
[Hero Wars Guide]Weekly Report 2024.Week30

  1. Report
  2. Main Updates and Game trends
  3. Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week30


Upcoming Events

* Announcements only
**Dates may be subject to change

Event Calendar Format: 14 days

Event Calendar Format: August

Event Calendar Format: September

Event Calendar Format: October

August Events

Official Message

Also, here is what events await you in August: Champion Season, Treasure Island, Guardians of Outland, Emerald Coins Titan Event, Foundations of Power, Elemental Synergy, Treasure Hunt, Weaving Patterns, updated Area of Conquest, Emerald Coins Hero Event, Portal Anomaly, Ascension to Asgard, Cosmic Battle, Time of the Fearless, Legacy of the Great Ones, and even more new things to come, which we will tell you about later!  

Regarding the August Events!, the specific dates for the following have not been officially announced yet.

Treasure Island (Blackbeard’s Legacy)

Emerald Coins Titan Event

Treasure Hunt

Area of Conquest (updated)

2024 Roadmap Released

Five major updates have been announced, although content and timing are subject to change:

3Q (July – September)

  • Area of Conquest Update
  • Implementation of Asgard expansion content

4Q (October – December)

  • Implementation of new hero
  • Launch of PvP League Event
  • Collaboration (with new hero?)

Billing option added for Asgard

  • The plan is to implement the billing option for the upcoming Asgard update in August.
  • Considering the permanence of the system, it is possible that it will be a subscription.
  • There will also be some kind of preliminary update for F2P users.

Official Message

Soon: More Asgard Rewards!

  • Asgard Expansion is coming later this year, but there is a smaller update right around the corner! If you are in constant need of more Ascension resources, later this month you will be able to boost your Asgard rewards as well as help your Guildmates in Raid Guild with a little purchase!
  • But there will also be something cool even for those who are not interested in any payment options — are you ready to tackle the Asgard challenges sooner than ever? 

August’s Hero of the Month: Lars

  • One half of the twins who were the strongest in 2021. Many players used him to unilaterally overpower K’arkh and Yasmine, who were very popular at the time. However, with the arrival of Isaac, Lars fell into decline.
  • Despite his decline, Lars is still useful in certain situations. He is sometimes used specifically for offense because of his effectiveness against the right opponents, even at low power.
  • Additionally, on development servers where most players have less than 600,000 Power, Isaac is very strong due to the general lack of high-powered opponents.

Hero of the Month

Group gift from HW X Account

  • Available for Web version only.
  • Group gift to celebrate reaching 1,000 subscribers. Its Boxy’s Gift.
  • Another group gift is given when the account reaches 2,000 registered users.
  • Although the account is in Japanese, the number of registered users is not limited to Japanese users, and the group gift is available to all.
  • The expiration date of this link is unknown.

HW X Account

Gooup Gift

Boxy’s Gift

New Hero “Folio” Appears in Mobile Version

  • Unknown if he Will Appear in the Web Version.
  • It is a rather unique book of magic. It fights with the ink of the letters described in its pages.

Official Community Manager FAQ

Titles are tailored to the content.

1. Summer Festival Should Return to 7 Days

  • Q. Dear CM and the rest…
    I have a mixed message to send
    1. Summer Festival was a wonderfull event as always. It’s one of the most joyfull and heartwarming events of the year and I look forward all year for it. I think its one of the events that represents the best in Hero Wars.
    Plus, I don’t know if I was just lucky or you made it more user friendly this year but I got way more points that I anticipated….I got in with 4 from last year and got out with 20! (28 if you count mysterious island addons, though I had to use most of my saved moves for that….In all, I got out with 28 coins when I was hoping for 20-22, so Thanks!
    2. From the other hand, exactly because its one of the most beloved events of the year, it was a little disappointing that it lasted only 5 days….It wouldn’t have hurted anyone if it had lasted 7! We do wait for that for a year! (Because it’s fun, even irrespectively of what you gain from it…!)
    So PLEASE, kindly consider rerolling it back to 7 days as it was…. I don’t mind much the quest line ,but please make it 7 days again! Thanks in advance…
  • A. Hey, thank you for all the feedback! I know that not everyone loved the new quests for Summer Festival, but it’s also important to get the feedback from those who loved it, and here it’s paired with a bit of constructive criticism and suggestion – perfect!

2. Improve Matchmaking in Cosmic Battles

  • Q. Nexters,

    We would like you to revisit the matchmaking and rewards concepts of the Cosmic Battle event to where the matchmaking is more fair for every peer group and so that the rewards can continue to draw purchases even in the midst of the fairer matchmaking.

    For the matchmaking, please change it to where each peer group is matched purely within their peer group. No longer do we want to see opponents with 100~250% more team power. As user said, an analogy is that there are “f2p, whales, dolphins, minnows, crabs, sea urchins, etc” among the player base. By matching the whales up against the sea urchins, you demoralize, alienate, and reduce the willingness to spend across the entire sea urchins peer group. Don’t demoralize entire peer groups, for your sake, as we primarily give you our money in exchange for the primary product that you sell: our enjoyment.

    For the rewards, (credit @DRM) please add multiple “grand-prizes”, where each one can be obtained, is incrementally better than the last, and requires a more perfect score in order to be obtained. This way, instead of dangling infront of the players upgrade materials with which players cannot grow enough to beat the next impossible opponent that you seemingly intentionally give them or a chance to re-roll another impossible opponent in, you instead dangle an option to roll in another opponent within their peer group for a reasonable chance at a more perfect score & reaching the higher grandprizes; probably a much more effective sales draw. It looks less offensive, too. The emerald spend required for a perfect score would draw more emerald sales.

    We believe these changes could change the event to where it can safely add enjoyment to the event for the smaller peer groups – no longer alienating them – and give more of your customers ample reason to spend on the event so that you can make a bigger profit. This way both you and (more of) your customers can be happy!
  • A. Thanks for the ideas! We do receive a fair share of critique for the matchmaking, but we also see some supporters of the current system. We will see if there is something we can do about that.

    Cosmic Battle is a unique event, to be honest – it’s one of the most engaging (both in terms of discussions and actual playtime), and it’s also one of the most divisive ones – usually players either hate it or love it, but also both groups seem to engage with it more than with many other events. A very strange event in that sense

3. Guild Prestige Rewards Not Being Delivered

  • Q. Yesterday we accomplished the last reward in that prestige cycle but most of our members were offline and didnt have the chance to collect it! We thought the game will mail the last reward for the players who were offline but no one got it yet, please fix this issue and send us what we deserve, thx. please star this if you have the same problem.
  • A. Hey, I’ve answered this one already, but let me address once again: first of all, sorry for the inconveniences, Prestige cycles proved to be very tricky; secondly, we fixed that issue for the majority of the players, so most of you got your resources already; finally, there are some players who still didn’t get their resources – we are working on that too. Thank you all for your patience

4. Request for Guild Prestige Cycle Logs

  • Q. Now that the prestige cycle finally matches the guild day, can we please get the actual amount of prestige gained in a day into this log? This would be very useful for tracking prestige cycle progress. And it’s not like you are shy about using the log for other prestige related stuff
  • A. Hey! It won’t be a pripority fix, but that’s definitely goes into backlog! (I think it’s already there, actually!)

5. Improve Guild Quests Due to Tediousness

  • Q. This quest, really? Every day …. reset sparks and click for 30 levels again. Couldn’t you just make a button called “Just take my money” ..? That would be 100% in line with Nexter$ policies.
  • A. Be careful when sharing this kind of ideas with CMs, I can share your suggestion with the team, after all!

6. Future Format of Mysterious Island

  • Q. Anyone know if the Mysterious Islands will be following July format? So will there be just chests and we are forced to rely on RNG or will it be actual resource rewards. If it’s the former, I won’t bother with em. Too much randomness as it is.
  • A. Not exactly, next time there will be a mixed format: we will still leave some of the chests, but there will be much more “stable/locked in” rewards than on the previous map

7. New Event Equals New Bugs, Right?

  • Q. There. Fixed it for you.
  • A. Well, I am not going to deny that there will be bugs (I would love that to be the case, but it’s just almost impossible to get there) – new stuff always bring new issues, that’s the rule of life! But we will do our best to find and fix the actually crucial bugs, leaving only the cute and relatively innocent ones, in order not to repeat the AoC mistakes. Great event ruined by the bugs, we do not want to repeat that.

8. Collaboration Events Should Be Limited

  • Q. Once again Nexter didn’t heard us, we DONT want collab, it’s stupid to make heros that new players will never have anymore on future, stop this nonsence!

    Not only it’s stupid, but it is also toxic to the longevity of the game
  • A. Hey, I got the notion behind your message, I really do. But we still see a lot of excitement about collaborations, especially when reaching out through surveys and seeing actual stats on players that do not necessarily chat on Discord too much, but they are not less important because of that. In general, it feels like collaborations is a new norm in a mobile/browser games field, that’s just my personal understanding of it

    Now to your point: from our side, we do try to bear these concerns in mind, that’s why:

    1) We do try to design Heroes that way that you won’t lose anything like absolutely crucial if you won’t get one specific Hero. Yes, from a strategic standpoint it will always be more optimal to have all the Heroes at your disposal just in case, but we try to avoid situations where if you don’t have one specific Hero you are doomed and can’t compete, our combat system is complex enough to allow that flexibility;
    2) If we will see enough interest or straight-up need we could try and do something like a collaboration “rerun”, that is not unheard of in terms of collaborations (but that’s not easy to set up, of course). But right now it’s definitely too early to talk about that

9. Area of Conquest Improvements Planned for 2-3 Updates Later

  • Q. Ok, can I say, I’m NOT looking forward to another Area of Conquest. It was a cool game mode, but I hated how you had to keep checking back every hour to compete and use your moves. It was a type of game that did not respect the player’s time, requiring you to constantly interrupt whatever else you are doing during the day to keep up.
  • A. Hey! Wee see a lot of excitement regarding the Area of Conquest event, but there are also concerns – understandably.

    You might remember that on the CoW launch there were a lot of heated up discussions on how time-consuming it is – some of it still true, some of it was due to the lack of proper instruments (and some instruments were provided to deal with that), and some of it was due to the mode being a new thing and players not playing it optimally just yet. That said, this level of demand is definitely the Achilles heel of the Area of Conquest, we are fully aware of that, and we will need to tackle it in some way in the future.

    We will see what kind of situation we will be in with Area of Conquest after a couple more launches, and will see what we need to adjust to make it less demanding without compromising the core concept. Because we can tell that the core concept is extremely fun – we loved playing it ourselves and saw how much you loved to play it!

10. What’s Happening with the New Guild Raid Boss?

  • Q. time to ask the CMs again: do we have any Info about the new ⁠guild-raid boss thats supposed to be comming ‘soon’ since osh was introduced?
    any date to plan with?
    or at least a statement that its still not coming this year, would also help…..
  • A. Hey! I don’t know, do you? No statements at the moment, we share in the ⁠news all we can and when we can!

11. Extend Retention of Osh Battle Logs

  • Q. We battle Osh from Friday to Sunday but on Monday the logs are gone. So we hardly have enough time to analyse.
    Can we please have Osh logs and replays for more than 1 weekend? For 2 weeks + 3days (until Sunday of 2nd weekend) would be great.
  • A. Hey @Zughul We’ve got all these General/GM related starboard suggestions and relayed them to the teams, thanks for highighting those areas!

12. Add Hero and Titan Power to Guild Joining Restrictions

  • Q. Nexters, would you please:
    A) add to the guild config menu minimum guild war hero/titan team power ratings,
    B) add to the join-a-guild UI a button for configuring your guild war hero/titan teams, and
    C) make these minimums visible from the various UIs that show guild information.

    The current lone recruitment control of a minimum team level has long ago outlived its usefulness since team level is only an indicator of relative strength during a server’s infancy, & most servers are long past infancy, we therefore feel that it is obligatory that you provide such an update to make the recruitment controls meaningful again.

    For instance, a guild that needs a new recruit to have a strong titan team currently has no control over this aspect, and might get a recruit with weak heroes & titans or one or the other. With this control, however, they could better ensure that the new recruit would meet the desired thresholds. Sure, the new recruit might have a horrible composition, but this still brings us closer to ensuring that our goals are met than the current system does, and is a reasonably simple and easy to develop method of doing so. The “invite” feature would continue to circumvent these thresholds, just as it currently circumvents the minimum team level, giving leaders a way to issue exceptions without modifying the thresholds.

    Please bring meaningfulness back to the guild recruitment controls via developing better & relevant controls such as these, thanks.
  • A. Hey! Thank you for the suggestions! We have our pool of ideas of what else can be done with the recruitment system, and those will go there for sure!

13. Slow Pace of Adding Ascension Skills

  • Q. I would be more thrilled with more current heroes receiving their Ascension skills.
  • A. I get it, but don’t have anything new to say about that – we are still planning to gradually add the Ascension Skills to Heroes, but we are not going to add them to a bunch of Heroes at the same time, the most likely result of that would be a complete meta breakdown with monsters more powerful than Dante and Isaac combined. So our gradual work of adding Ascension Skills to Heroes continues…

14. Reason Behind No Live Streams and Current Status of the Host

  • Q. Dear CMs,

    Did Nexters fire Daniel?

    We haven’t seen him for two months, and it’s been a long time since the official Live Streams for giveaways and gifts. Could you please ask the CMs for us? Thanks.
  • A. Nope, on the contrary! Daniel is now overseeing a lot of video-related staff both on our and mobile version of the game, so he just does not have time to stream that much! And we don’t want to bother him with trivial staff, but I think we will bring him back to the Live Streams soon enough, so you will have a chance to say hi and get some awesome rewards/join the online raffles!

Main Updates and Game trends


Mysterious Island

Guild Quests



Dungeon’s Damnation


The Divination Cards

Angus Collections

The latest trends, Best heroes, Best teams

Tier List 2024 (on PvP)

Best Heroes 2024

Which DPS to Upgrade in 2024

Which Tank to Upgrade in 2024

Which Healer to Upgrade in 2024

Which Support to Upgrade in 2024

Which Control to Upgrade in 2024

Meta Teams

Best Teams

The Best Titans Tier List

Titan’s Meta Teams

Guild DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO 2024.Week30

Guild War:Web31-Gold league, Place 1

Guild Raid:Place 11

CoW: Season 8 Temporary Place 35


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