- Report
- Upcoming Events
- August Events
- Live Stream Gifts Code
- About the game update
- Official Community Manager FAQ
- 1. Proposal to Avoid Simultaneous Conquest Area and CoW
- 2. Request to Restore Event Shop Rewards
- 3. Review of Champion Season Rewards Requested
- 4. Will Hero Skin Quests Be Revived?
- 5. Unlock Lara’s Expedition for New Players
- 6. Feasibility of Stat Reset
- 7. Align Gacha Mechanics with Soul Atrium
- 8. Request to Make Seymour Playable
- Main Updates and Game trends
- Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week31
Upcoming Events
- Mon. Jun. 03 – Mon. Sep. 02 : Mysterious Island (91 days)
- Mon. Jly. 29 – Sun. Aug. 25 : Prestige Cycle 3
- Mon. Jly. 29 – Sun. Aug. 25 : Guild Quests Cycle 3
- Fri. Aug. 02 – Fri. Aug. 30 : Champions Season ( > Rewards)
- Thu. Aug. 08 – Thu. Aug. 15 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Sun. Aug. 11 – Wed. Aug. 14 : Hunting for Prey ( > Event Shop)
- Wed. Aug. 14 – Wed. Aug. 21 :
Area of Conquest* Postponed - Wed. Aug. 14 – Sat. Aug. 17 : Foundations of Power
- Fri. Aug. 16 – Mon. Aug. 19 : A Portal Anomaly
- Fri. Aug. 16 – Mon. Aug. 19 : Mira the Pet Master
- Sun. Aug. 18 – Wed. Aug. 21 : Tenebris (Event)
- Wed. Aug. 21 – Fri. Aug. 23 : Piggy Bank **
- Wed. Aug. 21 – Sat. Aug. 24 : Weaving Patterns *
- Fri. Aug. 23 – : Blackbeard’s Legacy *
- Fri. Aug. 23 – Mon. Aug. 26 : Time of the Fearless (3 days)
- Fri. Aug. 23 – Mon. Aug. 26 : ? Emerald x4 Sale ?
- Fri. Aug. 23 – Fri. Aug. 30 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Mon. Aug. 26 – Sun. Sep. 22 : Prestige Cycle 4
- Mon. Aug. 26 – Sun. Sep. 22 : Guild Quests Cycle 4
- Tue. Aug. 27 – Wed. Aug. 28 : Secret Wealth
- Tue. Aug. 27 – Fri. Aug. 30 : Weaving Patterns
- Thu. Aug. 29 – Sun. Sep. 01 : Elemental Synergy
- Tue. Sep. 03 – Fri. Sep. 06 : Elemental Synergy
- Fri. Sep. 06 – Sat. Sep. 07 : Time of the Fearless (1 day)
- Fri. Sep. 06 – Sat. Sep. 07 : ? Emerald x5 Sale ?
- Fri. Sep. 06 – Fri. Sep. 13 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Sat. Sep. 07 – Tue. Sep. 10 : Guardians of Outland
- Mon. Sep. 09 – Thu. Sep. 12 : Legacy of the Great Ones
- Fri. Sep. 13 – Mon. Sep. 16 : Foundations of Power
- Wed. Sep. 18 – Fri. Sep. 20 : Piggy Bank **
- Fri. Sep. 20 – Mon. Sep. 23 : Time of the Fearless (3 days)
- Fri. Sep. 20 – Mon. Sep. 23 : ? Emerald x4 Sale ?
- Fri. Sep. 20 – Fri. Sep. 27 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Mon. Sep. 23 – Thu. Sep. 26 : Ascension to Asgard
- Mon. Sep. 23 – Sun. Oct. 20 : Prestige Cycle 5
- Mon. Sep. 23 – Sun. Oct. 20 : Guild Quests Cycle 5
- Thu. Oct. 03 – Sun. Aug. 06 : Guardians of Outland
- Mon. Oct. 07 – Tue. Aug. 08 : Time of the Fearless (1 day)
- Mon. Oct. 07 – Tue. Aug. 08 : ? Emerald x5 Sale ?
- Mon. Oct. 07 – Mon. Aug. 14 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Tue. Oct. 15 – Fri. Aug. 18 : Ascension to Asgard
- Fri. Oct. 25 – Fri. Sep. 01 : Emerald Waterfalls
- Mon. Oct. 21 – Sun. Nov. 17 : Prestige Cycle 6
- Mon. Oct. 21 – Sun. Nov. 17 : Guild Quests Cycle 6
- Tue. Oct. 29 – Fri. Sep. 01 : Time of the Fearless (3 days)
- Tue. Oct. 29 – Fri. Sep. 01 : ? Emerald x4 Sale ?
* Announcements only
**Dates may be subject to change
Event Calendar Format: 14 days

Event Calendar Format: 14 days (Plan)

Event Calendar Format: August

Event Calendar Format: September

Event Calendar Format: October

August Events

Official Message
Also, here is what events await you in August: Champion Season, Treasure Island, Guardians of Outland, Emerald Coins Titan Event, Foundations of Power, Elemental Synergy, Treasure Hunt, Weaving Patterns, updated Area of Conquest, Emerald Coins Hero Event, Portal Anomaly, Ascension to Asgard, Cosmic Battle, Time of the Fearless, Legacy of the Great Ones, and even more new things to come, which we will tell you about later!
Regarding the August Events!, the specific dates for the following have not been officially announced yet.
Treasure Island (Blackbeard’s Legacy)
Treasure Hunt
Area of Conquest (updated)
Live Stream Gifts Code

About the game update
Area of Conquest Update and postponed
- YouTube Announcement: An Area of Conquest update has been released on YouTube.
- User Experience Improvements: Improvements to make the system more user friendly.
- Reward Adjustments: Changes to the rewards system.
- Anti-Fraud Measures: New fraud prevention measures.
- Game System: The core game system will remain the same. (this was questioned several times in previous FAQ to be looked at).
- Area of Conquest was announced to start on August 14, but it was announced that it would be postponed!
Guild Raid Update
- Minion Battles: These will now be unlocked on Mondays for all frames.
- Subscription Changes: A subscription that increases morale points by 1.5x has been introduced. (and New Reward Lanes have been added.) This subscription can now be stacked to provide a massive buff, potentially doubling the effect. This may be a bug. There is much anticipation as to how this week’s results, including those for the Hall of Fame, will be handled in light of the new subscription changes. All eyes are on how Nexters will address these issues.
- There is also a bug that is preventing you from receiving your subscription rewards. This will be distributed later in the week.
Official Community Manager FAQ
Titles are tailored to the content.
1. Proposal to Avoid Simultaneous Conquest Area and CoW
- Q. If Nexters really wanted to focus on convenience, then I have an idea. #1 Have a two week break in between CoW Seasons. #2 The first week break would be to give players the chance to move to another server, change guilds or both. #3 Same as #2 but have AoC event going on during the 2nd break week. That way, there is not three wars going on at the same time.
- A. Yes, I agree. A break between CoW would be helpful. I have passed these suggestions to the developers.

2. Request to Restore Event Shop Rewards
- Q. we want orange sphere orb comes back , violet sphere was very low ”big” reward
- A. Hi! I have passed your suggestions to the developers, and they promised me to consider the option of changing the reward list.
![[Hero Wars Guide] Cosmic Battle Shop_1](https://h-w.fun/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/08/Hero-Wars-Guide-Cosmic-Battle-Shop_1.jpg)
3. Review of Champion Season Rewards Requested
- Q. Please consider some rework of Champion Season: 1) change Red Chest 2 to Red Chest 1 which has much more usable items. Or even better, merge those chests into one. 2) change all fixed orange/red item fragments into some kind of orange/red item fragment chest of your choice. Reason for this is that in current state Champion season already has many rewards which are useless/not much useful (not to mention gold + EXP potions). So at least give people way to choose what they want the most instead of forcing them items which they don’t need. They gave you their money after all.
- A. Hello! I agree with you. The rewards in the Champions season need to be reviewed. The developers have been given feedback on this matter, and we are waiting for them to take action.

4. Will Hero Skin Quests Be Revived?
- Q. Can the developers confirm whether or not hero skin upgrade quests will be reintroduced to the emerald coin events or other events in the future? I’ve held up a lot of skin resources for fear of missing out on future quests and would like to receive clarification from the developers.
- A. At the moment, I don’t have exact information. As soon as I get an update on this matter, I will get back to you with an answer.
![[Hero Wars Guide] Snake Charmer Quests 2023_1](https://h-w.fun/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/06/Hero-Wars-Guide-Snake-Charmer-Quests-2023_1.jpg)
5. Unlock Lara’s Expedition for New Players
- Q. Nexters, please open up the Lara Croft red expedition to all or more permanently obtainable red heroes so that new accounts can also get the 180 monthly red materials, some chaos cores, and other miscellaneous loot from that expedition. Keeping Lara’s expedition multiplier and simply making the expedition very hard but available for anyone else would be a nice compromise that possibly makes more sense as well. Please don’t turn this into a punishment by nerfing the expedition’s rewards while you are at it, though.
By locking all new accounts out of that expedition, you’ve created a strong incentive for existing players to not create new accounts due to the permanent significant loss of lacking this regular material income in the new accounts, probably costing you some profit from preventing investments into said new accounts. Lacking the expedition is worse than lacking the Lara Croft character because, as you said, there are many other viable compositions available but this monthly material income, on the other hand, cannot be recovered. Even if we buy materials from you monthly, we would still have less materials than a player with Lara Croft who buys the same amount of materials monthly, putting us at a considerable disadvantage.
This expedition provides the equivalent of ~2.5 f2p LotGOs yearly and, since new accounts already have a hard enough time catching up, this additional permanent handicap to the already-disadvantaged is possibly uncalled for. Hopefully you didn’t make our misfortune of also writing this aspect into your contract with Lara’s IP owner, I would be surprised if you did. - A. Lara’s event was a time-limited event regulated by an agreement with our partner. The only thing I can say is that developers will try to take such nuances into account during future partner collaborations.
![[Hero Wars Guide] Lara Croft talent](https://h-w.fun/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/Hero-Wars-Guide-Lara-Croft-talent.png)
6. Feasibility of Stat Reset
- Q. Imo the optimal leveling system would be a change whereby once you max out a certain aspect of a hero, you can revert that hero’s upgrade to any previous stage you’d like. You don’t get the resources back, so it’s not a money loss for Nexters, but you also retain the ability to scale the upgrades up again.
For example, let’s say I leveled Martha’s Health and Armor skins to 40/60 each when I was a noob (strange upgrade pattern, but noobs do stupid things). Instead of having to just stop there and pray it doesn’t affect my battles now, I could upgrade her skins fully to max, at which point I would be able to choose any upgrade at any time between 0-60 for that skin. If I wanted to fight Osh, maybe I’d scale the upgrades down so all the skins were lvl 0 (equivalent to a locked skin). But if I needed to fight Jhu or Kayla, then I turn the upgs all the way up to lvl 60 again.
Another example – Isaac’s arti weapon. If I accidentally absentmindedly lvl it to 119+ without paying attention, instead of just being stuck with suboptimal Isaac, I could then upg it fully to lvl 130, which would allow me to turn the upgs back to lvl 118 against Osh and keep it lvl 130 for pvp.
In this case, the upg reversion isn’t about resources, it’s about not permanently messing up your heroes by doing irreversible upgs when you don’t know any better or if you make a mistake. Imo every time you max a type of upg (an artifact, a hero’s ascension, GToW, GotE, items/promotion, a glyph, a skin, etc.) you should be able to undo those upgs at will. But only after you’ve maxed it - A. Yes, we receive a lot of feedback regarding players wanting the ability to change or roll back upgrades on their heroes. We regularly pass these suggestions to the developers. And I think (this is my personal opinion) that sooner or later something will be done about it. However, there is no official information at the moment.
7. Align Gacha Mechanics with Soul Atrium
- Q. Thank you very much for the new options in the Soul Atrium: 1/10 summons for Soul Crystal and 1/10 for emeralds. Seems to work perfectly.
Now please implement this everywhere in the game.
Thinking of pet and titan soul summoning, as well as of the Altar of the Elements. - A. Hi! Oh yes, it’s quite convenient! I heard that the developers are considering adding a similar mechanic to other entities as well.

8. Request to Make Seymour Playable
- Q. Can we try having another titan by the name of Seymour? The one who tried destroying Dominion is now one of the helpers.
AND PLESE DON’T IGNORE THIS CMs. - A. Seriously!? Someone wants to see Seymour as a Titan? Oh no!
![[Hero Wars] seymour](https://h-w.fun/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/08/Hero-Wars-seymour.jpg)
Main Updates and Game trends
Power of the Titans
Power of the Titans Tasks and Rewards
Cosmic Battle #6 Voting Results
Hunting for Prey
Hunting for Prey Event Shop
Eternal Seed
Asgard Ticket
Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024
The latest trends, Best heroes, Best teams
Tier List 2024 (on PvP)
Best Heroes 2024
Which DPS to Upgrade in 2024
Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024
Which Healer to Upgrade in 2024
Which Support to Upgrade in 2024
Which Control to Upgrade in 2024
Meta Teams
Best Teams
The Best Titans Tier List
Titan’s Meta Teams
Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week31
Guild War:Web31-Gold league, Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 20

CoW: Season 8 Temporary Place 18