Nov. 03 – Sun. Dec. 01 : Cosmic Season (28 days)
- Sun. Nov. 03 – Sun. Dec. 01 : Silver Season (28 days)
- Sat. Nov. 09 – Wed. Nov. 13 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Sat. Nov. 09 – Mon. Nov. 11 : Piggy Bank
- Sun. Nov. 10 – Wed. Nov. 13 : A Portal Anomaly
- Sun. Nov. 10 – Wed. Nov. 13 : Mira the Pet Master
- Mon. Nov. 11 – Wed. Nov. 13 : Secret Wealth
- Tue. Nov. 12 – Sat. Nov. 16 : Area of Conquest
- Fri. Nov. 15 – Mon. Nov. 18 : Legacy of the Great Ones
- Fri. Nov. 15 – Tue. Nov. 19 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Sat. Nov. 16 – Mon. Nov. 18 : Piggy Bank
- Sun. Nov. 17 – Wed. Nov. 20 : Guardians of Outland
- Tue. Nov. 19 – Fri. Nov. 22 : Hero Brawls with Ascended Heroes & Judge *
- Wed. Nov. 20 – Fri. Nov. 22 : Piggy Bank **Dates may be subject to change
- Fri. Nov. 22 – Fri. Nov. 29 : Cyber-Con *
- Fri. Nov. 22 – Fri. Nov. 29 : Black Friday *
- Fri. Nov. 22 – Tue. Nov. 26 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Sat. Nov. 23 – Tue. Nov. 26 : Foundations of Power
- Sun. Nov. 24 – Tue. Nov. 26 : Piggy Bank **Dates may be subject to change
- Mon. Nov. 25 – Tue. Nov. 26 : Cyber Monday *
* Announcements only
**Dates may be subject to change
Event Calendar Format: 14 days
**Dates may be subject to change

Event Calendar Format: November
**Dates may be subject to change

November Events
Official Message
Also, here is what events await you in November: Cosmic & Silver Seasons, Power of the Titans, The Elemental Synergy, Hero Brawls, Guardians of Outland, Ascension to Asgard, Area of Conquest, Legacy of the Great Ones, Foundations of Power, Emerald Coins Hero & Titan Events, Weaving Patterns, Portal Anomaly, Cosmic Battle and even more new things to come, which we will tell you about later!
Regarding the November Events!, the specific dates for the following have not been officially announced yet.
Hero Brawls
Emerald Coins Hero Event
Emerald Coins Titan Event
Weaving Patterns
Area of Conquest #4 This Week
- Details to be announced soon.
- The content is expected to be largely the same as Conquest Area #3.
- As in Area #3, the Augustus Formation will likely be effective.
Area of Conquest
Augustus teams in the Area of Conquest #3
Official Community Manager FAQ
Titles are tailored to the content.
1. Should AoC Be a 1-Hour Limited Event?
- Q. it should be 30-60 minutes long, moves regen every 10s instead of 6min, all settlements under 4 pts deleted, and 10-15 players per guild on an opt-in or champion-signet-style basis. guilds can choose from one of 4-6 different timeslots so it is not asia vs. NA at 3am someone’s time
- A. The developers continue to work on and modify the AoC event with each launch. Such a drastic overhaul of this event, as you suggest, would significantly change its original concept. It’s also worth noting that this would require adjustments to the reward and ticket systems and could potentially lead to more frequent launches. There are likely other, less obvious “pitfalls” as well. So, we are continuing to refine and improve the AoC, though I personally doubt it will turn into a one-hour PvP mode. But I won’t jump to conclusions; the designers are exploring different options.
2. Request to Pause AoC for a While
- Q. Please change the event schedule and remove Area of Conquest from this month’s events. There have been FAR too many AoCs in the recent months. I do not want to see AoC again for a long time. I think there are also many people who don’t want to see AoC again EVER. NO AREA OF CONQUEST THIS MONTH.
- A. The event schedule is planned in advance. As announced at the end of October, the AoC event will take place later in November. The developers continue in their efforts to make the event more enjoyable for a greater number of players with each launch.
3. Stop Banning in Cosmic Battles
- Q. just remove ban fase pls. let people use the heroes they have developed.
- A. And what’s the point? If you remove the ban phase, the event will lose its distinctive feature, and the outcome will be predictable in most cases, once everyone plays with their optimized teams. But I have seen other interesting discussions on how to diversify the banning phase, and I will bring this to the developers’ attention.
4. CoW Update Expected Within a Few Months
- Q. Just wondering where/when the COW changes that were mentioned in September are going to take place???
- A. There are no exact dates. I can only suggest keeping an eye on announcements; when something appears on the horizon, we’ll be sure to let you know. What I can say for certain is that some very exciting improvements are expected in the coming months.
5. Request to Improve Guild Raid Scheduling (Survey)
- Q. whats the importance of make 3 days boss fight , and 4 days for fighting minions ? 1 day or 2 are more than enough for minions , and 2 days for boss ….no need to make it that long , so why not to let us fight both of the bosses per week ? , ( 1 day minions for each boss ( 2 days for both in total) / and 2 days for each boss(4 days for both in total) ) , so like that we can fight both of the bosses in the same week , .. so plz make the duration shorter for each one
- A. Couldn’t this create even more confusion and pressure on players? Some have pointed out that the game already offers a ton of activities to participate in and spend time on. And if all bosses are released in a single week, it will become even more time-consuming.
Community-Sponsored Asgard Boss-Availability Survey
- Question: “What method of boss availability in Asgard would you prefer Nexters to implement?”
- Responses:
A – The current method, where only one boss is available weekly on a dictated alternating rotation.
B – An option to choose which single boss to do each week.
C – A method that offers both bosses weekly, both at once. (Mon-Thurs: Both minions, Fri-Sun: Both bosses)
D – A method that offers both bosses weekly, on a rotation. (Mon/Tues: Minions A, Wed: Boss A, Thurs/Fri: Minions B, Sat: Boss B) [timezone chaos]

6. Guild Quest QoL Improvements Not Yet Started
- Q. We still have to click the [+] button 100 times every day (for prestige with max titan artifacts).
About 2 months ago you had promised to improve this and give us a [get100] button or a ‘press and hold [+]’ functionality.
The slider doesnt work precisely enough when you have 64k. - A. I mentioned that this suggestion was added to the list of potential QoL improvements. And, since I didn’t have information on the exact timeline for its implementation, I couldn’t make any promises. Yes, it would indeed be a great feature. But for now, it hasn’t entered development.
7. Status of the Stat Reset Consideration
- Q. MANY OF MESSAGES NO EFFECT YET?!?! so let’s try again. Would it be possible to reset skins, glyphs, artifacts, ascension of heroes in the same way as the gift of elements? Many of us end up with heroes that are overdeveloped and paradoxically less performing than they would be if they were less powerful, and this was often due to mistakes made in the first few months of the game, when we didn’t yet fully understand its dynamics. It seems quite unfair not to have the opportunity to correct mistakes made earlier despite having invested even money in the game!.
- A. We regularly receive suggestions on this topic. The developers are aware of it. However, a system that would be fair and satisfy everyone in this regard has not yet been developed, but discussions on this are ongoing.
8. Implement the Game as Advertised
- Q. Can we one day please play the game you are advertising for? I can see your ads are even evolving and now in your dream world we could even form teams.
When i am looking at how many new servers you are creating per month this dreamworld hero wars game would definitely be a success. No matter if as a game mode for the existing hero wars or as an extra game.
Please confirm or deny that it will ever become real. - A. What other elements from the ads do you like and think would fit well in the game?
9. Responses Without Timelines May Lack Value
- Q. A plan needs time and without a time table and scheduling a plan means nothing. The answers in starboard like ” They are working on methods to utilize these resources effectively.” or something like this mean nothing without a time table or expected release time. And repeating such responses is only make us more frustrate and dissapointed. So if there is not such a time table or milestone please dont repeat such meaningless responses.
- A. I tend to maintain open communication within the limits of what we can. I don’t give release dates for any feature unless they are 100% confirmed. However, we shouldn’t underestimate the value of this chat. It’s an extremely valuable channel for the developers, and based on the information we receive here, we get direct feedback from our most active and dedicated players. So, we’re always looking forward to positive changes, and I’m especially happy when they happen based on your suggestions.
10. Recent Releases Seem Intentional for Hero Wars’ End
- Q. CMs, please ask Nexters…
Since you are adding so much bloat & excessive monetization, are you trying to intentionally force this game to enter the end of its service? These are the sorts of things that kill games such as yours. If this is your intention, please have integrity and let us know, so that we can avoid investing any more money in a product whose owner is orchestrating its failure. - A. If you look at the calendar of upcoming events, which is full of announcements for new events and improvements, it seems everything points to the active development and enhancement of the game.
Main Updates and Game trends
Mira the Pet Master
Mysterious Island Recommended Route
Cosmic Battle #8 Voting Results
The latest trends, Best heroes, Best teams
Tier List 2024 (on PvP)
Best Heroes 2024
Which DPS to Upgrade in 2024
Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024
Which Healer to Upgrade in 2024
Which Support to Upgrade in 2024
Which Control to Upgrade in 2024
Meta Teams
Best Teams
The Best Titans Tier List
Titan’s Meta Teams
Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week44
Guild War:Web31-Gold league, Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 35

CoW: Season 9 Temporary Place 8